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Tae runs out of my house, across the street, to his house. He comes out with a small box...? Ok...

"So what's in the box?"

"Clothes, a few bottles, shoes, other stuff..."

"Kim Taehyung... Did you bring your laptop?"


"Tae!! I want us to spend more time together."

"But.. I wanna teach you how to play overwatch..."

"Really? I'm not that good at games. You know that..."

"No. I think you can do this one. Show me where a table is and I'll get one for you."

"We can set it on the kitchen counter."

"Yaaaayyy. I get to teach my baby how to play games~"

After he gets it out of the bottom of the box, he sits it on the counter. We wait for it to load up. I sit in a chair. The counter is pretty high up, so the chairs are tall too. I sit in it so that the back of the chair is at my side. Tae wraps his arms around my waist. He loads overwatch.

"Do you know who you want to play as?"

"I think I want to try this one." I point to a robot.


"If that's it's name then yeah."

"Ok. He's a healer. You press this," he presses a key, "To do this. What he just shot is an 'Orb of Discord'. You shoot it at enemies. You get it back when the enemy dies." He continues to explain what this cool robot does.

"You think you got it?"

"Yeah... I think so.."

"I'll put you in a round of quick play."

"Umm... ok." And with that the round starts. I shoot things as best as I can. I'm still not good at this...

"Woah.. Good, good."


"You're a natural. You're better than me when I play him.."



I keep playing through the round. It finally ends.

"Oooh. Who got play of the game??"

I look and there's the same robot guy I was playing on screen.

"Wait... That's my name in the game..? You got play of the game!"

"Is that good?"

"Yeah! It is!"

"Woah.. Cool!!"

Apparently it's showing the part where I killed 4 people and then used my "ultimate" to heal my team. That was pretty good... "I DIDN'T SEE YOU DO THAT!! YOU'RE TOO GOOD AT THIS!!!"

"Tae. Calm down a little..."

"Sorry sorry... But this isn't your first time playing. It can't be..."

"It's my first time..."

"Are you sure?"



I play through a few more rounds, not as lucky as the first one. Still pretty good.

"Tae. I think I'm done..."

"You getting tired?"

"Yeah..." I say while yawning. "I'm gonna get dressed and go to bed."

"You wanna sleep on the couch? With me?"

"Maybe..." I started to get a little light-headed... maybe from the amount of energy I've used this weekend. I walk up to my room and start to get undressed. I get a headache, but I treat it like it's nothing. I put on a long sleeve shirt and some shorts. My head hurts worse... I go to my bathroom and grab some pain meds to hopefully make it go away. A few minutes pass and Tae has changed pants, but still hasn't put a shirt on. My head hurts worse... I lay down... It doesn't help... Oh no. It's happening again.. No no no no no... This is what happens when I get worse. I mean my depression just drops on my when I think I'm fne..

My eyes tear up. I'm not ok.. No... I don't want this to happen... No no no... Dammit...

I start crying and thinking, and when those 2 come together, it's not good... I don't know what's happening to me... It hurts bad. I walk to one of my corners and sit in it, knees to my chest. Nothing feels ok....

"Y/n... Where did you go?"

Oh god... Tae...

- Tae POV-

Y/n disappeared... I wonder where she went. I check all downstairs, looking into every room. I go upstairs... This is really starting to worry me. It's a little too quiet... I check all of the rooms except for hers... I have a bad feeling about this... I walk in. She's in a corner. She's sitting on the floor with her knees up to her chest and she's holding her head...

"No.. no.. no..." She's crying and just repeating the word no... Did something happen? What's going on.. I walk toward her.

"Y/n.. Yah... What happened...?"

I kneel in front of her. She raises her head and just falls forward and hugs me... "I really thought I was fine...  Just for a little while.... I thought I was fine.... I know I'm not... But... I just want to feel ok... But the universe just hates me.. I won't be happy. Never... I won't be happy for you, or anybody... I'll never feel happy again. And that's all I want.. To feel ok... To feel happy..." She sobs in between her sentences..

"I'll do anything to make you happy again. I don't care what it is.. I have know you for most of my life, so I know what makes you happy. I'll make sure you feel it again.. I swear.."

She's still broken down, holding on to me. I pick her up and walk her to her bed. She doesn't let go.. I sit on the bed, where her pillows would be, and I hold her... I just keep holding her.. And I don't let go.. She cries on my chest until she falls asleep. And soon after I do too.

-Y/n Dream-

A white void... The dark closes in. There's a figure In what looks like a corner... It's dead. There's a gun next to it... and there's blood everywhere.... Oh no... No no no... It looks like some one I know...? What the hell?

-End dream-

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