Chapter 15

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What's your favorite clothing store?



*Snores Over A Phone Call*


The tension in my back relaxed as the soothing but slightly burning in my back brought me much comfort.

I sighed in relief and utter bliss.


Wrapping a fluffy whit towel around my small frame, my feet sunk into the bathroom mat which is also fluffy and white.

Yeah. I have a thing for fluffy and white stuff.

With my feet padding lightly across my wooden floor, an occasional soft thud was heard as the water droplets cascaded down my back, making me shiver slightly.

The apartment was silent for the first time as my pups sleep on soundly. The walk to the park earlier today was enough to make them drop from exhaustion.

Smiling lightly to myself, I willed my legs to bring me into my closet.

With my hands stretched out, I felt a soft material.

"Hah ..."I sighed contentedly.

With my unicorn onesie on and my phone at hand, I crawled and sunk into my bed as the decorative pillows tumbled onto the floor.

Pressing Arik's contact, my thumb hovered above the call button.

My eyelids grew heavy as my duvet enveloped me in a warm and cozy cocoon.

Unknowingly, my thumb had already pressed on the call button and was waiting for the other end to pick up to connect the call.


"Hello? "A confused and disembodied voice made it's way to my dreams of sweets and dancing unicorns. (A/N I just had to ruin it... 😂)

My sleepy mind had long shut off and I paid no heed and continued to snore.

"Roof. Roof! "My dogs woke me up with their endless barks. Forever waking me up at the best part of my dreams. I was about to evolve into a unicorn. You know. Those pink fluffy ones that dance on rainbows.

"No! "My sleepy self told my pups. "My candy, jelly beans candy floss. Dancing unicorns... "Alas, it was no use. My mind was awake.

Cracking open an eyelid, the room was in darkness. I had even forgotten to light candles like I usually would.

"Pups! Why did you guys wake me up? I was in the perfect part of my dream. I was going to finally evolve into a pink fluffy unicorn. You know. Those that dance on rainbows? There's even a song for it. I think I goes, pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows! Pink fluffy unicons... "I trailed of.

Shit. I heard a distinct rumble of laughter. And it sounded like it was coming from my phone.

Please let it be an audio. Please let it be an audio. Please please please.

I picked up my phone and

"Arggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! No! Curse my bad luck! "I screamed.

Because on the other end. It was... Welp. You guessed it. It was Arik. And I had embarrassingly told my dogs about my wonderful dream and sung the... The... The song about pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows.

"God! Please! Have mercy! End my life!"I muttered.

Hearing that, Arik started laughing even louder.

"Oh stop it. "My entire face resembled my close relative, her name is Tobeetmarootto. (A/N I'm so sorry guys. I haven't really shown you guys my wacky sense of humor. Yup. This is the real me. A shocker isn't it? Btw, you pronounce the um name as To-Beet-Ma-Root-To. I wanted to combine every thing and boom. This happned. Sorry.)

She's half tomato and half beetroot.

"Arik! Arik! "I cleared my throat slightly when the other end finally stopped laughing hysterically.

"I was hesitating whether to call you or not so. I'm sorry to have kept you on the other end while I slept away. "Thank God it wasn't a face time call. I silently thought. Wait. Is there drool on my face? My hand crept up and touched the side of my mouth. Whew. Nope.

"Nah. It fine. I got to see... Well hear you like that. I don't really get that often enough from you. You're always so uptight. Or upset about something. Anyways. You called me for a reason what was it? "He's warm soothing voice

"Um. Yeah. I wanted to like. Ahem. Like ask youifyouarefreetonight! "What started off as a calm soothing tone that matches Arik's voice, ended with me shouting into the phone and all my words jumbled together incoherently.

"I'm sorry. Can you please repeat that? I didn't quite catch that." Arik asked with a teasing edge in his voice, making it known to me that he had clearly heard me the first time.

I rolled my eyes. The redness in my cheeks had finally vanished was now making an appearance as I felt it creep back to my cheeks.

Clearing my throat for what seemed like the hundredth time that night, "well, I wanted to return the favour and like um. If you are free or something, I would like to cook dinner for you one of these days. "I trailed off. The other line seemed to be very silent for some reason.

Feeling embarrassed, I thought maybe he didn't mean it when he said that he wanted to have home cooked meals.

"Welp. Bye. Call me of something. "I said before ending the call. However, I heard him say something before I ended the call.

"Willow wait! "

The End!

Word count: 933

Hey you guys! Sorry for the long wait... But hey... I made it up well sorta by giving you guys a really long chappie....

So hope you guys like this! Until next time...

Livi... 🙂☺🙂

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