eighteen » broken home

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"And at this precise moment everything hurts a little less."

(last chapter finn and millie fell asleep in finn's treehouse)

I never felt safer than i feel now drowning in his scent. I know my life's a mess, i lost all my friends and my family is tearing appart but being with Finn help me think less. His eyes are closed but he's not completly sleeping.

"Do you think i should go? I really don't want to." i ask. He groans and pulls me closer. "I know but my mom's going to kill me if she sees i'm not home, it's almost two a.m" I announce sadly.

He doesn't answer as he falls asleep again. I free myself from his embrace and leave quietly, my backpack on my shoulders.

I walk a long time, I don't know what is going to happen when I come back home. I hope everyone's asleep and i can slip inside discretly. I'm supposed to be grounded. I take my keys and slowly open the front door.

My mom is here on the couch, she is crying and her head is resting in her hands.

"Mom?" my voice echoes in the living room. She looks up and i meet her broken gaze. "Mom, what happened?" I ask terrified. She tries to come up with an answer but only sobs can be heard. I throw my backpack to the ground and sit next to her. She hides her face on my thighs.

"He's not coming back." She manages to say.

"Dad?" I ask, tears tickling my eyes. I feel her nods and start crying.

After what seemed like an eternity we calm down and she starts explaining :

"I got tired of waiting for him to admit he was cheating so I told him that we needed to divorce. He agreed. I thought he would tell me he's sorry and will stop and come back but he just told me that he agreed. He's not coming back Mills, he's leaving for good and I don't know if he'll even come take his belongings."

I feel so empty and numb all of a sudden, I think I just cried too much to cry more. I hug my mom one last time and go to my room.

I stare at the ceiling without even really thinking about anything. I don't know if i'm gonna be able to sleep tonight.


"Honey, do you want to go to school today?" I hear my mom saying, her voice hoarse from all the crying and the lack of sleep from last night.

"No." I simply answer. She closes the door and go downstairs. I go back to sleep, I don't feel like doing anything else right now.


It's Ava that wokes me up. Her cheeks and eyes are all red and puffy. I take her in my arms and we start sobbing loudly. "I'm so sorry you have to go through this, I love you so much." I tell her. She answers by squeezing me harder.

"Can I stay with you?" She asks. I nod and open my computer. We find Ratatouille on Netflix and watch it still hugging. She's all I need right now.

An hour after I hear the doorbell ring. "I'll go see who it is okay? stay here." I tell my little sister.

i go down the stairs and fix my hair quickly before answering the door. Finn's smile drops when he sees me. He doesn't asks anything he just hugs me tightly. I sob again, when is it going to stop. One time i can't cry and the other I can't stop the tears from falling.

I pull off and explain the situation. We go to my room where Ava is still watching the movie.

"Hello, Ava. I'm Finn." He introduces himself.

"Hello. Millie is he your boyfriend?" She aks me with a confused look.

"We- uh-" I start but Finn cuts me off.

"Yes." He answers but doesn't look at me.

"Ok." She says and looks at her hands fidgeting.

"Do you want me to leave?" He asks her sweetly and with concern.

"Not really." She's not making eye contact. She must be nervous. "Can I stop the movie Mills, I don't feel like watching the rest right now." She admits.

"Yeah of course. What do you want to do?" I asks.

"I don't really know". She says, her stare still on her hands.

"Do you have a guitar here? I could play for you maybe? Music is a good way to express your emtions." Finn proposes.

"Uh yes, I think dad has one in mom's bedroom." Ava speaks, tears coming to her eyes. I kiss her forehead and go find the guitar.

When i come back with the instrument, Ava is crying in Finn's arms.

"Oh baby, please stop crying." I say, feeling sad after seeing her like that.

She let go off Finn and dry her tears with her pj's sleeve.

He takes the guitar from my hands and starts playing a song that I don't recognise right away but Ava does.

"I can almost see it, that dream i'm dreaming but, there's a voice inside my head saying : you'll never reach it." They sing together. Ava loves Hanna Montana . Finn is so sweet to play a song she loves.

I rest my head on Finn's shoulder an join them. "There's always gonna be another mountain. I'm always gonna wanna make it move." Finn smiles a little and Ava too.

And at this precise moment, everything hurts a little less. My heart feels a little lighter and I can finally really breathe again. What Ava, my mom and I are gonna go through is going to be rough but we will be here for each others no matter what.

I'm so thankful for the people that are in my life.

hey look it's me updating 3 month after when i was supposed to.
i hate this book it's so cringey but i'm going to finish it because some of you seem to like it.
i don't know if i'll even have 1k reads on this chapter bc i lost so many readers.
btw i'm not in the st fandom anymore i'm in the phandom but i still love stranger things and the cast i just grew out of it.
please comment i need to know if you still like this book.
still love you

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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