〖4〗Canada x Reader | Coffee & Kisses

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Stepping into the small, quaint shop, I inhale the scents of rich, dark mocha and the lighter smell of freshly-ground coffee. It's been a while since I've been here, in this quiet and comforting place. I can blame my absence on the allies' meetings; the gatherings always end up back to arguing and bickering, and mostly I'm too worn out to do anything else than go back home and sleep it off. Today, though, the allotted time was canceled due to someone taking over people's vital regions again. As such, I find myself with the day off and nothing to do. Better spend it reading and drinking man's greatest invention than do paperwork. Honestly, I don't understand why all the country's bosses give out so much pointless work. Shouldn't we be trying to find world peace or something instead of writing paragraphs and signing signatures on a flawless line? Whatever.

The door closes with the faint sound of melodic tinkling bells. Moving around the mahogany chairs and russet-colored tables, I find myself at the counter of my favorite coffee shop, staring up at the rows of words describing what the amazing smells contained in this room are named. Smiling, I scan the hanging board above my head for my favorite drink. Eyes searching for my target, I hardly notice the server that walks up to help me. "W-what can I get you?" In a voice so quiet that I would have missed it if there had been more people in the café, I swivel my head to take in the man before me. That accent- Canadian with a hint of French. Interesting, but not surprising seeing as the Canadian border is close to the country that I am, or who is me, or whatever you want to call the person who represents (your own country's name is inserted here. Yup.). Intrigued, I curiously stare at him.

Soft, vibrant violet eyes meet my own (E/C) ones, and I start, taking a few steps back. I murmur an apology before looking back up, ashamed of my reaction. 'Just because the color is rare doesn't mean it's impossible.' I think to myself as I meet the gaze waiting for me. I smile, hoping to ease the sudden tension. I get a small grin in return, and I am relieved that the counter-guy doesn't take me as an idiot. He's pretty cute, too, with that wavy sun-kissed golden hair and adorable q-curl. I take note of the patterned belt he wears- the Canadian flag has never been so fashionable. Then again, I bet this dude can make anything look good; it just seems to be his style. "Erm, I'll take the –favorite coffee here-, with...well, what would you recommend?" I gesture to the baked goods contained behind the glass, lit with fluorescent lights that make the glaze on the donuts glow, tempting, and undoubtedly sugary. "O-oh! Uhm, I'd say...those truffles or our new sugar cookies...have you tried them yet? N-no? They're delicious, trust me!"

Usually, I'd just hear the stutter and infer that the person was nervous or socially inept, but here...it's never been more charming in that oh-so-cute way. I wink and reply. "Sounds good. How much do I owe you?" "How about I bring you your tab once I get your coffee- and I'll bring the sweets out to you. Thank you for your business!" "Heh heh... no problem; I love this place. It's always wonderful to come here and sit-maybe read a novel or get some paperwork done. It's so nice and quiet and peaceful- something I could use more of. See ya~!" "Y-yeah...I've seen you around. Bye!" Leaving Mr. Adorable, I walk over to a vacant table and sit down. Closing my eyes, I breathe in the air again- amazingly, a small place like this can smell so nice. Crisp apple, pure and sweet, nuts; warm, earthy, buttery...coffee, of course, complex and amazing...everything blends together to create a place I'd never want to leave. "Your order?"

I slowly open my eyes, reluctant to leave the room my mind had constructed by way of scent. He's standing there, one arm occupied with a tray that holds my coffee and intricately decorated cookies, almost too perfect to be real. "Thanks...and my tab?" "Taken care of by an admirer..." His cheeks turn redder than his dear Canadian flag, and it doesn't take much to put two and two together. I'm flattered, quite honestly, and for a second I have no idea what to say. Clearing my throat, I rack my brain for a decent reply. "Th-thanks...and would you perhaps, be that admirer?"

He stutters out an intelligible answer to my question, and I inwardly sigh at the cutest expression on his face. He sets my food down on the table, sliding into the chair opposite mine. Gulping, he glances up at me through blond eyelashes, before his eyes return to their former spot, firmly fixed on the wood floor. "My name is... Matthew Williams, and...imsosorrybuti'vebeenwaitingforyoueverydaysinceyoufirstwalkedinhereand-" I gently place a finger on his lips. "Again...please? And slow down a bit...I'm not sure what you just said with that rapid of a pace." His face becomes crimson, a tad darker of a shade than it was before. "I'm Matthew Williams...and you are one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. I'm so sorry that this sounds so ...stalker-ish, but ever since you first walked through that door I've been taken with you. You are so perfect, so pretty, so charming...." Acting ashamed, he stares harder at the floor.

My body acts before my mind does, and in one fluid motion, I lean across the small table, taking his mouth in a kiss. "That was so cute, Mattie. You don't mind if I call you that do you? I must say, I wouldn't mind going out with a guy like you...you are adorable." I blush at my comment and feel my face heat up. Matthew rises, walking over to me in a few short steps. And before I can react, he has my lips in a deep kiss, passionate and fiery and amazing. His teeth graze my bottom lip, and I give him what he wants. As if I wouldn't. Our tongues begin a battle for dominance, and although he may be shy, it sure as hell doesn't stop him from giving me one of the best kisses I've ever had. And his taste...exactly like maple syrup and cookies and sunshine. Breaking for more air, we look at each other, both of our faces as red as one of Spain's tomatoes.

[Mini-Time Skip]

Suddenly filled with the need for this guy I've known for exactly a half-hour, I pull myself into a hug, warm and sweet and comforting. He embraces me back, and I smile into his waiter's outfit, nuzzling his chest.

"I love you."

"Je t'aime"

𝐇𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 | Hetalia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now