Begging Won't Change What Happened

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Stein's Point of View

It had been a few days since (Y/N) had shown up at my house and she was staying there until she could find a place to stay,  but I was planning to ask her to stay at my lab with me.

"No, Troy...I don't want to see you." I heard her arguing with Troy, in the other room,over the phone again. Sighing, I stood up from my desk and walked into the room, taking the phone,

"Stein! What're you-"

"Look, Troy, just leave (Y/N) alone. You cheated on her. If you expect her to come back just because you're wrong." I said, cutting her off and hanging the phone up, after I finished. She looked at me and I stared at her, as if I hadn't just intruded on her privacy. Walking away, I went back to my work and she walked into the room, asking,

"What was that?" Glancing at her, I noticed her attire and looked back at my computer, replying,

"I was tired of hearing you argue with him. Honestly, doesn't that man know when to take a hint?" I felt her gaze remain on me and I started typing, as I continued,

"You're already so stressed, he's not helping. If he actually cared about you, he wouldn't be bothering you like this (Y/N)." Her attire...was distracting me. She was wearing some black skinny jeans, a button down (f/c) blouse, and one of my lab coats. It was a refreshing thing, seeing her in something that was mine, even if it was something so small. She walked over to me and went to say something, but was cut off by the mirror ringing. 

Standing up, I put my hands in my pockets and walked over to the mirror, saying,

"Lord Death?" The reaper appeared on the mirror and he waved, childishly as he exclaimed,

"Heya! How's it going?" 

"Hi, Lord Death." (Y/N) said, walking up to the mirror and waving, slightly. 

"Oh! (Y/N), you're there too. Good. I have a mission for the two of you, could you come to the Academy?" Lord Death asked, tilting his head to the side and I nodded, looking at (Y/N). She nodded and Lord Death clapped, saying,

"Great! Then, I'll see you both in a little while! Bye!" The mirror went blank and (Y/N) walked into the living room, staying quiet. I was going to stop her, but she was out of the door before I could get to her. Sighing, I walked behind her and she was humming, walking to a song that only she could hear. 

Then, she stopped and I stopped too, not understanding why she halted. 

"(Y/N)!" I heard his voice, then I understood why she was stopping. 

"Troy..I don't want to talk to you."

"Well, we have to talk so I don't care." Troy said, his footsteps becoming closer and (Y/N) faltering, as he got closer. Feeling the anger bubbling up inside of me, I huffed and grabbed (Y/N) by her shoulder, saying,

"We have orders to receive, right now. If (Y/N) wants to talk to you, it can wait until later." As we passed by Troy, he grabbed her wrist and she yelped, as he said,

"It's not an option. Besides, four eyes, it isn't your business." (Y/N) was whimpering, as his grip was tightening, and I turned, punching him in the jaw. His grip on (Y/N) was released and he fell on his ass, grabbing his jaw. 

Pulling her away from him, before I could get out of control and she was keeping up with me, panting. As we got to the entrance of the academy, (Y/N) finally stopped me and spoke,

"Stein." Looking back at her, I stopped and let go of her arm, making sure I didn't hurt her. She rubbed the wrist that Troy grabbed and said, softly,

"Thank you." I held my hand out to her and she gave me her arm, to let me asses her wrist. Looking at the bruising, I turned it naturally and she winced, slightly.

"It may be sprained...(Y/N), was Troy always that way?" I asked, releasing her arm and looking up into her eyes. She didn't meet my gaze and I sighed, turning to go back the way we came from. 

"Stein...Stein! Where are you going? Lord Death wants to see us!" She called out to me and I huffed, saying,

"I'm gonna kill him." 

"He's not worth it, Stein. Please." She begged, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the academy, again. I sighed and turned towards her, pulling her into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her, firmly, and rested my chin on her head, saying,

"I wish you'd have told me." She relaxed against me and I let her go, saying,

"Let's go get our orders from Lord Death." Walking into the academy, I held (Y/N)'s hand and pulled her to the Death Room, for our orders. We stopped by the infirmary to wrap her wrist first and splint the wrist so that it could heal correctly.

"Heya! Stein, (Y/N)! Ready for your orders?" Lord Death asked, swaying from side to side and humming, softly. I nodded and (Y/N) put her hands behind her back, staying quiet. 

"There's a witch that has been capturing and transforming humans into her very own form of slaves. I want you two to take care of her." Lord Death said, looking at us and then turning to face his mirror. 

"We'll handle it, Lord Death." I said, walking out of the room and (Y/N) stayed in front of me, saying nothing. Then, she stopped in the hallway and I knew what the issue was. Grabbing her by the arm, I pressed my mouth to her own and held her by the waist. She was shocked, but she relaxed and kissed back, wrapping her arms around my neck. Hearing the thudding footsteps stop, I kept my mouth pressed to her own and glanced at Troy, noting his angry expression. 

I pulled her against my body, firmly, and she shocked me by licking my bottom lip. I allowed her access and she tempted me, softly. I broke the kiss, panting, and Troy growled, saying,

"I was coming to apologize. I wanted you to come home tonight, (Y/N)." (Y/N) looked at him and walked up to him, taking his promise ring off of her chain as she said, 

"Apologizing won't change your cheating and begging won't change my mind. I'll be by to get my things after Stein and I finish our mission." Throwing the ring out of the window in the hall, she walked past him and I followed after her, smirking at the asshole. 

Walking out of the academy, I stayed next to (Y/N) and she glanced at me, saying,

"Stein?" Looking down at her, I hummed and she smiled up at me, saying,

"Thank you." 

"For what?"

"For everything." 

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