Chapter 1

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"Mum! Can you look after Liam tonight, I wanna grab another shift at the diner tonight" I shouted down the hall apply a little bit of mascara. Liam was my two-year-old son, and I myself is Scarlett and is 18 years old. I know what you must be thinking, 18 and has a two-year-old son... well I was raped and it was the worst thing I've ever been through but at least there was one outcome... well two. The man was caught and was sent to jail, and I secondly, I got my beautiful son Liam out of it.

"sure sweetheart, I love babysitting the little man anyway – come here Liam" I watched in the mirror as my mum chased little Liam around the house. I'm so grateful that my mum has been here because without her I would probably be living on the streets barely even struggling to get by.

"Ok mum I off. I'll be back around 10. I have to close up" She nodded her head and I kissed the top of her head.

"Ok Baby, mummy is off. She'll be back soon" I kissed him and grabbed my black bag and slung it over my shoulder. I had been working at the diner for about a year now and I'm really enjoying it, the outfit is a simple red short dress that comes to my knees and is honestly just beautiful. Work was only a five-minute walk from our house which was good because we don't have enough money to afford a car.

"Hey Mike. How's it going? Busy night?" I smiled at the cook as I pushed open the door to the diner

"Yeah good thanks Scarlett. Yeah bit busy, but it's all good now that you're here" I laughed and chucked my bag in the back and grabbed my apron. I grabbed my book and walked out to start taking orders.

"Miss!" I heard someone shout out to me, turning around I looked for the table and noticed that it was full of hot guys, and when I mean hot I mean H.O.T. They all hard broad tough shoulders, strong jaw lines, they were just to die for.

"Hey guys. What can I get you?" I tried not to make any eye contact, not really wanting to stare at gorgeous guys I could never have.

"You" one of the men commented and I instantly heard a growl which made my head snap up. The guy sitting on the far end of the table was I don't know... growling? At the guy across from him. The growling guy was gorgeous, he had jet black hair and beautiful tan skin. I couldn't see the colour of his eyes as he was death glaring the guy across from him. I cleared my throat and tried to speak normally

"um, sorry, what can I get you guys?" I tucked some of my hair behind my ear and waited for their orders. They all order a few burgers and chips but the growling man never spoke. Finalising their order I went back to the kitchen and put their order in.

"What the hell was that?" I asked out loud. That was honestly the weirdest table I have ever served. I mean, that guy was growling for god sake, who growls?!

"Hey Mike. Imma get some fresh air, be back in a minute" I didn't wait for his reply and went straight out the door. Leaning up against the side of the building, I felt the cold breeze fly past me and I shivered. I always loved the night, when I was younger and in high school, I would always go up on the roof and stare at the stars. It always relaxed me, I don't know why but I guess it was just looking into that calm night and staring at those sparkling stars I just knew that everything would be alright.

"Ohhh it's coldddd" I once again said out loud, the wind flew right through me I was shaking. I was about to go back inside but I was pushed up against a wall roughly and there was a head shoved right into my neck. What was going on?

"um. Sir, please. Get off" I tried to push this man away but he didn't budge, Tears started to fall from my eyes, I started having visions of that night two years ago, when I was wrongfully taken advantage of.

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