Chapter 10

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"Actually, you know what. I don't want to go anymore. Nope. I'm going to go remove all this silly make-up and watch Paw Patrol with my son" I go to turn around and walk back into my front door but get forcefully pushed out of the door by Violet. 

"Um, excuse you, no you're not. Not after all my magical god motherly work I've done on you. Scarlett, you don't look silly, you look gorgeous" Violet tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear and gave me a warm smile. 

"And don't worry about Liam, I'll look after him and I'll give your mother the night off. You go enjoy your date gorgeous, don't let all my hard work go to waste now. You hear me?" There's something about violet, she has a way with words and she knows exactly how to make me feel.. feel a lot less shit about myself. 

"Ok. I'll go now. I don't plan on being too late, thank you so much for looking after Liam for me" I give her a quick hug and star to make my way towards the bus stop. The night is cold, all I have for warmth is my arms for which I can wrap around myself yet it does not shield me from the harrowing wind. I would've brought a jumper along, that is, if I even owned a jumper. Times have been tough and I'm trying to save as much money as I can to send my son to school as  education is so important to me. 

I have nightmares that my son won't be able to go to school, that we'll be too poor that I can't even hide it from Liam, he'll see the sad smile which I try to hid but he'll see through. He's a smart boy with so much potential in his life. 

I'm dragged from my own thoughts when I hear someone shouting my name. I turn to find the face of this voice and turn to find William walking out of his car. It's as if time slows down, first his foot his the road. His black Italian shoes reflect the stars in the sky, when he stands he stands to his full height, his suit stretching over his muscular chest. I have not yet seen his face, he shuts the car door and turns towards me. The first glimpse of his face has me melting, as soon as we make eye contact his eyes instantly light up. His smile is pure and reaches from ear to ear, his white teeth shinning back at me and he looks like he is genuinely pleased to see me.

"Oh my god" He puts his hands over his mouth and looks up to the sky. What? have I done something? Do I not look ok? Am i not to his standards? Of course i''m not up to his standards, he has money, you can literally see how wealthy he is by his clothing. Meanwhile the nicest this I own is a dress I got seven years ago. 

I start to turn around and walk home when I feel a warm comforting hand grab my upper arm. He turns me around and I melt as soon as I look into his eyes. They hold concern, but why?

"What's wrong Scarlett? You look upset" He places his hand on my cheek and by instinct I move closer towards it. It's so warm, so comforting. I've never felt this comfort before, ever. 

"It's just, look at you!" I step away from his hand and motion up and down him

"You look amazing and then here I am, looking like an old ratty woman who doesn't own anything nice. Don't try and hide the disgust on your face, I saw you look up at the sky like you didn't even want to see me but what I don't understand is that you try so hard to get this 'date' if you can even call it that and then once you see me it's almost like you regre-" I don't remember what I was going to say anymore because the moment his lips came crashing down on to mine I felt my body go jelly. 

He carefully cups my face, his soft skin caressing my cheeks as his thumb runs up and down my cheek bone. There are sparks shooting throughout my body and I've never felt anything like this before, it is such an incredible and unique feeling. 

Wait! What am I doing? I harshly pull back from William and stare at him. 

"I'm so sorry but I had to cut you off from the awfully rant. I know I shouldn't have kissed you because we're not there yet but I just couldn't listen to what you were saying. Those things were horrible. When I first saw you it wasn't disgust it was shock, I was shocked because I couldn't believe that I was going out on a date with the most gorgeous woman on the planet. I looked up to the sky and thought, wow, you've really out done yourself Aphrodite. This woman is an angle sent down to heaven. What have I ever done in this world to have had the opportunity to spend a night with this stunning woman, even if it is just for the night. It doesn't matter if I don't get a second date, all that matters is tonight and that you should know that I will forever cherish the time we spend together tonight" By the end of his little speech my eyes were glistening with unshed tears. 

No one has ever said anything like that to me before, I've never had a boyfriend, the only man that I've ever been with was against my will and what was supposed to be a very special moment in life turned out to be my very nightmare and something that will haunt me forever as I will forever have to look into the eyes of my son.

"So, if we may continue our date I would love to do so. I have amazing things in store for tonight" 

I didn't have to think about my answer for long because as soon as I looked into his eyes I knew he genuinely meant what he said and I knew that what ever we were going to do tonight that I would be safe with him. 

"Ok, lets go"


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