Leo pov
I see the girsl already sit in a circle chit chat as we the boys busy for the campfire. I came because Riono ask me to join them. The moment I step in here, Aries rushes toward choel and they kinda quarrel a bit.
"I don't believe you guys fight because of ice cream." Eiji talks.
"Yeah.. you guys never fight before. Well, not in front of us."
"You're too secretive these day." Tarnisha smirks.
"Ari is mad." Choel sigh.
She sigh again and just smile. I can't help but to be affected. Aries shift the moment she see me. They must have discuss something.
"Did I offend her?" I can't help but to ask.
A faint smile cross Choel lips as she look at me. "I'm sorry. She just harving a hard time."
"You're lying." Tarnisha smirks. "Aries been out of control everytime Leo with us. I'm sorry but I feel that way." She apologize to me and I just smile weakly.
"She never talks to us. She just discuss things with you. We all are friend. She help me so I want to help her too. What is her issue?" Eiji ask seriously.
"She just going through hard time." Choel is avoiding the question nicely.
"We can help." Tarnisha hold Choel hand to encourage her.
"We'll help her when the time come. For now let cheer her up together ok?" She avoiding the question again.
"Cho ---"
"Please.." Choel emphasize.
"At least tell us something." Silis beg.
Choel eyes twitching as she fight with her inner conflict. "She's in pain. That all I could tell."
"So she's like Nisha. In pain"
"Hye.. I'm heal." Tarnisha smacks Eiji lightly.
"Her heart is in pain. She call Andrew bro with painful eyes. I can feel it. Her voice just full of suffering and loneliness." Silis speaks in her small tone but I heard it all.
"She have a brother?" My voice raise.
"She have?" Eiji ask again.
"But I never see her family member before." Tarnisha join in.
"She use to have one."
The girls completely shock. "Use to?"
"Did her brother ---" Silis didn't finish her sentence.
"He pass away." Choel raises and get inside her tents again. Its Aries who lost her brother but why does Choel crying.
Austin have been spacing out since Choel argue with Aries. He must be upset seeing his wife crying again. In addition to this new scene, he must be even heart throbing.
"You ok?" Andrew pat his brother back slightly.
"I'm fine." He lies. I know it.
"I feel guilty now. Its obvious that she doesn't like me here." I speak.
When Aries come back we all stop the discussion and do our own stuff. I join the boys and hang out with them. We joke and play alot. I don't remember the last time I went camping and relaxing like this. This is so much fun.
I didn't realize how fast the time goes by as we only play and joke among ourself. I rarely take vocation because I don't feel the need to. Work is my biggest distraction for the pain store in the deepest of my heart.
"Gather up. Come on." Eiji rushes us to circle around the campfire after dinner.
"What now. Ghost storie." Choel tease.
"No..!! I hate ghost story." Silis protes.
I laugh as I look for my seat. Most of the seat occupy with the pair. The only availabe chair is beside Aries. I don't think I should sit there. She hates me.
"Why are you standing?" Riono got my attention.
"I'm ---" I can't say it.
"Come. You can sit there. Ari would not mind. Right Ari?" Eiji point on the empty seat.
I look at her and she looks back at me. Like always, she will lower her sight first. But this time she speaks to me. "Sit."
"Sit Leo." Choel gesture me.
"Ok." I walk toward the spot and plop beside her.
"Alright.. ghost story." Choel speak happily.
"No!!" And again Silis protes.
"Come one. You got your knight in shinning armour beside you."
"Why can't we just listen to nature."
"Lol.. what are you. 1880." Andrew join in teasing his wife. Silis pout but not it the bad way.
"Truth or dare?"
This time I heard Aries voice. "Play that and I drag you to the bottom of the hell."
Then they chuckle. I smile secretly too. I wish they would not play that again. I don't want her to puke on me here.
"Let just sing." Tarnisha gets her guitar and they start to sing along.
As expected from a composer. She strums the instrument well and have lovely voice. Kyler just fall in love with his girlfriend again. The other clap for her fanstastic performance.
"Did you fall for me again?" Tarnisha tease her Kyler.
"Eueww.. I want to puke." Eiji jeer at her.
Its amazing how the girls have solid friendship for years. I just astonish to see they pair up with my friend and I even hang out with them. Its really like destiny.
"You should get a girlfriend already." Riono wisper beside me.
"You know I can't." I reply.
Then he pats my shoulder. "Movo on Leo. Its doesn't have to be this way."
I force a smile and focus back to Tarnisha new song. Let just enjoy this moment for now. Who know when the Phantom decide to kill me. At lease I am happy before I die.

Securing You (Little Gathering Series)
Romance6th book of Little Gathering Series Leo D' Onniel is the successor of the most powerful security company D'onniel Force (DOF) in their city. He got advance tecnology, elite train to be CPO and perfect circle of bisness connection. He done the legal...