Boy Talks (Stein and Soul)

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I watched as (Y/N) and Maka went in the direction of the forest, deciding to take Soul to the roof. Looking down at the boy, his eyes were glued to (Y/N) irritating me slightly. Plucking his forehead, I grabbed his attention and he complained,

"Ow! What was that for?"

"To get your eyes off of my grilfriend. Come on, let's go up to the roof." I replied, turning my back on him and he sighed, rolling his eyes. However, I could hear him following me and I shoved my hands into my pockets, an unlit cigarette hanging out of my mouth. Soul was staring forward with a bored look on his face, but his soul wavelength betrayed his cool exterior. 

When we got to the roof, I leaned agaisnt the railing facing the city and Soul asked,

"What is this about?"

"Soul, I know you aren't as calm as you're tryign to portray. I'm not going to hurt you, just calm down."

"I'm not. . .Okay. Then, what is up?" Lightening my cigarette, I inhaled and when Iexhaled, Soul waved the smoke away from his face, frowning at me. 

"I know that you find (Y/N) attractive, Soul. . ."

"Well, yeah. You've seen her. She's gorgeous. That's why you're with her, isn't it?" He replied, crossing his arms over his chest and I sighed, resting my chin in one of my hands as I started,

"That's part of the reason, but it's far down on the list now."


"When I was your age, yes. (Y/N)'s beauty is what caught my attention, but she was the most beautiful girl in the class. The most popular too. All the guys had eyes for her."

".  .  ."

"My attraction to her started with her looks, but as we got closer I began to fall in love with her mind. (Y/N) is extremely smart, she rivaled even me at the time."


"Yes, she's extremely smart. Then, there is her skill set. As a weapon, there aren't many skills you can have. However, (Y/N) made the most of all of her skills and graduated second with no partner." 

"Woah, that's awesome!" 

"Hm. Yeah. Anyway, you should get to know someone before you jump into adoration due to physical appearance." 

"But, like you said physical apperance is what got you to look at (Y/N)."

"True, but (Y/N) wasn't as gorgeous as she is now. She wasn't as curvasious. Her beauty was in her face. Wide, bright, (eye color) eyes, a smile that could stop time, and skin that was soft and smooth as silk. She grew into all of her curves. We were just kids back then, after all." 

". . .Is this suppose to mean something?"

"It means; why don't you look for someone closer to your age? Perhaps, your own partner."

At the mention of Maka, Soul seemed to pause and I knew he was imagining her. 

'Seems as though he already does consider her.' I thought, smirking and he noticed my gaze, his face heating up.

"No way! Maka, come on! She's. . .She's not my type. With those cute pig tails, sweet smile, and green eyes that can see through me. . .Okay. Maybe, she's kinda cute, but she has no curves." Soul began to ramble, making me chuckle.

"Soul, you guys are still kids. Maka still has time to develop. Why don't you think it over, at least?"

". . .Fine."


Just then, the bell rang and I had finished my cigarette, saying,

"Come on, let's get you to class." 

His face was still red and he nodded, staying quiet. We walked in silence again and as we approached the door, Spirit stopped us,

"Stein, Soul. What's up?" Looking at the boy, his face seemed to heat up again and I sighed,

"Nothing. Just went for a talk."

"A talk about what?"

". . .Uh. Don't worry about it, Spirit. Soul, go on and head to class."

"Yes, professor." 

As Soul walked past us into the classroom, I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. Leaning against the wall in the hall, I placed another cigarette in my mouth and Spirit came next to me, asking,

"You were talking with him about Maka, weren't you?"

". . .Spirit, here's what you need to know. Maka is fine and Soul is a good kid." 

"Did something happen between them?"


"Did he hurt her?"


"Do I have any reason to hurt him?"

"No, Spirit. Just. . .Let's just wait for (Y/N)."

"She's with Maka, isn't she?"


". . .Okay." 

We leaned aginst the wall and wait. The second bell rang and now we were waiting for (Y/N) and Maka.

(A/N: Like, I said the chapter I posted was an update for you guys. I've unpublished it because this is the real chapter that was meant to follow. I will be reuploading that chapter when it becomes relavant to the story. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! ~Megan)

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