〖4〗Germany x Reader | Winter Kisses

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Snow is silently falling as everyone peacefully sleeps. Snowflakes pile into drifts and blanket the earth in a layer of icy white, with moonlight glittering off the new snowy surface. Frost curls in delicate patterns across the windows of a house where everything is calm and quiet. For now. "(Y/N)! (Y/N) WAKE UP!" A certain, over-enthusiastic Italian practically tackles you in his attempts to wake you up. "(Y/N) You have to get up so we can go outside!" You groan sleepily and attempt to push him off, but he is stuck to you stubbornly. "Ugh why. What's so exciting about outside?" You say, rubbing your eyes to wake yourself up. "IT SNOWED! Everything is so pretty! You have to come outside with me. We can make a snowman and snow angels and a fort and and and you just have to come outside!" He says excitedly. "Fine. But why didn't you just ask Ludwig?" You ask as you unhappily drag yourself out of your warm bed. "I did, and he said he would go outside if you did!" He replies, practically bouncing with excitement. This brought a slight blush to your face. Did he just say that to try to get out of going outside with Feli or....?

"Alright, let me get dressed, you go on ahead and I'll be out in a second." You say, tripping over to your closet where your winter gear was stored, as Feli bounds out of your room and to the front door to grab his coat before dashing outside. You piled on layers of warm clothes, putting on everything you could find, from sweaters to fuzzy socks to mittens and scarves. Soon you were bundled up and you headed outside to find Feli attempting to make a sloppy snowman while Ludwig just stands and watches, shaking his head disapprovingly. "Hey, Luddy. I see you got dragged outside too?" You ask casually. Your nickname brought a slight blush to his cheeks but you couldn't tell because it was hidden behind his scarf. "Ja. Zhat stupid Italian vouldn't leave me alone." He says, causing you to giggle at his exasperated tone.

"Oh well. We're here now and I guess we better go help him make that poor snowman before he hurts himself." You reply as the two of you make your way through the snow over to Feli to help him with his project. In about half an hour you finish the snowman, but it seems to be missing something. "Oh, I know! He needs a scarf!" You say as you unravel the one around your neck and drape it over the snowman. "There. Now he's perfect!" "He kind of looks like Ludwig don't you think (Y/N)?" Feli asks you, but before you could even respond, a snowball hits him square in the face. "Nein, zhat looks nothing like me!" Ludwig says, unaware of the fact that you are aiming at him with a snowball of your own. Quickly, you launch it through the air and manage to hit his chest, surprising him as snow explodes in his face. Before you know it a full-on snowball war has begun, with everybody fending for themselves and snowballs flying everywhere.

This goes on until each one of you is covered head to toe in snow and you all are slightly out of breath from the battle. Somehow you manage to call a truce and you find yourself laying in a snow pile in between Ludwig and Feli as you all try to catch your breath, with warm puffs of air rising from your mouths. You lay there silently for what seems like hours but is probably only a couple of minutes when suddenly snowflakes begin drifting from the sky once again, falling to cover you. "Look how pretty it is!" The Italian is the first to speak. "Yeah, it's really neat." You breathe out. "I'm going to go get my camera to take some pictures." He says, hopping up and running to the house, leaving you and Ludwig laying in the snow. "Hey, Ludwig?" You question, to get his attention. "Ja?" He responds simply. "Do you want to go hide behind those trees with me and ambush Feli with snowballs when he gets back?" You ask. "Sure vhy not." He says, getting up and then extending a hand to help pull you up as well.

Together you make your way over to the trees, stockpile some snowballs and wait. "Wow, he's taking forever." You comment, peering around the tree in search of your Italian friend, before turning around to find Ludwig staring at you. "What?" "Nothing, it's just you don't have a scarf and your face is red. Are you cold?" He asks, studying your face. "I mean a little, but it's not a big deal." You say, trying to shrug it off. "Here take mine." He says taking off his own and handing it to you. "You know. This is long, we could probably share." And before he can protest, you have the scarf wrapped around both of your necks. It's not quite as long as you had predicted and you find yourself close to his chest, your face inches away from his. "Zhis is vhy you don't share scarves." He says with a sigh.

"But now we can share body heat." You say cutely. Your forwardness surprises both of you, causing your face to flame red, only this time not because of the cold, and it earns a chuckle from Ludwig. "You know. Zhey say zhat skin to skin contact is best for warmth." He says with a smirk as his icy blue eyes stare into your own. You are unsure what to say, but he doesn't wait for a reply before his lips gently press against your own. You melt into the kiss; the feeling of his warm lips against your cold ones is amazing. All too soon it is over and the two of you are trying to catch your breath. "W-wow." You breathe out. "I didn't know you liked me like that." "I didn't know you like me like zhat either." He replies. "I guess this is why people share scarves." You say with a giggle as his arms wrap around your waist to pull you closer to the warmth of his body.

Ultimately the snowball ambush was forgotten as the two of you stood together in the falling snow, wrapped together in a single scarf. Maybe being woken up by Feli wasn't so bad after all, and now you had a reason to love the snow as much as he did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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