Chapter 5

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William's POV

"Hey Violet" I said as my sister violet walked through the door. She walked straight pass me in as I was sitting in the entertainment lounge watching nothing in particular. That's all I've been doing lately. Watching tv, well I can't even call it watching tv. All I've been thinking about lately is Scarlett. So many thoughts swirl around in my head but nothing made sense. I felt so guilty about how I handled the last time I saw her, the way I yelled at her and shouted at her in front of her child. Arh, her child.

She has a child. A child with someone else who isn't me. That's my issue. She went and slept with another man who isn't me. She isn't pure, by no means was I pure but that's different. I'm an alpha, an alpha with needs no less.

My wolf hasn't been talking to me lately. He's all sulky and moaning at how I yelled at Scar. It's pathetic, the big bad alpha sulking over a woman. How cliché, well not this time... because this time it's different, my mate has a child... with another man!

My anger taking over me I get up off the couch and decide to go do some pack work in my office. As I made my way up stairs I walked past violets room to hear her crying in her room. My sister is my weakness, my only weakness. Well... my mate should have been my only weakness but not now since she's betrayed me.

"Violet... can I come in?" I knock on the door and answer not even bothering to wait for her reply. She sat on the edge of her bad crying into her hands.

"Vi, what's wrong?" I sat next to her and put my arms around her shoulders, she leant over and cried into my side.

"I meant this most insprining and amazing girl ever. She told me her story and it's incredible what she went through" I knew better then to interrupt Vi's story so I continued to hug her and listen

"This girl was drugged and raped at the age of sixteen and then she got pregnant, she made the hardest decision ever and kept the baby even after everything she went though. I cannot imagine making a decision like that. Being raped and then keeping the baby knowing that the father is a rapist and will hopefully rot in jail. She had to drop out of high school and had to put her education on hold to raise this baby. And my god he is gorgeous, he is the most happiest baby you'll ever see." She stopped crying and started to smile brightly.

"I'm not meaning to sound rude here but is there a point to your story?" even though she is my sister I don't have all day to listen to her babble on about some random story.

"I'm pregnant"

My heart stopped. My baby sister, pregnant. At the age of eighteen. I didn't know what to feel, even though it's normal for werewolf's to become pregnant soon after they meet your mate this is my sister that we were talking about.

Getting up I storm my way out of the room. I'm going to kill that bastard.

"Kyle!" I scream down the hall way.

"No! William Stop! He doesn't know!" I don't listen to my sister as I ran around the house trying to find Kyle. I slam the front door shut and make my way towards the training grounds where currently my father and beta stood watching as my pack trained.

"Kyle!" my voice boomed, Kyles head turned straight towards me and before he knew it I punched him straight across the jaw. Kyle landed flat on the ground and immediately I jumped up and started punching him straight in the face

"William stop get off him!" Violet screamed but she was unable to pull me off him. My father interjected and pulled me right off of Kyle. Violet ran and fell next to Kyle and made she he was alright.

"What the hell is wrong with you William!" my dad shouted in my face, his face full of rage and anger.

"That is no way to treat a pack member no less your beta!" I was fuming. Mixed emotions swelled around me as both the information of my sister being pregnant and the fact that my mate has a child broke me. I shifted into my midnight black wolf and ran off into the forest to left off some anger. 

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