Treating You Right (Short Chapter)

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(Y/N) and I were walking back into Death City, she was humming lightheartedly and the sun was beginning to set. 

"(Y/N)?" I called out to her, making her stop and look at me quietly.

"Move in with me?" I asked her, remembering the two times we shared a kiss and touching my mouth, softly. She stepped towards me and caressed my face, humming.

"Stein...Let's do it." Her response shocked me and she continued,

"Let's move into your lab." Sighing, I smiled down at her and went to begin walking again, but she pulled my mouth down to her own. Her kiss was gentle and she kept her arms wrapped around my neck, softly to keep me in place. Kissing back, briefly, I placed a hand on her hip and the other rested on her cheek, gently. 

She pulled away and smiled up at me, saying, 

"Okay. To Troy's to get my stuff and then home. Right?" 

"Right." I replied, smiling down at her and nodding. She intertwined our fingers and led me to the apartment complex. When we got to the apartment, the TV could be heard inside and (Y/N) hesitated. I looked at her and nodded, saying,

"I got it, (Y/N). Just wait behind me." She looked at me and nodded, walking behind me. I knocked on the door and Troy opened the door, quickly. His expression turned angry and then he saw (Y/N), looking relieved. I glared at him and she looked at him, saying,

"I'm here for my stuff Troy." His expression faltered and he huffed opening the door, saying, 

"You can come in, but four eyes has to stay outside." 

"No way in hell." I said, keeping (Y/N) behind me and continuing,

"I go in with her, that's not an option." (Y/N) looked at me and grabbed my hand, nodding at Troy. He huffed and walked away from the door, saying nothing. We walked into the apartment and (Y/N) went get bags to put her things into, quickly. I stood in the living room with my hands in my pockets, ignoring Troy's glare at me. 

"You know, she doesn't love you four eyes." He commented, trying to get a reaction out of me and failing miserably. He got angry and huffed, saying,

"How can you stand in my living room and say nothing to me?"

"I make it a habit to not listen to lairs, cheaters, and/or abusers." I replied, glaring at him and then looking back towards (Y/N), packing. 

When she finished, I went to grab one of her bags and Troy went to grab her wrist, but I twisted his arm behind his back.

"If you even attempt to put your hands on her" I growled, pushing him away from her and grabbing her bags, saying,

"Come on, (Y/N). Let's go home." We left and headed back to the lab, at first in silence. Then, she spoke and her comment caught me off guard,

"Stein, I want something when we get home...I want you to treat me right." I looked at her with wide eyes, then I smiled nodding as I said,

"I'll treat you right, (Y/N)." 

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