Switzerland x Reader | Autumn's Kisses

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(Y/N) smiled as she looked outside. It was so beautiful out. Autumn was her favorite season. It wasn't too cold nor too hot, just the perfect weather. The leaves had turned to their many different colors and had begun to leave the trees bare. She had been daydreaming about (F/F) [favorite Fandom] for a while, a closed book in her lap. Light footsteps came down the stairs. (Y/N) looked up, it was her boyfriend Vash. The blonde wasn't wearing a camo jacket for once. (Name) was surprised. "Um... (Y/N)." He said quietly.

A blush on his face. "Do want to go on a walk with me?" A soft, warm, smile spread across the (H/C) face. "I would love to Vash." she took his outstretched hand. "It's chilly." He said. "You'll need your jacket." (Y/N)'s smile widened slightly, typically Vash, always being very protective. (Y/N) pulled on her light jacket and met Vash out on the porch. He seemed nervous. "Are you alright Vash?" She asked. "Oh! Yes. I'm fine." He said startled, "I was just thinking." "Alright. If there's something wrong just tell me." She told him.

The emerald-eyed blonde nodded and grabbed her hand. The pair intertwined their fingers together as they walked. After a few minutes of silence (Y/N) asked, "Vash? I've never seen this path before, where are we going?" "Someplace special. I don't go there very often." He explained. They continued to walk on a path unknown to (Y/N), but what the girl did not know, was the man by her side had been walking this path for days. Just thinking.

The orange, red, and yellow leave crunched beneath their feet. (Y/N) sighed happily through her nose. She loved these kinds of moments. Where wasn't holding his gun, chasing people away. She loved Vash and she loved those quiet moments they shared together. The couple stopped at a beautiful lake view. The autumn breeze pushed at their hair. Leaves were floating gently in the lake. Vash guided his girlfriend over to a bench. "It's beautiful isn't it?" she said staring deeply at the lake. "Yes." Vash said. "Just like you." He cupped her cheek in his hand and kissed her passionately.

When he pulled away, he asked, "(Y/N), do you love me?" (Y/N) was taken aback by the question. "Vash, of course, I love you. I love you more than I do anyone in the world." A small comforting smile crept over the Swiss mans' face and pulled (Y/N) close to him. They spent that day walking around on the many different paths on the land Vash owned. The leaves were falling. The breeze was cool and light. Everything was perfect, absolutely perfect.

(Y/N) smiled lightly, thinking this day would never get better, as she stared out over a lake. Vash pulled on her (F/C) sleeve. "Um, (Y/N)." He said. "Hm. Yes Vash, what is it?" She asked. "I... I was wondering." The blonde suddenly dropped onto one knee. (Y/N) covered her mouth with her hand, gasping. "Will you marry me?" He reviled a black box, with a sparkly ring in it. Tears of joy flowed down her cheeks as she nodded vigorously. No words could escape her. Vash smiled wiped her tears away with his thumb. They shared one more kiss on the banks of the crystal clear lake. One kiss that meant more to both of them than anything else in the world. Autumns kiss

 Autumns kiss

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