Aries pov
"You should get a girlfriend already." Although Riono is wispering, I can still catch their conversation.
"You know I can't." Leo reply. There's slightly pain plus regret in his voice its built my curiousity.
"Movo on Leo. Its doesn't have to be this way." Riono sound pity.
I want to see their expression but I can't turn around. So I focus on Tarnisha instead. She is head over heel toward his kyler. Jezz.. they should just get marry. Everyone know how much they love each other.
"Ok.. ghost stories." Choel excited voice just drop Silis happiness.
"Arg.. Stop with the ghost stories."Silis protest again.
I chuckle and they all turn to me. The light in Eiji eyes show me that she is planing something. Shit.. since when she become tricky like Choel.
"Truth or dare?"
I throw a stone on Eiji but it land on Leo. Leo widen eyes shock me as we exchange look at each other. This is all Eiji doing.
"Lucky." Eiji stick out her tongue then hide behind Riono.
This girl really unbeliaveble. I roll my eyes on her but she grins even more. I just shake my head and lean back to the seat. They start chit chat among themself while I am pull inside my flash back.
"What with the sour face?" I ask when Ryan keep sighing and boardcasting his sadness.
"Leo.. he breaks up with his girl."
I look at him disbelief "And what that got to do with you?"
"I feel sorry for him." He is totally falling for that guy.
"Really?" I smirk.
He roll his eyes but I smirk even more. "I wish I am a girl so I can comfort him."
"Euww.. that so digusting."
He knocks on my head but I slap him on his shoulder. "I wish I can do something for him."
"Bro.. lets just keep that to youself. Even is you comforting him, he still prefer girl with big boobs and a hole. Seriously, you are so gay right now."
"Then you go. Cause you're a girl"
"Euw.. when the hell freeze." Then I run after stick out my tongue on him.
I open my eyes and turn to Leo. He is laughing and smiling brightly its provoke my raging anger. How can he live happily after he let him die. This is so unfair.
"You are enjoying yourself too much." My thought slip in my mouth the same time Leo meet my eyes.
"I'm sorry." He flusters.
"Have you lost someone important to you before?" For unknown reason I find myself talking to him.
"Does it make you happy?"
"Of course not. How can you be happy when they left you."
"You are right. How can you be happy." I emphasize. He doesn't even get my hidden meaning.
I got so much more I want to ask him. His smile and laughter keep geting on my nerve I can't contain my anger. My inner desire start to take over my thought.
"You can't keep griefing and mouring forever. The death can't be revive. But the living need to survive." He speaks while staring right in my eyes.
How did he know that..? That was writen in Ryan letters. How did ...
I raise from my seat and leave before I bash on him more. I need to stay away. I need to control myself.
"Where are you going?" Choel shouts.
"Night time walk." I answer shortly and speed up my pace.
"I'll go with her." Before I can refuse Leo already walk beside me.
I freeze and stare at him. "I don't want to walk with you." He heard me but he didn't flich at all.
"Have a nice night time walk. Leo, take care of her." Choel just make thing worse.
"I will. Don't worry." Why did he said that.
I ignore him and speed up my pace. I am trying to calm myself but with him beside me, I can't. Choel must be insane. She knew I don't even want to breath the same air with him.
"Leave. I don't want to walk with you." I use my dangerous cold tone to shover him away.
"Isn't it obvious. I hate you." I speak harsly.
"Yeah. But why?"
"What why?" I shout.
"Why you hate me."
"I just hate you." You let Ryan die and you expect me to like you.. But I didn't said that on his face. Maybe he is right. I am a coward.
"How can you hate me when you didn't even know me?"
"I was born to hate you." I answer sarcasticaly.
"That wound me."
I turn to him disbelief. Gosh.. is this the man Ryan admire alot. He sound so cheesy. "I hate you."
"That the fourth times you said your hate me in 5 minute." He speaks casually like we are friend.
"I. Hate. You."
"You just make it 5."
"Argh. Just leave." He is testing my patient.
"I can't. Choel ask me to take care of you remember." He shrugs.
"If she didn't would you leave?"
"No." His voice shift firm and manly.
"Because I decide to walk with you."
"Just leave." I find myself push him on his chest. But he didn't budge.
"Just what did I offence you, you hate me so much."
"I was born to hate you remember." I mock him again.
"I didn't know Aries was born to hate a Leo."
"Now you know. So fuck off." I shove him again but he didn't move an inch.
"Let just walk." In the end he lead the way.
"I hate you." I shout out again.
"I know." His voice fill with regret all the sudden.
He walks in front of me making me looking at his back.
This the man Ryan talk about everyday.
This is the man Ryan admire all day.
This is the man Ryan want to be someday..
But he let him die. I hate him.

Securing You (Little Gathering Series)
Romance6th book of Little Gathering Series Leo D' Onniel is the successor of the most powerful security company D'onniel Force (DOF) in their city. He got advance tecnology, elite train to be CPO and perfect circle of bisness connection. He done the legal...