Chapter 11

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QOTC: 🎶🎵Favorite BTS song? 🎵🎶

Ans: Blood Sweat 'n' Tears, Save Me,  Fire, GoGo, I Need U, DNA, Butterfly, Run, Dope, Spring Day... (Probably a lot more but I don't think that you guys would like an entire list of my top BTS songs... 😂😂😂)
… … …

* Exchanging Keys *

Word Count: 558


"I... Thank you. Arik. That was a great chat and the coffee. No words can describe. I need you to make coffee for me every morning now. "I joked.

"Actually, that can easily be arranged. I need to try out different ways to make coffee. I really want to own a café in future. If that's possible of course. "He said a little wistfully, giving me a small smile.

Momentally distracted by he's smile, I blinked a couple of times before replying, "Of course it's possible that you'll someday own a café Arik. And I don't mind having someone making coffee for me every morning. It'll be heaven! "

Images of me waking up to the aroma of the coffee filled my mind. I could totally get used to a wake up call like that...

Yup. I'm already used to it.

"You sure about that Arik? I mean, making coffee for me every morning is going to be pretty exhausting don't you think? "

Arik brushed his too-long bangs and gave me a crooked smile.

"Nah. Not at all. I actually enjoy making coffee. It helps me keep calm for the stress of life I guess. "

But if I allow him to make coffee for me every morning, I would need to repay him. Knowing him, he definitely won't accept money...

Maybe I could, cook for him? Yeah. I could cook at least one meal for him in exchange for the cup of coffee.

"Hey, Arik. Maybe I can cook for you in exchange for coffee? I mean, I can cook quite well if I do say so myself. "I suggested, flipping my hair at the end of my sentence.

After a moment of hesitation, he nodded.

"Yeah well, that could work. I would like to have home cooked food once in a while. If it's not too much trouble of course. I mean. Its fine if you don't wanna I just need someone to drink my coffee and give me an opinion. I-"

"And that's where I stop your verbal garbage. It's fine Arik. Honestly I'm pretty happy to be able to cook for someone other than myself again. It brings back... Good memories. "My mouth cruved into a thoughtful smile.

"So here. My key. "I fumbled for my my extra apartment key. "Easy excess to my apartment. That way, I don't have to drag my ass out if bed for you. "I said winking playfully at him while grinning.

Smiling widely, "Right back at you Willow. "Arik reached for his pocket.


Thanks for reading guys! I hope that this double chapter this weekend can make up for me not updating for three weeks. I was so caught up in all my BTS fangirling. I know it's not a good reason why but I feel that you guys should at least know why I haven't updated for three weeks.

On a side note though, don't you guys just love love love BTS?


Livi 😎😎😎<swag Min Suga>

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