Madness (Short Chapter)

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The next day we were back at the Academy and (Y/N) was sitting next to me, her eyes bored. She looked gorgeous, as usual, and I bit my bottom lip, eyes running over her body. 

"Simply gorgeous~" I muttered, catching her attention and Spirit walked into the classroom, asking,

"Can I borrow (Y/N) for a moment?" 

"Sure, sure. Just keep your hands off of her." I replied, shooing him away and (Y/N) giggled, walking out with him. 

Reader's Point of View

Walking with Spirit, he sighed and started,

"With Asura being free, the madness may effect him the worst."


"You may be able to help with this. Keep him calm and distracted. I'm sure you can work out how to do that~"

"Quit being perverted!" I growled, pushing his face away from mine and glaring at him. He chuckled and we went into the Death Room, talking about Stein. 

"Hiya, (Y/N)!" Lord Death greeted me, making me giggle and reply,

"Hello there, Lord Death."

"So, did Death Scythe explain the situation to you?"

"Briefly, sir."

"Well, with him being with you. You're the main one at risk and you're also the best candidate for being his calming wave length."

"Yes, sir."

"So, just keep an eye on him and Medusa has taken an interest in him. I'm sure you're eager to get your hands on her, but you'll have to be careful." 

"Of course." 

"Okay. Well, that's about it." 

Leaving the Death Room, I sighed and looked at the ground, running a hand through my hair.



I was sitting in class and Spirit was next to me, his usual frown in place. 

"Hey, where is Stein?" I asked, making him sigh and reply,

"I wish I knew." I heard him talking with some of the teachers about Stein starting to go mad and I started to worry. So, I followed Spirit out to the woods one day and heard him talking to Stein. 

"I'm gonna do my experiments." Gasping, I ran off and the next day Stein was in class, his interest in me growing. Looking at him, I smiled and he looked shocked, blushing. 

"Yo, scythe girl." Stein's voice called, I looked over my shoulder and he was standing there, blushing.

"Um...Could I come eat lunch with you?"

"Sure thing. And it's (Y/N). (F/N) (L/N)." 

"Okay, (L/N). I'm Franken Stein. Everyone just calls me Stein."

"I know who you are." 

"Then, why-"

"Because everyone needs a friend. Even the mad."

"What if I hurt you?"

"You won't, I trust you." 

His eyes widened and he didn't know how to respond

Flashback End

Sighing, I walked into Stein's classroom and he looked over to me, smiling. Smiling back at him, I could feel what I felt back then and I didn't shrink away from it this time. I walked straight up to the mad scientist and pressed a kiss to his mouth, daring his madness to take him. Pulling away from him, he looked down at me and started,

"Why did you-"

"Because even the mad have someone who loves them." 

"I love you too, (Y/N)." 

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