sixteen » homeworks

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you're a good distraction

the gentle wind push a lock of hair out of my forehead as i lay on my bed, eyes closed, my thoughts only about finn wolfhard. a little smile crept on my face as i repeat his name in my head again and again. i stay there appreciating the feeling of this delicate breeze caressing my flushed face.

i long to see him again as we haven't hung out since friday. my face grow even more red as the memory of this special afternoon, it's all i have been thinking about this last two days.

i hear my phone ring, i frown as it breaks my daydreams but quickly smile again as i see from who the text is.

finnie😋: hey, can i see you? i need to talk to you.
05:12 p.m

i answer right after i finish reading, not caring if he think i'm weird to reply this fast.

me: sure! come at my house.
05:12 p.m

i text him my adress and make my way downstairs.

"mom, can a friend come here?" i ask her from the bottom of the stairs.

"no millie. i've been way too nice with you. now go in your room you have homeworks to do!" she orders coldly as she comes in front of me.

"mom please! it's for school. we have an assignment." i lie, i need to see finn.

"yeah sure of course, now go upstairs and i don't want you to come back here before all your homeworks are done." she doesn't believe me.

i climb the stairs with a big frown, what am i gonna do? finn's coming.

an idea come to me.

me: little problem, can you go through the window?
05:15 p.m

finnie😋: if it's not a good time we can talk tomorrow, i'm sorry to disturb you.
05:15 p.m

me: no come you're not disturbing.
05:15 p.m

i can't wait to see him but i'm kind of scared to hear what he has to say to me.

i take a shower and dress up with a mom fit jean and a white turtle neck.

i hear my phone buzz and with excited steps i go to my windows without looking at the message, knowing what it was about.

happiness flow through me as i see the boy waiting on the street. i open my window and whisper-yell is name.
he looks up and smiles at me before entering the garden. i show him with my index finger a ladder resting on the wall of my house.

he takes it and climb it. my stomach starts tingling as i see his freckled face in front of mine.

"hey." he says with a deep voice.

"hey." i repeat trying not to sound too excited.

i stare a little at his features and he chuckle.

"can i have a little help here?"
i realize he was still outside.

"oh yeah of course." i stammered.

i take his hands and he enters my bedroom. i smile as i watch our intertwined fingers. he let go, i sit on my bed and pat the spot next to me for him to come.
he put his shoes off and sit.

"so... what do you wanted to talk about?" i ask.

he gulps and looks at his feets.

"i have questions." he starts.

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