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"Five more minutes... pleeeaaase..."

"Wake up for me?"

I roll over in my bed and open my eyes. "Morning Tae."

Wait.... WAIT..


"Because I can be." He sticks out his tongue like a little 5 year old would. Then again, his mental age is 2 most of the time. "Get out of bed!! We're gonna spend the day together!"

I just realized I'm only in a t-shirt and panties.... shit..

"W-well get out of my room then!! I-I need to get dressed!"

"What if I want to stay in here? You saw me without a shirt on last night right? I think that means I should be able to see you with something off too~" I blush so hard...

I quickly get up and push him out of my room and lock the door "No you pervert!! Get out of my room!!" I shower, fix my hair, put on jeans and my favorite t-shirt. It's one tae gave me for my birthday a couple of years ago. I have grown since then but it still fits.

"You still have that one? Its so old..."

"Hey! I like it! I don't care how old it is!"

"Ok, ok.."

"What day is it...?"


"And what time is it?"

"You slept late so its about 2 now.."

"Oh damn. Ok. Then we can go get lunch! What should we get though...?"

"TACO BE-" Tae started

"Left-overs from your house!! Perfect!"

"But I want Taco Bell..."

"But I don't want any..."

"Well... What about something we get only on occasions?"

"Tae. Do you mean..?"

"Oh yes. I mean..."

"POPEYE'S!!" We screamed in unison.

"YA! QUIET DOWN UP THERE!" My mom called from downstairs.

"Ok, Eomma!! Come on let's go Tae!!"

He drives me to Popeye's and we both get shrimp. We both love the shrimp so much. And we love the spices too. After we leave from Popeye's, we go to the movies for a while. We see a comedy. We both love those. By the time we're done it's 7 at night. We stay up late in my room watcing more comedies. He tells his mother that he's gonna stay at my house. My mom sets up the guest room so he can stay in there. By the time Eomma went to bed, it was midnight. An hour later, we're still up. We were both getting sleepy, but I'm a lot more sleepy than him.

-Tae POV-

Is she already asleep? Yeah. I'm getting really tired too. I should sleep in the guest room, but she's holding on to me so tight... I don't want to just leave her up here by herself. I guess I'll cover her up with her blanket and lay with her. And hold her... and never let go..


-Y/n POV-

I wake up and Tae is holding me. It's about 8 in the morning and I want to go get some food, but him holding me like this makes me never want to get up...

"Nooo... Don't leave me..." Is that Tae sleep talking?

"Please... You're all I had... nooo.."

I touch his face. "Hey. What is it? I'm here..."

He wakes up and sits up in the bed. Tears start to form in his eyes... He looks at me.

"Oh god... you're here... You're still here..." His voice is very shaky.

"Tae... What happened?"

"It's that damn dream I get. I worry about you so much... That dream -- no -- nightmare... it scares me so much... Pizza can't make it without cheese... I need my cheese..." He's crying now...

"I'm right here... now what was it about?"

"Every time I get one like this, it starts off the same. I come to your house to check on you because you were acting weird at school or something, and thats where they get to be different... This time... It felt too real..." He cries a little more and then keeps talking

"This time, you were hanging... there were cuts all over your arms and blood on the floor with a knife in the middle of the puddle... there was a stool. It was kicked right next to your dresser... you were in the same clothes you're in now.. It scared me so bad..." He collapsed onto my shoulder and cried even harder.

"I still.. need my cheese... Don't.. Don't take my cheese... away... from me... Please..." He sobs between words...

"I won't Tae.. Never worry about it again.. I still have my pizza.. You can't have pizza without cheese right? I still need my pizza too.." I started crying too. He really does love me. I don't want him feeling like this.. Then I realized something..

"Oh god.. This is my fault... I made you feel like this.. I-I'm so sorry... I never wanted to hurt you like this... God... I did this to you.. I c-"

He gets off of my shoulder and starts to talk again, "No.. This isn't your fault... This is not your fault at all... I just worry too much... The dreams my fault... It's not you.. I just worry about you too much.." He wipes his eyes off and calms down.

"No! This is all me! If you had never seen cuts and blood that day, then you wouldn't be doing this or feeling like this or even worrying! This is my fault... I did this to you... I can't believe I'm so stupid! God, this would have never happened... if I was dead and gone.... or never was born..."

I've broken down on him now.. He's trying to get me to calm down.. He doesn't want me to cry either. But this really is
my fault...

"Why do you even love me? I'm ugly... I'm a bad person in general... I'm useless... And I'm so disgusting.... You're so much better than me and you deserve so much more than what I give you... I'll only worry you... You need someone who you don't need to worry about them killing themselves every minute of every day... I just don't get how anybody loves me and I don't get know how you love me.."

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