Chapter 9

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Scarlett's POV

"Once again I'm am so sorry for what my idiotic brother said to you. He's such a fuck wit" Violet said in a pit of rage, quickly I put my hands over Liam's ears and glare at her

"oh. Right, sorry" she giggles and continues to turn her attention back to the tv screen where the Lego movie was playing.

So much happened over this last week, Violet has been inviting herself over these past few days and saying that she doesn't want to be judged on her brothers reaction and apologies every day for his reation.

"I just don't get why he over reacted like that, I mean, he doesn't even know me yet his sudden and angry outburst just doesn't make any sense" I could see out of the corner of my eye that Violet has frozen up, she kept on licking her lips and fumbling where her hands

"Look Scar, there are things that you don't understand, and they're complicated. He really does care for you and his actions were out of love. Maybe give him a chance? I mean, he's my brother so I know that he's a good guy" I nodded my head slowly, taking in the information. Maybe I could give him a chance, I mean, he did kinda get down on his knees begging for my forgiveness.

"I guess I could give him a shot" Violet smiled at me and turned her attention back to the tv and watched it intently as did Liam.

"Hey, you ok to watch him for a bit? I've got to go to the store and get some bread and stuff for Liam's lunches this week. And hey! Maybe it'll give you an idea of what's in store for you" her face lit up at the thought of looking after her own child and was quick to say yes.

I grabbed my house keys and slung my bag over my shoulder and quickly made my way to the store. William did say he wanted to get to know Liam, and maybe. Just maybe, he would be a good father to him.

What am I even thinking! I can't be thinking about this stuff! I don't have time to think about William, I need to focus on Liam.

Arriving at the store I grab a cart and start doing my shop, I grab the basic necessities but also make sure to keep a list of how much everything cost so far, be careful not to go over my budget. I've got to make sure that I have a budget for every month, I also need to make sure that I have some spare cash in case for emergences just in case Liam hurts himself.

Walking into the store I head straight into cold section, trying to find some milk, then made my way to the bread section.

"Is there anything else I need?" I asked out loud talking to no one is particular

"Do you need a hand?" a voice asked from behind me, frustrated with this moment and my life I completely rushed out against the stranger

"No, I don't need a hand. I need to think of what else Liam needs because I can't come back here again I don't have anyone to look after him and the one time I do I don't even have enough money to get everything and I jus-"Stopping my outburst of a ramble the stranger behind my grabbed my shoulders and turned me around and pulled me into his arms. This man's arms brought me comfort, tingles shot throughout my arms everywhere and being in this man's arms felt... perfect. It felt right. Complete.

Pulling my head back I looked up at the face of the mysterious man who hugged me tightly to his chest. Once the shock had passed through my I pushed myself out of his arms and walked off towards the cash register completely ignoring him.

"No, Scarlett. Wait, please. I want to talk" Ignoring his pleas I placed my food onto the convey belt and watched as the check out lady scanned my food agonizingly slow.

"I miss you Scarlett. This past week has been so hard, you have no idea" He stopped his talk and pulled out his wallet and gave the cashier lady some money before I could even object. I stared at him in disbelief

"Why did you do that? I have money you know, I'm not some helpless girl. I can pay for my own food" I know I'm a snobby bitch but I was angry. I gathered my food into my bags and walked out the store, carrying my food home.

"Scarlett I want to take you out on a date" his words stopped me in my path, I listened to his footsteps as they slowly quieted as they came up behind me.

"I want to apologise for the way I reacted and I would really like to get to know you" The first question that came to my head was why?

"You know what. What the hell. Okay, why not. I have nothing else to do but clean the house. Tonight, seven thirty?" I turned and asked him, I don't know what possessed me to say yes but I did. William's face was shocked as if he didn't think I would say yes

"Um, yeah, sounds" He stared at me with shock like he still didn't know what to say.

"Alright, I'll see you then. Bye" I walked off leaving William standing there like a gaping fish, all my confidence that I once managed to use had now left my body. I don't know what drew me to say yes, maybe there was something in me that knew he would never give up, maybe after this one date he would see that I'm not worth the chase and would eventually give up.

"I'm home" I sung out and placed the groceries on the kitchen table

"Mumma" Liam walked his way over to me and wrapped his arms around my legs

"Naw you miss me baby?" I picked him up and placed him on my waist and he placed his in the crook of my neck.

"So, I heard that you're going out with William tonight hey" Violet asked dragging out the 'y'.

"How did you know that he asked me out? He literally just asked me" How did she know so fast? Violet straightened up immediately and looked like a deer caught in head lights.

"um, William texted me. Yeah, he texted" she talked as if she wasn't only trying to convince me but herself as well. That's odd.

"Okay well anyway, I'm more than happy to baby sit Liam tonight, I love him to bits" she tickled Liam sides making him giggle. God, he has a gorgeous laugh. I thanked her and handed Liam over to her.

"Alright, now it's time to go get dressed" I gave Violet a nervous smile and climbed my way up the stairs, worrying about how the night will turn out. 

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