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The sound of my alarm doesn't wake me up this morning. It was the sound of Tae's voice from downstairs. He was singing. I knew he did, but this song was new...

I find him in the kitchen. "Tae. That was beautiful... What song was that?"

"It was a new one. I wrote it. It's still really bad.. And it's not finished..."

"No. It's not bad at all." I finally look at what he's doing. He's cooking. Eggs. And bacon? "Wait. Tae. Did you wake up early to make breakfast?"


"Tae. You didn't have to."

"I wanted to."

"Aww.. Well it smells good. Is it almost done?"


"Ok. I'll go take a quick shower and get dressed while it cools."

"Don't take too long then."

"I won't!"

I run to the bathroom, take a shower and run to my room to get dressed. I try do dry my hair as best as I could. It's still wet. I run back downstairs. Everything is still hot, but not too hot. "Told you I wouldn't take long."

"Good. Here's your plate."

"Yah! I could have fixed my plate myself!"

"But I wanted to fix it for you. So I did."

"Aish. I'm not a child."

"But your my baby~" He kissed my cheek.

I blush a little. "S-shut up... And stop..."

"And you love it when I call you that don't you?"

"N-no.... Maybe..... yes..."

"Aigoo~ So adorable."

"S-stop... so we can eat..."

"Alright, alright." We eat our eggs and bacon. Tae cooked it really good. "Taehyungie~ This is so good!!"

"There you go with the Taehyungie again~"

"What... wait. Did I?" My face turns red again

"Yep. Don't get all embarrassed about it. I like it~"

"You do..?"

"Yeah." I'm still sitting at my counter, eating. I usually sit with the back of the chair to my side. Like I said earlier, the chairs are pretty tall. Tae has on pants, and only pants. This happens a lot now.. He looks hot like that...

"So. Do you really like the food or were you just saying that?"

"I do. It's really good."

"I'm glad." He walks behind me and hugs me from behind. His chest and and his arms are so warm...

"Ok. I still need to fix my hair and you need to put on some clothes. We still have school."

"Awww. I don't feel like letting you go..."

"You can hold me in class ok?"


"Go ahead and go. I need to change anyway."

"You look fine in that."

"Short sleeves. Gotta change."

"Right. Go."

Tae puts on jeans and I change shirts. He didn't put a shirt on...

"Tae. Shirt. Now."

"Nah. I don't feel like it."

"I will put one on you myself. Now go."

"Put one on me then. I put yours on you. Put mine on me. But you can look all you want~"

"Oh yeah? Then fine. Gimme the box. I'll find something."

"It's over there."

I grab a white dress shirt and a black tie that Appa left.

I button up his shirt. People normally go from top to bottom, but I did the opposite for some reason. When I was done, I put on his tie. I wasn't that close to him, and I wanted to do something...

I grab his tie and yank it to pull him towards me. Once his face is about an inch from mine, I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. It was better than the first time thst I tried. A lot better.

I pulled back. "Damn... I didn't know you could do that..."

"Well. I wanted a kiss, and I didn't want to ask. I wanted to start."

"Well... You looked damn hot while you did that..."

All of my shyness and timidity came back with that one sentence..

"I-I'm n-not.. I... Umm..."

"Why do you have to get so adorable right now? You can't get all hot like that and then get all adorable. You're gonna kill me doing that."

"W-what? I-I.... Umm... I.." I have no words for that. I have no idea what to say to that...

He laughs a little. "Let's go to school baby."

"Uh.... o-ok..."

We walk to school, and forget completely about Nari.. Until we get there.

We walk into class together. Nari sat across from me in class. "Where's-- Oh... Right..." My eyes tear up. Tae notices.

"What's wrong baby?"

I just point to where Nari sat every day. He remembers all of what went down yesterday. He pulls me into his warm embrace.

"She's in a better place now baby. She won't hurt anymore. So don't worry."

His words almost made me want to join her. I don't want to hurt anymore. I'm tired of hurting, but he makes me hurt less. He wants me to stay. I'll stay for him. One day Nari, I'll see you again. We all will, when it's time. We miss you.


Class ends and we go to band. It's our favorite period. Tae brought his sax today. I have no idea why. There were 4 people in class. The last day was always the day that nobody came to school except the people that are forced to go. We weren't. We just wanted to have fun. And we did. I played piano for him. I learned a love song a year ago and when I learned that it was his favorite, I picked it back up. He had the face of I was so impressed.

"Y/n. When did you learn that song?"

"About a two years ago. I loved it a lot... I don't really like playing it anymore..."

"Why not?"


"Ah.. ok... Well. It sounds better when you play it. At least to me, it does."

"Aw.. thanks~"

"Aigoo. So adorable!!"


"You're so mean~"

"Well don't call me adorable then..."

"But you are!"


"Aww. You're no fun...." He pouts like a two year old.

"You're the adorable one..."

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