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Tae quickly runs to his house, grabbing two shirts. One for me to wear after, and one that he made me wrap around my arm and hold pressure on so it wouldn't bleed as bad. He also grabs his keys and pulls the car up to the front of my house. I was sitting on my porch, waiting for him. He runs to me, shirt in hand, and wraps it around my arm for me, tells me to hold it tightly, and he picks me up and puts me in the passenger side of his car.

He drives me to the hospital. We get to the parking lot. "Where's the emergency room?!"

"It's not emergency-room bad... I'll be fine."

"Ah! There it is! Keep holding my shirt to it, and keep pressure on it."

"TAE!! PUT ME DOWN!!" He picked me up and held me bridal style. Why? Hell, I don't know. I can walk by myself... It's not that much blood...

"No. You can't run very well if you're holding your arm. And I'm not letting you take your time, walking to the main entrance, while you are bleeding out!"

"Tae... Please.. My legs aren't broken... It's just a little cut... It's not that bad, ok?"

"Y/n... Hold on tight. I'm gonna run."


He runs me over to the place where ambulances park to let in patients. Patients that need immediate medical attention... I am not one of those patients... He runs through the open doors and almost yells in my ear. "I NEED A DOCTOR!"


"Excuse me, do you need help ma'am?" A doctor comes over to see what's wrong.

"Not as much as he thinks I do.. I just need some stitches.."

"Well, my name is Doctor Min Hana. I'll take care of you." She looked very nice. She had in blue scrubs and a long sleeve shirt under them. The undershirt was black with roses on it. I want that shirt now...

"Tae. We're in the building now. Put me down.."

"I am still holding you, aren't I? Haha... Ok." He gently puts me down on my feet.

"This way please." She points to a gurney. I sit on it. Tae quickly sits beside me.

"Tae... This won't take very long.. Go sit somewhere else. You don't need to be right here next to me every minute. I'll be fine."

"No. My baby's hurt and I won't leave her..."

"Tae.... Stoooop... Go sit down..."

The doctor chuckles a little. "Do you want me to push him out and close the curtain?"

"You have my permission, Doc."

"Sir. You heard her. Go wait over there."


"Aish. Tae. Go. Don't forget you basically caused this.."

"You fell trying to chase me! That's not my fault.."

"But why did I have to chase you? Hmm?"


"Tae. Go sit down for me. If you go sit down, then I'll let you pick a movie and I'll snuggle up to you while we watch it, ok?"

"Ok..." He walks to a different corner and sits down, pouting.

"Aish. That boy..."

"He looks like he gets himself in trouble a lot." The doctor chimes in, chuckling.

"Oh you have no idea."

"Alright then. Everything's ready here. Can you take the extra shirt off of the wound for me?" I take the shirt Tae gave me to keep the wound from bleeding off and put it aside. "Pretty bad.. Must have hurt a lot."

"Not that bad..."

"Well.. The gash pretty high up, so I'm gonna need you to take off your shirt.."

"NO! Umm.. I-I mean... Umm... I don't want to take.. off my shirt..."

"We're both girls. The curtain is closed..." I see feet at the side of the gurney, on the other side of the curtain... It's Tae... I see his shoes...

"Excuse me for a moment please..." I walk over to the edge of the curtain and move it enough so my head can poke out. "Kim Taehyung you perv, if you don't sit down now, you'll be the next patient one of the doctors will see..."

"Scary.... ok ok...." He quickly shuffles back to his seat.

I walk back to the gurney after closing the curtains. "Ok... Now about the shirt.. You can either take it off, or I'll have to cut the sleeve off."

"But... I... I don't... Uhh.."

"Hun. Do you have cuts?"


"Like these." She rolls up her sleeves, revealing her own arms, cut up like shredded paper.. I only nod. "Well that's fine.. But I am required to ask you if you want to get help at the psychiatric ward?" I shake my head "Alright then. You ready to get started now?"

"Ummm... Ok..." I take my shirt of so she can clean the area around the cut, and stitch it up. Or at least try. It hurt trying to get it off so the doctor helped me. "So.. Doctor? H-how did you know... that I cut....?"

"It's because you're wearing long sleeves in this weather. It's pretty hot outside. Also you can call me Hana"

"Yeah... That is right...."

"I'm doing the same thing.. This is my favorite shirt. It's thin, so I dont get too hot."

"Where did you get them?"

"I made it actually. My mother taught me how to sew when I was young."

"Woah! That's cool!"

"I can make you a few if you want me to."

"Wow!! Thank you!" She writes down her number in a piece of paper.

"Call me or text me. My shift ends at about 5. If you want to come over to my house so I can get the measurements for your shirt, then come after about 6. I'll text you my address."

"Thanks Hana!"

"No problem... Annnndddd. Done!" She finishes the last bit and puts in a bandage to cover it

"That was quick..."

"I've been doing this for a long time. Ok, so if the area around your stitches starts to hurt, take some pain meds, and try not to move your arm too much, or the stitches will pull. Ok?"

"Alrighty" I put on my shirt. Or at least I try. Hana helped me get it back on.

"And if you have any other questions, then text me."

"Ok! I will! Bye Hana!"

"Bye bye!"

I walk towards Tae, and he tells me "I have another shirt for you. It's one of my big long sleeve shirts. You should go put it on."

I start to blush a little. I look back at Hana, but she already has another patient...

"Tae... Umm... I-I.... I'm gonna n-need... h-h-help... putting it on...."

"Where's the doctor from before?"

"She already has another patient..."

"Oh... Ok... Are you sure you want me to help?"

"If I had another choice, then that would be nice... but I don't..."

"Well... There's a bathroom over there.. Should we go in there..?"

"I guess.." My face is a tomato now... I can't help it...

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