Romano x Reader | Caramel Kisses

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You were so unbelievably excited when the alarm on your phone went off this morning. It was finally the 17th of and your boyfriend's two-year anniversary. Lovino Vargas was a very good boyfriend, despite what most people would think due to his first resort to almost anything being anger. He rarely ever got angry towards you, and when he did it was not without a good reason. However, Lovi was very prone to jealousy, and he often worried that you would leave him for his brother or best friend. He was so amazed that out of everything that could've happened, you ended up in his arms. Especially since your first date was a complete wreck.

It had been hell getting Lovino to agree to a date with you because he was so nervous. Can you believe that? Well, it's true. He was so very shy around you, and it was obvious he liked you, but he was terrified you only cared about his little brother, Feliciano. The Italian shot you down every time you asked until he finally gave in. "Alright, alright, ragazza! But only because you're so annoying. It's not because I have feelings for you or anything!" Lovi had said, his cheeks slightly blushed.

On your first date, you had decided to go to dinner and the theater. Well, Lovi didn't much like the idea of seeing a movie. So, he took you to get ice cream and both of you went to his house. You spread a blanket on the ground outside and watched the stars, still enjoying your ice cream. "Thank you. This has been the best date I've ever had." You smiled brightly, watching the stars twinkle. "You're just saying that, bella. All women do. It's their game. The moment I start to fall for you, you will break my heart." His voice was full of pain, and you stopped stargazing to look at him instead.

The fact that he had called you 'beautiful' in Italian completely sailed over your head like some elaborate joke. "I'm not like that, Lovi. Most women aren't. You really shouldn't give up just because someone hurt you." His eyes softened, and he looked away in embarrassment. "Perché dici cose del genere, ragazza? Mi fai venire voglia di amarti così tanto fa male." [Why do you say things, girl? I do come to want to love you so much it hurts.] Lovino wouldn't look at you.

It was almost as if for a moment you understood Italian. You didn't need to fully understand it to know what he had said. "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. To be honest...I'm scared too. If we become a couple, you'll be my first boyfriend. So please, don't do this to yourself. You aren't the only one afraid, Lovi." You said softly, leaning in closer to him. You decided to liven up this date, and so you dabbed a finger into your ice cream and smeared it on his cheek. "Ah! Why did you do that? That's so cold!" Lovino gasped. "I'm just trying to have some fun." You stated, swiping a bit of the caramel off your finger and tapping it on his nose. "You want to play like that, huh, bella?" The Italian's eyes lit up and dipped a finger in his caramel ice cream (oddly enough, you both loved the caramel caribou flavor).

Before you could even move away, he had decorated your face with it. The two of you continued to do this until the ice cream was almost gone, and most of it was covering both of you. "I think I won, ragazza!" Lovino smirked, admiring his handy work. "Nope. I'm pretty sure I won." You grinned. Before either of you could say anything else, Lovi leaned in to kiss you. At first, you were so shocked that the dark-haired boy had made this move, but then you melted into the kiss and wrapped your arms around him.

All you could taste on his lips was sweet caramel and mixing with his normal taste it was intoxicating. "I am so sorry for the way I was acting, bella. Truthfully, ti amo." Lovino sighed sadly, stroking your cheek with his thumb as you pulled apart. His green eyes glittered like the starlight above. "I love you too." And you enjoyed the rest of your date, but you went home and instantly took a shower from all the darn caramel ice cream.
[Flashback End]

After that date, things went so smoothly between the two of you that it was almost hard to believe he was scared at all in the beginning. The long-awaited knock on your door came around noon, and you weren't the least bit surprised that your sweet boyfriend had bought you a beautiful bouquet of flowers. "Lovi! These are gorgeous!" You smiled widely, accepting his gift. "Not quite as beautiful as you, la mia bella stella." He kissed you sweetly, and there was a taste that lingered on his lips.

It faintly reminded you of something. "Were you eating something with caramel?" You asked simply, taking the flowers to a vase and arranging them neatly inside. "I thought of what to do for our anniversary so many times, bella. We have done so much together, I couldn't decide. So, this morning I had some of our favorite ice cream, and I decided what I am going to do." "And what on earth would that be, Lovi? Careful, honey. You're starting to sound romantic." You smirked, laughing at the light blush that spread out across his face instantly. "Tonight, we will watch the stars together just like we did when we first met. I want to see your eyes light up like they did that night." He mumbled, trying to sound romantic, but Lovi was still so awkward at these things sometimes.

You suppressed a giggle to save his pride. "That sounds perfect, baby." You pressed a gentle kiss into his lips. So, when the sky grew dark and stars peppered the night sky, you two took a road trip up to the ice cream shop and with cups of caramel caribou in hand, you ventured to the yard behind his house and you spread it across the same spot, on the same day, at (roughly) the same time, with the same lovely dessert. Lovino shoved a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth, almost as if he was nervous. "Slow down, tiger. We should really savor the ice cream." You directed him. Lovi nodded slowly, before looking up at the stars. "Now is when the real show begins." He muttered.

You looked over at him curiously and realized that his ice cream cup was now on the blanket and he was slowly inching towards you. "W-what do you mean?" You frowned. "This is my favorite part...when I can see the universe in your eyes, la mia stella preziosa." It was probably the most beautiful thing he had ever said to you. Lovi was not usually a man of words, and generally, when he wanted to be, those words came out in Italian. "Lovi..." You whispered as he brought his mouth to yours.

Once again, the caramel taste was so prevalent. You reveled in the velvet feel of his lips and the sweet taste that came with them as he became more passionate. Lovino's feelings took over the kiss for him and he became wild, tangling his hands in your hair and doing things with his tongue that he only ever does when he's so in love with you that he can't contain it anymore. "(Y/N), I need you to understand just how much you mean to me. I have been alone my whole life, save for the tomato bastard and my annoying little brother. No woman has ever done the things you have for me. I have never believed I was worth anything compared to Feliciano...but you have made me unafraid. Ti amo, (Y/N)." Lovino's voice was filled with passion and love as he clawed around in the pocket of his jacket for something.

For a moment, the world was still as he pulled out a small silver band. "L-L-Lovi!" You gasped. "This is not a proposal yet, Bella. This is a promise. That cheeseburger loving bastard Alfred told me this is a big thing in America. So, I wanted to do this to show you that no matter what, I will always be there for you. When the time is right, I will ask you to be my wife. But, for now, I want to give you this to show any other man that you're mine. Do you accept my promise?" Lovino explained. You just sat there staring at him open-mouthed for a few minutes while you collect your feelings. "Of course, I do, Lovi!" You nodded happily, and he grinned before sliding the ring on your finger. It was simple and beautiful, and you couldn't help but tear up a little bit. "Happy anniversary, my Bella." He whispered, kissing you again with those enticing caramel flavored lips of his. "Happy anniversary, my Lovino." You smiled, admiring the ring that symbolized the promise he had just made to you.

" You smiled, admiring the ring that symbolized the promise he had just made to you

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