〖2〗Denmark x Reader | Deil & Confessions & Kisses

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The grocery store was chalked full of all kinds of people. From tiny screaming babies to speed-demon old women in wheelchairs, the place was a crowded intersection. You peered over to your friend Elizaveta, who promised she would help you hook up with your lifelong crush, the Danish Mathias Densen. He had it all, the gorgeous fluffy blonde hair, the piercing blue eyes, the amazing sense of humor, and his wildly stylish appearance. And for that, you loved him."Now I don't want you backing out anytime today, you got me?" Elizaveta commanded you as she pointed her finger to you strictly.

She had brought you to the grocery store to spy on Mathias while he worked at the Deli meat counter. So basically, you were there to stalk and go out with the man of your dreams. Great, right? Other than the fact that you would spend the next few hours watching Mathias, you were upset at the entire idea of doing it the way Elizaveta planned on going about it. She planned on peeping through the counters and shelves just to watch him do his job.

You two made your way across the large grocery store until you stopped at the clothing section, which had an amazing view of the Deli section...and Mathias. "Now pretend like your going through the clothes, but still keep an eye on Mathias, m'kay?" Elizaveta coached you while she feverishly shuffled through the fancy blouses. You looked over at Mathias, admiring his muscular arms that prepped and cut the meat. Even this simple action made you weak in the knees, unable to even speak properly. Soon. You thought to yourself. Soon I can casually walk up to him and finally ask him out!

You sat there fantasizing about him, unaware that you had been staring at him for the past fifteen minutes! By now, Elizaveta had bolted away from you for one reason, Mathias was on his way to were you were standing. The bad thing, he was probably upset that you had been creepily staring at him for such a long time! "Excuse me, what were you staring at?" He asked you in his thick Danish accent. You looked up at him with sorrowful eyes and responded, "I was just spacing out. I'm so sorry about disturbing your work..." "Disturbing?" He said in full enthusiasm, "I was distracted by your eyes! They were so...you know...uhhh..." "Pretty?" You cut in with a smile.

Crap. You had just made an explosion of desperation, and you couldn't stop the choo-choo train of confession from tumbling off its tracks and into an icy cold lake. "Mathias! I've always liked you! I know this sounds totally desperate and out of my character, but I have been in total love with you for the past four years! You haven't really noticed me, but every hello you've said to me has been a dear memory in my heart. I've never felt this way about someone, and I hope you understand, so I'll put it in your words. I'm the milk and you're the Oreo. I CAN'T BE ME WITHOUT YOU!" You nearly squealed out in public.

You shut your eyes so tight you thought your brain would be squeezed right out your ears. The atmosphere was awkward and quiet. You felt ashamed of your confession and refused to re-open your eyes until you heard him walk back to the Deli counter as a sign of rejection. "(Y/N)...." He said in a small voice only audible to both of you, "Since you're the one to crack first, I suppose it's my turn." You decided to slowly open your eyes, only to see him inches away from your face, a sweet smile wiped onto his face. "I share the same feelings for you if not more. I got this lame job in hopes of seeing you turn up in a commonplace like this. No joke. Your pretty, no, beautiful. I'm so happy you said those things, and I want to ask you something very important..." He told you as he peered into your heartfelt eyes. "...Will you be my girlfriend?" You were speechless, and the only thing you could do to seal the deal was something super cliché, a kiss. You nearly crashed your lips onto his an immediately knew by the sparks that were sent through your body----He was the one. 


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