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"But I do love you... And thats all that should matter... And you're not ugly. Or a bad person. You're so sweet to everyone. People just try to take advantage of that. And your personality means greater to me than most things."

"What do you put above my personality, huh? Is it-" He shushes me by putting his finger over my lips. He knew I was gonna say an answer he would never say...

"How you feel. Your feelings mean greater to me than anything. If you're unhappy, then I will do anything to make you feel happy again. It hurts me when I see you hurting yourself, or putting yourself down by saying that you're useless or not good enough. I used to go home everyday, wondering if I made you smile enough, or if I said anything that could hurt you in any way. I fear for you... I heard a song once and it said 'Anything that is beautiful, people want to break. And you are beautiful.. Im afraid..' You really are beautiful, and I don't know why so many people want to hurt you, but I'll protect you... I won't let you hurt anymore... I just won't."


"I love you too much for you to hurt yourself and for me to just do nothing about it... I can't do that.."

"Tae..." My voice shakes a little. He does really love me... But I don't want him to get hurt because he's trying to protect me... I can't let him do that...

"Please let me protect you.. I don't want to see you hurt or cry anymore ok?"

"Tae... You don't-"

"Yes. I do. It's my job to keep you feeling at least ok..."


"Hush! No more! I'm protecting you. I want to. I need to. I cant loose you..."

"T-" He holds me by my chin and kisses me before i could say anything else. He keeps kissing me. He only breaks it to breathe.. He drags it out for a long time.

He pulls back, "Now will you hush about the 'Oh you don't have to do that for me' stuff? I said no more." I just nod, not able to speak... Again... "If I'm the only one that will protect you and love you, then so be it. I really do love you Y/n. You can't make me feel any different. Don't ever think that I feel different. I will love you for the rest of my life. You can't change that ok?"

"Ah... ok..." I just lean in and hug him. I can't think of anything else to do. I know how much he loves me, but I can't believe he does. It's crazy. I don't deserve this, but he thinks I do. He wants me to believe that I do... Maybe I should try to believe it? I can try... For my Tae... For my pizza..

"Baby, I'm getting hungry. I think food will help us both feel better.." Did he just... Did.. He... Just... Call me.... Baby? What?...

"W-why did you j-just call me that...?"

"Call you what?"

"You... y-you... called m-me... b-baby..." I say, quietly. I don't know if he heard me

"You're whispering..."

"Y-you... You called me... Baby..."

"Did I? Huh... Well judging by the look on your face, you liked it." He put on his box smile. His smile makes me laugh. It's so silly.. I can't help but to smile when he does. He's the only bit of sunshine I have now. The only one that could warm me up after I freeze myself. He's the only one who can put me back together when I get torn into pieces. I love him so much... Oh god how long have I been staring at him... He knows what my face looks like when I think... And he sees that right now doesn't he?

"So why are you staring into my eyes like that? I don't mind. I actually kinda like it. But what are you thinking so hard about?" I was right. He knew.

"I-I... Ummm... I-I... It w-was n-n-nothing..."

"That is a terrible answer, so tell me~"

"W-well... I was thinking about how just with even a smile, you can brighten my entire day. You always have been able to do that."

"Baby you know I'll do anything to make you feel good." He winks and smirks. Why does he keep doing that...? It makes ne feel weird...

"Uhh... What... W-what do you.... m-mean... by that..."

"Oh, nothing~" He has the biggest grin on his face...

"Umm.... Didn't you say t-that you were hungry? I'll go fix something..."

"Where's Eomma?"

"She went to work already."


"He works in America! You know that!"

"Oh yeah... He does, doesn't he?"

"Yeah. And when did you start calling them Eomma and Appa??"

"I'm basically a part of your family. I get to. I just don't that often.."

"Let's just go eat..."

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