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After making sure the little girl was okay, Maka and Soul left to go join the battle. Stein and I stabilized Crona, while Marie tried to contact Lord Death.

"No answer." Marie called, as we finished up with Crona and Stein looked at her, sighing,

"That isn't a good sign. We should head to the battle too." Looking up at him, I raised a brow and started to argue,

"What? But-"

"(Y/N), if Lord Death's plan works. Death City will be on that battle field. Lord Death would rather die than have to sit and wait." Stein interrupted, cleaning his glasses and looking at the ground. Sighing, I looked at Crona and chewed on my bottom lip, thinking,

'We need to get him back to the Academy. . .If Death City isn't on that battle field, he won't make it back to Death City. On the other hand, if Death City is on the battle field and we don't go there, he won't make it.'

"(Y/N), you have to trust me." Stein said, checking on Crona's wrappings and making sure they were tight enough for travel. Looking at him, I huffed and nodded, replying,

"Alright. Let's go."

"Good. I can carry him. If we hurry, we can make it in a little under four hours."

Walking outside, Marie looked at Crona and asked,

"Will he be okay?"

"As long as we can get him back to the Academy, yes." I replied, tucking my hands into my pockets and Marie nodded, informing us,

"Lord Death should be on the battle field right about now."

"We figured that." Stein interjected, walking ahead and I caught up to him, letting Marie fall behind us.

Three hours later, I could hear people fighting and there was a loud rumbling, the vibrations could be felt through the ground. Looking over at Stein, I sensed his wavelength and felt relief at its normalcy.

"We're close." Stein whispered, keeping his guard up and the look on his face made me worry.

"Stein, there's something else. What is it?" I asked, looking around and trying to see if I could sense anything else out of place.

"Lord Death's soul wavelength is. . .Never mind. We're close. Come on."

Upon getting to the Academy, Marie went to the Death Room while Stein and I laid Crona down. As I went to put an IV into his arm, he grabbed my wrist gently.

"Miss (L/N), where is Maka?" Crona's voice was hoarse and I sighed, replying,

"She's fighting. You need to rest."

"No, I want to go."

"You're too weak to fight, Crona." Stein interjected, putting his lab coat on the boy's shoulders and continuing,

"Let's all go to the Death Room and see what the situation is." Nodding, I helped Crona up and he smiled, thanking me quietly. When I was confident that he would be fine to walk on his own, I let him go and we made our way to the Death Room, quietly.

"What the hell?!" I shouted, making Stein put his hand over my mouth and ask, calmly,

"What happened?"

Spirit and Lord Death were both unconscious and they looked horrible. There was a gigantic hole leading outside and they were both connected to machines.

"Lord Death fought Asura and lost, badly. Maka, Soul, Kid, Liz, Patty, Blackstar, and Tsubaki went in there to finish him off." Azusa replied, looking over at us and seeing how we were she sighed. Licking Stein's hand, he looked down at me and moved the hand to my waist, wiping my saliva off.

"Behave." He whispered, making me roll my eyes and he sat next to Spirit, checking his vitals. Sitting on the edge of the floor, my legs hung outside and I ran a hand through my hair, asking,

"What do we do now? Just wait?"

"Yes, we wait." Azusa replied, making me frown and look at the black sphere.

A few hours later, Spirit woke up and asked,

"Where is Maka?"

"She's there." I replied, pointing to the sphere and he panicked for a second before Stein said,

"Don't get yourself worked up. Maka is strong. The Genie Hunter is her trump card."

When Crona was explaining that Maka's abilities weren't just her resonance powers, Lord Death woke up and explained that Maka's courage is what will save her.

While waiting, Stein came sit next to me and he asked, softly,

"Are you okay?" Sighing, I leaned my head on his shoulder and replied,

"I'm better now."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't, Stein. It was Medusa."

"But a part of me had to want that. No matter how small. I just. . .I'm sorry."

"You're back now. That's what matters."

We waited for another hour and then the barrier disappeared, human souls starting to float up into the air. Stein stood up and I looked up at him, admiring him. The scar that went across his face, his green eyes, and a jawline that was as sharp as a knife. Not to mention the muscles that hid beneath his clothes. He really was a specimen of near perfection. He looked down at me and smiled, offering me a hand. Grabbing his hand, he pulled me to my feet and wrapped an arm around my waist, the other resting on the back of my neck.

Pulling me into a kiss, he gave me the affection that I've missed for the past few weeks.

"I've been waiting to do that."

"We kissed before we got back."

"In my madness world. Not in real life."

Looking back outside, I saw the kids all alive and Maka was standing on a column. Clinging to Stein, I smiled and waved to them, happily.

"So, (Y/N). . .Is there anything you have to tell me?" Stein's voice pulled me away from the kids and I smiled, asking,

"Don't you just wanna wait for the surprise one time?"

"I don't like surprises."

Making eye contact with Maka, I smiled and her eyes widened, as she mouthed

'Are you?'

Nodding, I smiled and bit my bottom lip, chuckling.

"(Y/N)'s PREGNANT!" She yelled down to her friends and they all looked up at me, expectantly. I could feel all the eyes on me and Stein knelt in front of me, whispering,

"I wanna hear you say it, (Y/N)." Smiling, I looked down at him and cupped his face in my hands, confirming what Maka said,

"I'm pregnant."

Stitched heart (Stein x reader)Where stories live. Discover now