〖2〗Canada x Reader | Butterfly Kisses

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You quickly threw on some clothes and ran down the stairs of your house having just woke up from a nap you found yourself late to a study date with your best friend Matthew. You were having trouble in math and since Matthew was a straight A student the two of you set up a study date at his house, unfortunately, the two of you were only friends much to your disappointment.

As you fumbled to get your shoes on as you left the door you ran to your Canadian friend's house which luckily was only down the street. Upon reaching Matthew's door you took a few seconds to catch your breath and make yourself look presentable before lightly knocking on his door. A few seconds later the door opened to reveal the handsome Canadian you knew and loved so much. "Oh! (Y/N) your here." Matthew said, voice just above a whisper. "Sorry, I'm late Mattie I took a nap and slept in."

"It's fine (Y/N) you're not that late" Matthew said blushing from the nickname and stepping aside to let you inside. Once inside your nose was greeted by the familiar scent of warm maple syrup that you loved so much. Taking a deep breath you set your things down and took a seat on the couch in his large living room. "We should get started right away." Matthew suggested taking a seat next to you on the couch pulling out a math textbook, a piece of paper, and a pencil along with you the following suit.

[Time Skip]

It had been 30 minutes into studying and you were drifting off into sleep as Matthew was reading out of the textbook, and it wasn't long until he noticed your sleeping form. To him, you looked like an angel and he couldn't help but lean in close your face and stroke your cheek. without realizing it his face gradually leaned closer to yours and he was unintentionally giving you butterfly kisses on your cheek. In your slumber, you could feel yourself being awakened by a tickling sensation on your cheek and your eyes slowly rose to meet violet ones staring back into your (E/C) ones.

"O-oh (Y/N) you're awake! I was just m-making sure you...d-didn't have a fever!" Matthew stuttered with a flustered expression on his face. You slowly sat up on the couch with a blush rising on your own face registering what just happened. "I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have fallen asleep let's just continue studying." You said, your blush darkening. With that, the two of you tried to shake off the events that just happened and continued studying.

[Mini-Time Skip]

One hour later the two of you were falling asleep on the couch but not before Matthew leaning down to your sleeping form and kissing you gently on the lips before joining you in sleep, cuddling your form.

[Another Mini-Time Skip]

In the morning you awoke to warmth wrapped around your whole body which you assumed was a blanket but when you opened your eyes you were greeted by the sleeping face of your best friend Matthew. "Matt?" You questioned while sitting up on the couch. "Oh (Y/N) you're awake you looked so peaceful when you were asleep and I didn't want to wake you." "Okay, but why were you holding me?" At this remark, Matthews' face lit up a bright red and he started stuttering. "W-well you looked k-kind of c-cold and I d-didn't want to get a b-blanket and stuff s-so y-yea."

You couldn't help but giggle at the cute expression on his face as you leaned over and kissed Matthew on the cheek while fluttering your eyelashes and giving him butterfly kisses at the same time. Matthew's face flushed even darker but he giggled a little bit at the tickling sensation you were giving him. "I um t-think I like you a lot, Matthew." You said to him your own face flushing a little. "I like you too (Y/N)." Matthew smiled while leaning over and passionately kissing you on the lips.

Smiling mischievously into the kiss you firmly grabbed Matthews' shoulders and pushed him back onto the couch and climbed on top of him so you were straddling his hips. Unfortunately, that terrible thing called air was needed and you broke the kiss to catch your breath.
"Why don't I go make us some breakfast." Matthew suggested smiling shyly up to you.
"Sounds good." You replied. With that, you and Matthew walked hand-in-hand to his large kitchen to help him make some of his delicious pancakes.

 With that, you and Matthew walked hand-in-hand to his large kitchen to help him make some of his delicious pancakes

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