Greece x Reader | Sleepy Kisses

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You were walking around in a turf field, looking for your childhood friend, Hercules. You met Hercules when you were 5 years old, And you two had been best friends since then. Although, you've been developing feelings towards the lazy cat-loving Greek. Every time you were with him, your heart started beating faster and you felt butterflies in your stomach, not to mention the blush that came over your cheeks every time he looked at you. You shook your head, snapping out of your thoughts and started looking for him again. You agreed to meet him at 15:00 near a river, but he was probably napping somewhere as now was 15:41 and he still hasn't appeared. You sighed not knowing where to look.

When you were about to give up, you saw a man sitting against a tree, sleeping... with a bunch of cats around him. You knew immediately it was Hercules and started walking towards him. When you reached him, you smiled at the sight of the sleeping Greek with around 20 cats around him. You giggled quietly at the scene 'Might as well stay here. I've got nothing to do anyway.' you thought to yourself as you sat next to him. As you sat down, you awoke some cats and they started crawling over to your lap and snuggling closer to you.

You petted the little animals and smiled down at them. You heard Hercules shift a bit, so you looked to your side, only to be greeted with the face of your childhood friend 2 inches away from yours. He had sensed the heat of your body and snuggled a bit to your side. You blushed intensely and looked away. After you calmed down a little, you looked back at him and took in his features. His eyes were closed, his long lashes brushing against his cheeks, some of his hair covering his face.

You smiled warmly and brushed some strands of his hair out of his face. You kept your hand on his cheek, feeling the warmth that he gave off. He leaned against your touch and you giggled 'Such a cute kitty' you thought, and placed your forehead on his. You looked at his face more closely now and tried to resist the urge to kiss him right there and then. But, all your resistance was in vain as you found yourself leaning in and lightly kissing his lips.

His lips were soft and moved tiredly against yours. Wait... Moved!? You pulled away quickly and saw that Hercules was still with his eyelids closed and seemingly asleep. 'W-was it j-just my imagination?'  You decided to not take any risks of him waking up and directed your attention to the cats. As you were playing with the one that was on your lap minutes ago, you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist and push you down, making you fall on your side.

You groaned quietly in pain and looked at the cause of your fall. You realized that Hercules had pushed you and was now behind you, hugging your waist. Your face turned 50 shades of red and you looked away, although, as you felt him pull you closer to him, you could hold back any longer. You sifted and turned to look at him. You cupped his cheek and kissed him slowly.

After some time, you felt the arms around your waist tighten and pull you closer, surprising you and making you pull away. You looked at Hercules and he now had his eyes opened, looking at you teasingly. You blushed "W-what?" You asked looking everywhere but his eyes. He chuckled a bit, but held the back of your head and leaned in, kissing you again.

You didn't waste time kissing him back, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He smiled into the kiss. He pulled back after some time and looked into your eyes. He smiled warmly and tiredly at you and pecked your forehead, your nose, your cheek and finally your lips. You pouted at the lack of affection and pulled him in for another kiss. He chuckled a bit into the kiss, the sound muffled by the kiss.

Finally, you pulled away for air and he placed his forehead on yours, your noses touching. "Se agapó, (Y/N)..." [I love you] He said between breaths. You smiled again at him and pecked his lips. "I love you too, Hercules..." You replied and he was about to kiss you again, but a little kitten got in the way, and he kissed the little kitten's head. You blinked and laughed at this. He sighed but smiled a bit himself. You picked up the kitten and placed him behind Hercules and leaned in to kiss him again.

[Mini-Extended End]
"(Y/N)!!! Greece!!! Where are you!!?" You broke the kiss at the sudden voice, and sighed, smiling a bit. "We're coming, Sadik!!" You yelled back and started getting up, but Hercules pulled you down and kissed you gently and slowly, before pulling away and getting up, pulling you with him. "There you two are! I've been searching for you two for almost an hour!" He said looking at you.

You smiled apologetically at him. "Sorry, Sadik. We lost track of time." You said scratching the back of your head. Sadik sighed. "Fine, fine. Let's just go. The festival is going to get packed." He said walking ahead of you two. You and Hercules stayed about 2 feet from him, heading to the festival. Hercules grabbed your hand and smiled at you. You mimicked his features and started walking, hand in hand with Hercules and with Sadik a few feet away from you to the festival.

 You mimicked his features and started walking, hand in hand with Hercules and with Sadik a few feet away from you to the festival

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