Austria x Reader | A Symphony of Kisses

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Sweat collecting in anticipation on your brow, you mumbled a curse. The hand clutching the worn down doorknob, you slowly turned it. Hand instantly shielding your eyes, you tried to block out the bright light that surrounded you. Blinking, you stepped forward. You were in a well-kept room, the hardwood floor polished so well that your reflection twinkled underfoot. Large panes of glass revealed an early morning sky. Brushing a strand of hair behind an ear, you began to walk forward.

Shoes making subtle clicking noises, you were enraptured by a sweet sound that drifted on the air. The heavenly notes that danced to and fro in the hallways, came from what appeared a nearby piano. Small smile creasing on your face, you followed the sound. Giving a slight hop to it, you glided down the twist of hallways. Many paintings, were hung upon the walls. Eyes wandering, you realized that some were famous works.


The sudden thunderous noise startled you, jumping at the sound, you paused momentarily. The player, seemingly frustrated, stopped the song. Only to pick up again, but this time with a different melody and tone. Giving a slight sigh in relief, you continued onwards. The pressing of a sour note, made the player once again slammed a hand down on the keys in a fit of rage.

Your heartbeat hammered in your ears, as you much slower, inched your way down the hallway. You stopped in front of a door, the music seems to come from behind it. Resting a hand against the wood, you lightly shifted your weight onto it, as you pressed your ear against it. Much slower, a song began to play. Almost as if the musician wasn't sure of the song, and was just experimenting.

Notes halting, a curse from inside reached your ears. Curiosity picking at your brain, like a ravenous crow, you opened the door. Inside the room was a man hunched over a grand piano, papers littered the floor like snow coating the frostbitten ground. Blinking, you scooped up a paper. Frantically scribbled on the sheet, were notes to a song. Which were subsequently crossed out in frustration and anger.

Swallowing thickly, you began to walk over to the man. The crinkling of paper, made you wince. Alerted of your presence, the man tensed up and turned around from his place on the piano bench. Suddenly standing up, said bench crashed to the floor, making your heart skip a beat. Only a few feet away, the man appraised you with the lift of a brow. "Who are you?" The man asked, hands balling into fists. Eyeing his cautious figure, you mumbled your name. The air around the both of you turned sickly silent.

Sighing, the man brought a hand to his temple, rubbing away the ache of an oncoming migraine. Giving a snort through his upturn nose, the man gestured to you with a slender finger. Your nerves tingled, as you stepped forward. Violet eyes softening, the man glanced back to his upturned bench. Picking it up, he placed it back on its original position. With the flourish of his tailcoat, he sat down again. Looking over his shoulder, his hands were posed at the piano's keys. "Do you like the piano?" He asked with a slight smirk. Finding your voice, you softly said "Y-yes."

Pleased with your answer, the man padded at the place next to him. Blushing, you walked up to the bench and sat down, making sure to not sit so close. "Roderich" the man hummed, which made you raise a brow in question. Glancing at your face from the corner of his eye, the man explained "My name."

"Oh." You mumbled, watching as Roderich's fingers stroked the keys. Slowly pressing down, Roderich began to play a soft melody, giving you a brief look every now and then. Mesmerized, you soaked in every little note, embracing it. Body scooting closer to yours, Roderich leaned in close, as he stretched to reach some of the further away keys. Smiling, your fingers drummed on the seat to the song.

This catching Roderich's attention, caused him to stop his song. Startled, you peered into Roderich's face, afraid you had disturbed him. Clicking his tongue, his hand grasped yours, inspecting it closely. Warm hand heating yours, you felt your face break out in a blush. "Such lovely hands." Roderich cooed, placing a sweet kiss on each finger. Gasping, you watched with widened eyes as he kissed tenderly, your wrist. "U-um." You started, breathing escalating, as he began to kiss up to your arm.

You tried to tug your hand away, but one of his hands cradled your elbow, bringing it closer to him. Smiling, Roderich kissed up to your neck, before giving both of your cheeks a tender kiss. Mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water, you watched as Roderich suddenly released his hold on your arm and continued to play the piano. Acting like nothing happened, with only a slight blush on his cheeks as well as a grin.

 Acting like nothing happened, with only a slight blush on his cheeks as well as a grin

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