〖3〗Canada x Reader | Welcome Scarves and Kisses

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You had been looking through the stores' windows on a frigid morning, shivering when the wind picked up and taking shelter inside the nearest one, bolting through the door. You knew it was going to be cold when you moved up to Canada, but you didn't know how cold or that you left most of your heavy jackets behind in the apartment; A lack of judgment on your part. I mean, it couldn't be that bad compared to Rhode Island, right? Wrong obviously.

You were so eager to escape the cold you didn't pay attention to which shop you ran into but it was cozy and warm thanks. You sighed, shaking some snowflakes out of your hair and glancing around. It was filled with greeting cards, novelties, candies, woven blankets, stuffed animals, coats, scarves, etc. It was a natural tourist trap sort of shop. A particle framed picture caught your eye of a lakeside, serene and timeless. You swore when you took a deep breath you could smell the fresh, clean air and sweet water.

While you stood there, admiring the rest of the photography it gave the young man time to come up behind you and tap your shoulder making you jump. "O-Oh I'm sorry ma'am, did I startle you? S-sorry." He said shyly. You couldn't help but blush, for his smile was so sweet. "I'm called Mr. Williams and this is my shop. You look a little cold, if I may say so." You shrugged and nodded. "I'm a little new around here and it was stupid of me to think I wouldn't need all my jackets." You laughed, embarrassed. "Anyways, my name's (Y/N)." He gave you that cute smile again as you shook hands. "That's a very pretty name (Y/N). I have a few jackets around here; just ask me if you need anything." He turned and headed for the door in the back, leaving you with a warm blush, or maybe it was just the cold that left your cheeks pink. You couldn't lie, he was rather cute. Sturdy and tall at the same time as meek and quiet.

You headed over to a rack of lined coats and jackets, taking one of your favorite colors and some heavier wear too. You grabbed some gloves and even an adorable beaver plush. When you thought you had all you needed you headed to check out when the sea of scarves caught your attention. You laid your stuff on the counter and headed over, picking them up and looking for the one you liked the most. None of them seemed to fit your tastes though. Until you spotted that one.

You rushed over to it, gently picking it off the hook. It was soft and warm, hand-knitted, and smelled of maple syrup which made you giggle softly. You rubbed it against your cheek and smiled. It had tassels that tickled and it was the perfect shade of red. The signature Canadian maple leave was stitched on in white; reversed colors. You didn't hesitate on taking it to the counter, humming happily as you were now ready to pay for everything, the young man popping in and walking behind the register. "I see you have a lot here, eh?" He smiled and chuckled, ringing up the jackets, gloves, and plush before he saw the scarf and frowned.

You noticed this almost immediately, picking up the scarf and looking at him worriedly. "I'm sorry, is this not for sale?" You hadn't been thinking about it at the time you were awing over it. He just smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. "Well, it is just... t-that's my scarf." "Oh! I'm so sorry; I'll go put it back immediately. I apologize again, Mr. Williams." You turned almost sadly to return it to its hook when he reached out and laid a hand on your shoulder, turning you around. "No, it's no problem! I have more scarves I guess, you can have that one." He said diffidently, pulling his hand back when he realized it was rude of him to grab you. "Are... are you sure?" "Defiantly (Y/N). Consider it a welcome gift from me to you, no charge at all."

You almost hugged him for his kindness. "Thank you so much, Mr. William! I love it so much; I'll make sure not to lose it!" You wrapped it around your neck, smiling like a happy child. He was just glad to help you out and see you smile. "Maybe you don't have to call me Mr. William, eh? It makes me feel pretty old. You can call me Matthew." You stopped, stared at him, and nodded slowly, breaking out into another blush and smile. "Alright, then Matthew. It was nice of you to give me your scarf. We'll see each other soon, yeah?" He nodded in response, shaking your hand. "I'd like that a lot (Y/N). Thanks for coming today. You may want to get home before the early blizzard hits. Be safe!" He waved as you stepped back out into the cold, bundled up in your new favorite color jacket. You snuggled into the wound scarf, closing your eyes and enjoying the syrupy smell that would remind you of the sweet shop owner. You knew for a fact you two would meet again.

It'd had been almost three months since you had taken the scarf home, and you found yourself constantly wearing it. It was almost always around your neck on the days you stayed inside and worked on editorials for the local paper and your online store- or the days you headed out to gather groceries and visit your cousin who had lived in Canada longer. Sometimes though, in your peace, your mind drifted off to Matthew and you reminded yourself about what he looked and sounded like. You remembered his silk-like blonde hair that you wished to touch and his strangely beautiful violet-colored eyes that you pondered over for some time. He was quiet but his voice was honeyed and his accent made him more appealing.

You couldn't say you missed him because you both hadn't known each other for over 15 minutes, but it sure seemed that way. It would seem weird and needy of you to just head back to his shop and talk with him again. So the day your car wouldn't start up was probably the luckiest day you had. Of course, you had grumbled about it for a while as you made the trek through the snow to get to the superstore. With your wallet in hand and tucked behind your scarf's folds you were more than eager to get there and back.

You were careful since the sidewalk was icy but you walked as briskly as possible. That's why you didn't look up until you ran into him. He fell back, dropping his bags as you landed on him, both of you slipping across the ice. "Oh, d-dear Maple..." He muttered bitterly, his glasses sliding away. You found yourself laying on top of a man's chest. His bags were now scattered around the two of you. "Oh god, I'm so sorry-!" You went to say before realizing just exactly who you had fallen on top of. "M-Mr. Williams?!" He chuckled and propped himself up (as best he could) on his elbows. "I thought I asked you to call me Matthew, (Y/N)..." Your blush only darkened, sliding off his chest and getting caught in his lap. "I'm r-really sorry Matthew!" He seemed to dismiss your flustered apologizing, noticing the knitted red wrapped around your neck.

He reached up, gently rubbing the scarf with his thumb like he was caught in a memory, deep in thought as he touched it when you stopped and watched these little actions quietly. "...M-Matthew?" He snapped out of it when you called his name, automatically turning sheepish. "Sorry about running into you." You apologized yet again, handing him his glasses. "It's fine (Y/N). I'm just surprised you're w-wearing the scarf I gave you." He smiled shyly again. You nodded, playing with its tassels. "I just couldn't take it off. It kept making me think of-" You paused, realizing what you were about to say and blushing madly again. This made him turn pink as well. "...o-of me?" You nodded. "That's strange..." He said, tilting up your chin gently so you both met eye to eye. Your lips were dangerously close, his trickling breath hot on your cold cheeks.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you, (Y/N)." The kiss you shared when his lips met yours popped your senses, warming you all the way down to your toes. It was sweet and soft, but at the same time deep. When you pulled away lightheaded you were still in a daze, pressed gently to him. You were blushing and light-headed as he touched your cheek and smiled, helping you stand up.

He scribbled his number out and gave it to you while you sat in a bubbly, grinning mess and helped pick up his stuff. He kissed your forehead and waved goodbye, leaving with the same blush you carried. You sighed to yourself as you thought. 'A kiss and a scarf. Both to keep me warm.'


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