Taking A Break: Wedding

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Reader's Point of View

The next morning there was loud knocking at our door and Stein groaned, getting up. Hearing the door open, I sat up and heard Maka's voice,

"Where is, (Y/N)? We gotta go." Looking over at the clock, it was nearly seven in the morning and I sighed, pulling on a robe. Walking out of the room, Stein and Maka were arguing,

"It's almost seven in the morning and you wanna pull her away from me all day?!" 

"You're going to get her to yourself for a whole two days! Let us go get ready somewhere else! The girls are all waiting and the guys will be here soon to get ready with you!"

"We didn't plan for that!" 

"Lay off, Stein. I'll go with them." I interjected, making both of their heads snap in my direction and Stein sighed, 

"I just wanted to spend the day lounging around with you until the wedding." 

"Stein, you'll have me all to yourself in a few hours." I replied, grabbing some of my things (including my dress) and he sighed, nodding. Maka smiled at me and as the door closed, she exclaimed, 

"First thing's first: nails!" 

Stein's Point of View

The door closed and I sighed, looking around the now empty hotel room. Going sit down, I heard Maka tell (Y/N) something and I sighed, turning on the TV. 

About an hour later; Spirit, Soul, Blackstar, and Kid knocked on the door and ushered me into a car, rushing me to get dressed. 

"Guys, I thought we were getting ready here?" I protested, looking at Spirit and he chuckled, replying,

"We are. Just gotta grab Lord Death first!" 

"Lord Death is actually coming? He can't leave his mirror."

Spirit just smirked at me and stayed quiet, making me worry. We stopped at a clearing and when I got out, there was a large mirror in the middle. 

"Much like students going into the Death Room without permission for emergencies. Lord Death can now leave the Death Room for emergencies." Spirit explained, writing the Death Room's number on the mirror and letting it ring. 

"Our wedding isn't exactly an emergency, Spirit." I deadpanned, putting my hands into my pockets and raising a brow at Kid. The boy just shrugged and I chuckled, as Lord death came into view. 

"YOUR WEDDING IS AN EMERGENCY, STEIN!" Lord Death yelled, making me sweat drop and reply,

"Sir, (Y/N) and I-"

"Put your hand on the mirror, Stein." Lord Death interrupted, placing his hand on the other mirror and I raised a brow, asking,


"Just do it!" 

Sighing, I stepped forward and when I placed my hand on the glass, Lord Death instructed,

"Using your soul wavelength, grab onto my wavelength through the glass, and pull me through."

"!! Lord Death, that's risky. I could hurt you."

Lord Death chuckled and his eyes began glowing, as he replied,

"You aren't the only one who can match wavelengths with anyone, Stein. You won't hurt me, but only someone on the side you need to get to can pull or I'll pull you here. You're the most accurate with wavelengths. So, come on. Pull me through." Glancing back at Kid, I searched for Lord Death's wavelength and thought,

'This would be easier between Kid and Lord Death. Kid's soul is a piece of Lord Death's. Yet, he isn't ready to tell the boy that yet. . .' 

Pulling Lord Death through, I gave him a knowing look and he turned into his human form, to look more normal. As normal as a reaper can look out in public, yet he kept on his mask. Rolling my eyes, I looked at the time and said,

"Come on. We've about four hours until the wedding. Let's go start getting ready. We've wasted about an hour and a half already." 

Time Skip to the Wedding

I was standing at the end of the aisle, waiting. Lord Death was with (Y/N) and everyone else was conversing quietly. 

"Nervous, Stein?" Spirit asked, catching my attention and I looked over to him, replying,

"Only if she doesn't come." 

"Heh. Well, I think you don't have to worry about that." He replied, pointing to the end of the aisle and I turned, seeing the doors starting to open. When the doors opened, (Y/N)'s arm was linked with Lord Death and she had gotten him to take off his mask. His red eyes met mine and I felt my heart sink, so I tore my gaze from him to focus on (Y/N). 

She was gorgeous, more gorgeous than normal. Absolutely, breath taking. Her hair was pulled back out of her face, into an elegant bun. The makeup she had was extremely minimal, which suited her. (Y/N) never did need a face full of makeup and I'm glad she didn't cover up her natural beauty. Her dress somehow looked even better on her than two days ago. 

When they reached me, Lord Death cleared his throat and his deep voice warned,

"Stein, you hurt her or do anything to harm a head on her body. I will, personally, lock you in a jail cell." 

(Y/N)'s eyes widened and I chuckled, replying,

"Deal." Her eyes met mine and he handed her over, quietly. The ceremony was simple and nice. When we got to our vows, mine were famously short, 

"(Y/N), I'm not really good at this. I just. . .I love you so much. I can't stand the thought of you being away. I'm glad you'll soon be mine." (Y/N) giggled and pressed a kiss to my cheek, replying.

"Such a way with words, as always Stein." Her vows were beautifully written,

"Stein, I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me. Both presently and in the past. You've shown me a new side to myself. One that is brave and can handle anything so long as you're by my side. I cannot express how much I love you. You're my entire world and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, my mad scientist."

Smiling, I pulled her into a soft kiss and when we pulled away, I was excited to put the ring on her finger. I don't remember anything after that, other than saying "I do." and getting to kiss the brand new Mrs. Stein.

We went to the hall we rented and (Y/N) went to the bathroom to change into something far more comfortable. As she walked away, I smiled and Spirit slapped my shoulder, exclaiming,

"Congratulations, Stein! I'm happy to say that she is perfect for you!" Loosening my tie, I chuckled and replied,

"I am too. Thank you."

"Get a drink with me." He suggested, motioning to the bar and I shook my head, replying,

"Since (Y/N) can't drink, I said I wouldn't drink." 

"I never asked you to do that, Stein." (Y/N)'s voice fussed, pulling my attention to her and I swooned, smiling softly. 

"What is it?" She asked, raising a brow and I smiled, replying,

"You're so beautiful." (Y/N) giggled and Spirit chuckled, as she replied,

"You look so stiff, handsome. I know how uncomfortable you are like that, I brought you a change of clothes." Looking down at myself, I realized how unlike myself I looked. White button down, black slacks, tie, and jacket. I looked a lot neater than I normally would. She handed me a bag and it contained my jacket, sweater, and brown pants. Her ring caught my eye and I smiled, putting the bag down. 

"Let's dance." I suggested, pulling her close to me and Spirit walked away, as she exclaimed,


"Let's dance, (Y/N)." 

She smiled at me and nodded, letting me take her onto the dance floor. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I placed my hands on her waist.

"I love you, Franken." 

"I love you too, Mrs. Stein."

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