〖2〗Italy x Reader | Futbol & Pasta & Kisses

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"Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!~" The Italian sang around holding a ball looking for you. How could you let this Italian in?! ... oh so it was Germany... Oh yeah, he wanted time to 'actually think' that's when you felt bad for him and offered to take care of Italy for a while. Too bad Germany dashed out of your house before you could mention you were joking. Speaking of Italy... "Vee!~ (Y/N) can we play football?~" you gave him an apologetic look. "Sorry, Italy... but it's muddy outside and we can't play 'football' inside.." You sighed seeing Italy's face fall in disappointment. "...That's what Germany tells me all the time..." You were about to suggest maybe playing hide-and-seek or a board game, but- "But Bella! We can play catch see!" While smiling, an innocent look he threw the 'football' toward you... WAIT! OH HOLY CHEEZ-ITS!!?! you weren't expecting him to actually THROW it..at least not at this second!!

You scrambled from your seat to try to catch the said 'football' ..but of course since this is a story where if you caught it...well that's the end, So you failed. As well as landing on the floor while the ball bounced over your body and crashed into your coffee table...well what was your coffee table..

Getting to your feet you looked over to where you heard the crash and looked over at the damage, which wasn't as bad as you thought! It was mostly just a mess with sparkling pieces of glass on the ground. The once glass vase you had on your wooden (thank god) coffee table was shattered making the bouquet flowers and the small amount of water spill where it was now soaked up by your rug, but that was an easy cleanup...kinda.

Looking over toward Italy to make him was ok you see giant watery light brown eyes staring right at you. "...V-Veee!!" And thus, the tears gushed out like a broken fire hydrant... "I-Italy..." you went to hug him until he beat you to it. "I-I'm sorryy!!!!!" Patting his back you tried your best to soothe him. "Italy it's ok! I just wasn't expecting you to throw it right at that moment!" Hearing the explanation Italy looked up into your (E/C) eyes. "Really?...you forgive me?! Oh! Bella that makes me so happy! Vee!~" Which he in return gave you a bear hug.

Feeling your self-losing consciousness you try your best to say something. "I-...Italy!" Luckily that was enough because he let loose of you and started to skip to the kitchen. "Veee!~ (Y/N) you made pasta?!" Taking one last gasp you reply with a smile, "oh..yeah, I know it's not as good as your but I did try my-" "MMMMMmmmm!!~ Vee!~ (Y/N) this is delicious!" Italy said already eating half the pot full of pasta. "Oh well, I'm glad you li-" Instead of finishing that sentence you were silenced by Italy feeding you. "Italy that's not really-...mmnh..oh...ok.." Munching your second bite you looked over at Italy who was smiling as if he had accomplished something.

"Vee~ (Y/N) you look so cute!" Italy was grinning as he kept feeding you. "W-wha?! Don't say things like that so lightly!" blushing you looked away from a grinning Italian. "vee!~ but Bella! You do!" Now you don't know if it was because he was Italian or whatever goes through that white flag obsessed mind..but he decided that was the right time to kiss you, which you were not prepared for, resulting in you just freezing and blushing like an idiot. As Italy is about to apologize you quickly kiss him and go back to eating your pasta which was fine by Italy!, So he couldn't play 'football'..and he broke..er..ruined your living room! He got two of his favorite things, Pasta and (Y/N)~

ruined your living room! He got two of his favorite things, Pasta and (Y/N)~

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