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-Still Tae POV-

Oh no. Oh no no no... She looks so tired... and needy... Why do I like this?? She just.... Oh god ok...

"A-alright baby..." I sit next to her. I'm not sure if I should do this now... I don't want to go too far... I just lean in and give her a little peck.

"Tae.. Come on.. I want a real kiss~" I don't exactly think that's a good idea right now.. I'll do it anyway. But I want to do this a little different... I wanted to do a dip kiss.

I take her hand and pull her up. I pull her towards me and spin her around, like we're dancing. I put one arm under her back so she doesn't fall while I lean her back. I'm still holding her hand.

I lean down with her and kiss her. I do the best I can to not let us both fall over. I break the kiss after about a minute. I stand her back up, but she falls down anyway.

She's looks awake now and her face is getting red. I think I did it right..

"You ok?"

"I... Umm.. I-I" She's so flusteted. It's adorable. She looks really awake now. I chuckle a little

-Y/n POV-

DID HE REALLY JUST.... OH MY GOD.... He did that one kiss-thing you see in the movies... Omg... Omg... Omg... I cover my face and I'm not sure why... My face feels very hot..

"Baby? You alright?"

"Ah.... I... Maybe..."

He laughs. "Come here." He stretches out his arms. I get up and move to the couch, where he sat down. He holds me. "Was that a little too much for you baby?"

I'm still on the floor covering my face. It's so red now. I cant believe he did that.. He really did do that. To me!! "Baby get up and come here."

"A-a-alright.." I crawl back up to the couch. He pulls me closer to him. He holds me while I'm sitting on his lap.

"You can go back to sleep if you want to."

"I-I'm not sure if I c-can after that..."

"Well then just get comfortable. I just want to hold my baby~"

"O-ok..." Did he seriously do that? I feel like I'm dreaming... But I'm not... It's odd... But I like it... I close my eyes, but they shoot back open. I saw Tae doing the kiss-thing to me again... I don't think I can sleep like this...

I bury my face in his chest and try to hide my red face... He holds me tighter. I can feel his heartbeat.. It's weird... but I like it..

His heartbeat quickens as I move to get comfortable.. Weird..

"B-baby... Quit moving... I.. was comfortable there..."

I look at him with a confused look... "What do you mean Tae?"

"J-just... don't move... ok..?"

"You're acting really weird... Just hold me.."


-Tae POV-

I don't think she realizes just where she's sitting... Because everytime she moves... well... It won't be good for her or me if she keeps moving..

She's sitting right on my lap... And if she moves again, I might not be able to keep calm.. This is not good. I hold her like she asked, but.. Damn...

"You know what? Tae. I wanna sleep on the bed." She moves again..

"Ok... T-that'sssss fine..." She moves again... I said quit moving... I really did..

"You ok?"

"Yeah... I just n-need some water... You can go ahead and get dressed in something else if you want to."


She cheerfully walks upstairs.. Damn this girl is killing me today... I need water... I need water badly...

I walk into the kitchen and rush to get the water.. I'm thirsty for water.. yes.. water...

-Y/n POV-

Tae's taking a while downstairs... Eh.. I'm comfortable. I'm not moving... I do want him up here with me though... Ok I'll get up this once.

"Tae? What's taking you so long?"

He doesn't answer...

"Yah! Tae!"

"Ah! Y/n! Don't scare me like that!"

"Tae what's up with you right now?"

"Nothing... I just spaced out a little then... You scared me.."

"Tae. Don't lie. What's going on?"

"Well... It's you.. I can't get you off of my mind.. It's getting weird now... Cause I think of you... differently... sometimes..."

"Differently how?"

He holds my hand and pulls me close..

"Let's just say I've been thinking about me kissing places other than your lips~" His face turned dark... Mine turned bright red..

I push him off of me. "TAE! WHAT THE HELL?!"

"You kept asking. I gave you the real answer." He licks his lips.. Damn...

"I-I... Ummm..."

"You what baby?"

"I'm sleeping in my bed... You can sleep down here.."

"Baby.. I'm sorry, but you wanted the truth. You know I won't force you into anything. Just because I want to something doesn't mean I'll do it before you're ready." He says sweetly and in a caring voice..

"Still. Don't say that kind of stuff to me.."

"Ok.. I won't. Let's go to bed."

"I was serious. You're sleeping down here. Bye~"

"Baby.. No. I'm coming up there with you."

I run up the stairs. He catches me at the top..

"I said I'm coming up here with you. And I'm up here. With you."

"Well then go back down now."

"No Y/n. I'm staying with you. "

"Fine.... But next time, if that kind of thing happens again, then I'm gonna send you home after punching you."

"Damn.. Ok then..."

"Come on. Let's go to sleep.."

"Alright baby~" He follows me to my bedroom. I lay down and lays down behind me. He holds me closely. I fall asleep...

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