Prussia x Reader | Salt Water & Kisses | Part 2/2

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You groaned, light tickled your nose, making it crinkle in irritation. But sighing, you nuzzled your pillow in content. Everything was so peaceful, so warm. Your legs were caressed by silky sheets, as you shifted. All tensions were vacant of your body, you were at ease. Slowly you began to drift back asleep, yawning, you slipped your hand further underneath the pillow. Your free hand, pulled the blanket closer to your body.

It was unthinkable, the thought of withdrawing from your safe haven. The air was cold to your exposed skin, making you shiver. Goosebumps arose on your tender flesh, making you burrow yourself deeper in the bliss of the blanket's shelter. But thankfully, you were pulled closer to a body that radiated heat.

Once again, you sighed in bliss...wait...Body!?

Your eyes flew open, and soon you were deathly aware of the arm that was wrapped around you. You eyed the weathered skin, a second passed. A blood-curdling scream was torn from your lips, it startled even you. Panicking, you lunged forward, hitting the hardwood floor with a loud


You kicked your legs free from the bed sheets, that encased you like a fly caught in a spider's web. Crawling away from the bed, you glanced over your shoulder. A figure emerged from the sheets, his head now sticking out as he sat up. Groaning, the man rubbed at his eyes, his snow-white hair blocking his face from your view. "What?" He grumbled, his voice raspy from the lack of sleep. Shifting his gaze to you, he raised an eyebrow at your huddled form.

Your heart pounded in your ears, fear filled you, and you desperately wrapped your arms around your body. Sighing, scarlet eyes rolled. Climbing out of bed, the sheets released him. You nearly had a heart attack as you spied his bare chest, but your stiff body slightly relaxed once you saw his baggy white pants. As he walked over to you, you glanced around. Grabbing the nearest object to you-which was a palm-sized compass, you turned back to him, compass posed to be thrown. "S-Stay back! Or "I'll-" "Or you'll what?" The man smirked as he cut you off, chuckling, he hunched before you. With a snort, he tousled your hair and snatched your weapon away before standing back up.

The man grabbed his captain's coat, shrugging into it, as well as stuff the compass into his pocket. Lazily, he buttoned up only a few buttons, before walking out the door. But before he did, he paused in the doorway, glancing at you over his shoulder. "There are clothes in that dresser." He grunted as he nodded to the dresser across from the room, giving a wink as he left, his tailcoats swishing behind him. "What...?" You mumbled to yourself, frozen in bewilderment as you watched him leave. It took you a couple of minutes before you regained your composure and stood up.

Stumbling to the dresser, you opened up a drawer, searching through it. Sighing, you glanced to a nearby mirror. Your hair was tangled and messily framed your face. Which was a bright red; Raising up a hand, you touched your cheek, startled by its heat. Looking down at your body, you were glad to recognize your own disheveled clothes. "A-at least I didn't.." You sighed soundly in relief, stopping, you looked back to your reflection. A flush returned to your face once again, even your ears tingled with a bright red. Turning away, you surveyed the room.

The walls were a yellowish beige, white swirls imprinted in them. And to your surprise, a painting of a small yellow bird was painted on a wall, near the bed. The room felt masculine, and a slightly spicy smell filled it. The furniture was oak, darkened with age. Everything in this room seemed private, like the man's own sanctuary. Even the bed seemed sacred, with its ruby sheets, and a black blanket.

Shaking your head, you tried to get rid of your wandering thoughts. Sighing, you looked back to the drawer of clothes. Hand brushing lightly against the piles of outfits, you picked up another coat. "I already have clothes on" you reasoned to yourself, staring at the garment. Biting your bottom lip, you raised it slowly to your nose, in taking the scent that clanged to it. The same spicy scent that danced on the room's air, wafted from the coat. 'Must come from him.' you thought in a haze. Clearing your throat, you pulled on the coat, face aflame. Leaving the buttons undone as Gilbert had done, you stepped outside.

Gilbert? Who... It came rushing back to you, the door, the fisherman, and especially Gilbert. Out of nowhere, he came flying to the rescue, tailcoat flapping in the wind. And after he pried the man away from you, he invited you aboard his ship. Naturally, you protested when the bed was presented to you. But after he vowed that he wouldn't touch you, you sourly were forced to climb under the covers. And despite being a pirate, he was true to his word..well besides the whole "arm thing". But you didn't really care about that.

The only harm he did, was snoring in your ear after he mumbled out his name. Blushing, you had stuttered out your own in response, only to discover Gilbert was fast asleep. You only wished he had told you he was a cuddler beforehand, as soon as he crawled into bed, his arms were wound tightly around you. Leaving you caged between them, as you prayed he didn't hear your pounding heart. As you were sure he would hear it.

 As you were sure he would hear it

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