2 | America x reader | Drinks & Kisses & Mustaches

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Arthur looked back at you. "I still don't see how your water heater could have exploded. Isn't that impossible?" "Dude! I don't understand how you don't understand! Haven't you ever seen Myth Busters?!" Alfred exclaimed next to you. "It's not impossible-" "Just not likely," you finished him. Well surprise, surprise, can't you have a normal day? You know what, I'll go ahead and answer that for you; no you can't.

The water heater in your house exploded, leaving a gaping hole in your floor and ceiling. Luckily, though, Alfred and Arthur were letting you stay with them and were driving you to their house now. "We're here!" Alfred yelled and jumped out of the car. "Sorry that it's not much, but it's home," Arthur said. "No seriously, it's fine. It's really nice of you guys to let me stay with you though." "Oh (Y/N) just wait until you see the huge TV in the living room! And there's a pool! We can go swimming in it sometime if you want," Alfred said trying to hold in his excitement that you (Y/N) (L/N) were staying with him, in his house!

You hugged him, and he blushed. "Thanks, but I've been to your house before." And for once, Alfred couldn't think of anything 'smart' to say. "Yeah, it's just too bad I have to share it with him." Arthur said, walking up to the door. "Well, someone has to pay the bills when a certain someone spends all his money on drinks." "Since when have you ever held the responsibility of paying bills." "Oh guys, I'm going to go put all of my stuff into my room." You interrupted. "Ah yes, your room is in the hallway to the left." Arthur told you. "Thanks." Once she had gone into the room,

Arthur started giggling like a little school girl. "I have never seen you so quiet before!" He sees Alfred's expression and said in a dramatic voice. "Why not confess your love to her!" "S-shut up! Plus since when have you known anything about love? I thought you were just the country of time-traveling phone-booths and big eyebrows!" Arthur turned serious. "My eyebrows are not that big." Alfred fell into a fit of laughter. You walked into the room, "What's so funny?" He wiped a tear of laughter from his face. "Oh, nothing." You weren't convinced. "Of course not, you were just crying because Artie's butt is better than yours." "What! How could you think that! Mine is way better than his!

His is nothing compared to my all-American ass!" "You know she's just joking." Arthur looked behind him, "My arse is quite nice though isn't it?" Everyone started laughing, "Oh, I love you guys," Alfred blushed a little, "hey I brought an awesome movie, I'll go get it started." Arthur stopped laughing and gave Alfred a death stare, "I'll find a way to make you confess. One way or another," then he walked into the living room to watch the movie. "Shi-"

[Time Skip]

The movie you guys watched was Return of the Killer Zombie Chainsaw Exorcist Cactus. Now you will never look at that strange green plant the same way ever again. Then Arthur ran into the kitchen. "ALFRED!" You and Alfred ran into the kitchen. "Whatever it is I didn't do it... unless it's good." He said. "I challenge you! To a drinking contest!" "No way in hell am I doing that! You'll get drunk off your flat-not-as-good-as-mine ass!" "So you're afraid you'll lose?" "No, fine give me that." "Umm-" you started, but it was no use, England only took a sip of his first drink and stopped. On the other hand, America kept scarfing down the drinks.

After who knows how many drinks England won, and America was slumped over the table. "(Y/N) I have to go...run some errands! Bye!" And with that Arthur ran out of the house. Then you pulled out Herr Stick (you 'borrowed' it from Germany) and poked America.

*Doink* *Doink*

He started to wake up, "(Y-Y/N) is that you?" "No, it's Humpty Dumpty." Then America stood up and pulled you close to him. "Careful or you might." He poked your head. "break." *poke* "Your head." *poke* "Al-" Then he fell and kneeled on the floor, "NO! Nurse, she's already too far brain dead! We've lost her!" "The only one brain dead is a certain someone on the ground." "Trolls underground? Only England would believe that he thinks they've been stealing his left socks." He patted his chest. "But it was me all along!" "Come on, get up." You grabbed his hand to help him up but you fell on top of him.

Luckily though you started blushing like an idiot, "O-Oh sorry-" Then he turned so that he was on top of you. "Don't be, but I want to be on top." You turned a deeper shade of red damn your perverted thoughts! "I- do you want to go out with me sometime? I think I kind of- no, I know I love you!" "Alfy I lo-" But he stopped your words with a kiss to your lips. Which started out sweet but turned into a passionate, mushy, mess.

Then he picked you up bridal style and carried you to his room. Since both of his hands were holding you he kicked open the door and threw you on the bed. Then he jumped and landed next to you... And fell into a deep sleep. Well so much for that. But you started thinking that he looked too peaceful in his peaceful state, and grabbed a permanent marker. Then you drew a mustache, a uni-brow, on his cheek you wrote 'likes booty', and an eye-glass. Then you were about to leave when Alfred threw his arm over you. "Please don't go." "Alright."

[Time Skip]

America woke up to his head hurting, plus he couldn't remember a thing about last night after the contest. Then he looked over and saw you in his arms. What the hell! Did he have sex with you and couldn't even remember! That would suck! He lifted the blanket and saw that you both were wearing clothes. Then he got up to go to the bathroom and shortly after you got up and walked into the kitchen to see that Arthur was making breakfast. "You two lovebirds are so cute together." "How did you know?" "Oh, I planned this whole thing-" "You blew up my water heater!?" "No that was just luck."

[At This Very Moment Alfred Looked in The Mirror]


"[At This Very Moment Alfred Looked in The Mirror]"GODDAMMIT (Y/N)!!"

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