Chapter 12

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The first thing I saw was how beautiful everything was. William had strung up fairy lights up everywhere between several trees around a clearing next to a lake. In the middle of the clearing was a small table with candles in the center.

"Only the best for the best" William grabbed my hand and lead me to the table where he placed the food on the table and waited behind my chair for me to sit down.

"This is incredible, I've never had anyone done something like this for me before" I looked straight into his eyes and saw his pearly white teeth shinning.

"Thank you" I meant what I said, put our past behind us, this was truly incredible and this, no doubt, makes up for everything that he has said... kinda.

"I thought I had to do something to show you how sorry I really am for being such a jerk to you" You could hear how sincere and sad he was from the tone of his voice. I reached over the table and grabbed a hold of his hand and squeezed it tightly.

"So lets get to know each other, tell me about your life?" I wanted to know more about the man sitting in front of me. His persona was dark and mysterious and I wanted to what was behind his mask that he wore.

"I work in construction, as I had previously mentioned, I took over the business from my parents. They gave me the business when I was 18 because due to some.. issues, and after that they travelled around the world for some time because they never had the chance too. My mum got pregnant with me at 16, I know, that's really young but from where I come from it's pretty common" I was impressed, he had taken over the business at such a young age and he hadn't managed to run the business into the ground yet.

"I'm the eldest child out of 5 siblings. It goes myself, my sister Violet, I have two younger brothers who are twins but they're currently in boarding school so they're not around much and then I have a younger sister who is about two years old" He had a glint in his eye as he talked about his siblings, it's cute to see that he really cares for them, even though when he spoke about his twin brothers he talked about their annoying traits and he said it in a way that he was annoyed but yet showed that he did really love them.

As he spoke more about his family I couldn't help but feel disheartened by everything, he was talking about annual family holiday where they would all go up to their holiday house and spend every day on the water riding jet skis or lazing around on the beach. I never got to experience a lavish life like that. I spent most of my life growing up in fear, I spent my holidays hiding in my room covering my head with my pillows trying to block out the deafening screams of my mother from down stairs. I classified that as a good holiday, there were worst holidays then that.

"Are you ok?" I was brought out from day dreaming by a concerned William, he gripped my hand firmly and was rubbing his thumb back and forth over the back of my palm.

"Yeah, sorry. Just thinking" I gave him a warm smile and pushed those wretched memories to the back of my brain

"Anyway, that's enough about me, what about you? Do you have any siblings or anything?"

"um, no. I'm a single child, and there is nothing much else for me to tell" I gave a light laugh and looked down at my hands fumbling with them not really wanting to ruin this amazing night by my awful past.

"Tell me about your son" At first I was shocked, since when did he want to know or talk about my son?

"I thought, since I like you, and I really do like you Scarlett. I'm not playing around here, I like you, a lot, and I want us to be something. I don't care if it's now, I know that it will take time but I'm willing to put in the time so that we can be something more than strangers. I want to know about your flaws and all. I want to know your son, I want to be a part of your son's life. I want to be there for the both of you" Who would have thought that this stranger that I met only a few days ago would be saying things like this. I really don't know what to make of it.

This man in front of me is a stranger, yet, when I'm with him he doesn't feel like a stranger. It feels right, it feels like I've known him for ever and what he's saying sounds right. Shouldn't I be questioning why a man who barely knows me is saying this? I should be, but I'm not and really, I couldn't care less.

"That would nice. I, I don't know how I feel right now but I think after spending some time together I should be able to give you an answer" He smiled which showed me he was content with my answer.

"My son is two years old and he is the light of my life. Every decision I make is for him, I am who I am today because of him and honestly, I would not change a thing because if I did I wouldn't have him and I would have no clue who the hell I would be" talking about my son brought tears to my ears, he really is my everything.

"What about the dad, is he still in the picture?" It struck me like a rock and the memories came flashing back, this happens every time. Every time someone mentions him I always have a panic attack, my breaths become shallow and it becomes harder to breath. William notices my short fast breathing and is immediately by my side, and I mean immediately, as if it was a flash of lighting he was right there, looking at me in concern and worry.

"Scarlett, what's wrong. Scarlett breath. It's OK, breath" Even though I tried to breath, I couldn't and just like that, the last thing I saw was William yelling into the phone as he cradled me to his chest.


As soon as I asked the question I immediately regretted it. In an instant he demeanor turned into pain, you could tell she was in pain both mentally and physically. Her face started to turn pale and she started to wheeze.

"Oh my god, Scarlett?" I used my inhumane pace to get to her side, I got there just in time to catch her as she fell off her chair. I careful placed her onto the ground and she was grabbing at her chest

"Fuck, you're having a panic attack" I pushed all the hair out of Scarlets face and carefully grabbed her face.

"Scarlett, it's OK, breath. You need to breath, please. You need to calm down. It's OK, you're OK. I promise" I noticed she started to go purple, I didn't know what to do. I feel helpless. I'm a worthless fucking mate. I pulled my phone out from my pocket and immediately called my mother.

"Aren't you supposed to be on a date right not?"

"Mum I don't have time. I think Scarlett is having a panic attack, she has gone purple and I think she's blacked out" I stared down at an unconscious Scarlett and my concern grew a thousand times more.

"Ok William, listen to me, carefully start compression and every 30 pumps I need you to hold her nose and breath for her. OK?" I put the phone onto speaker phone and listened to mums instructions after a few pumps Scarlett seemed to regain her breath. I immediately placed her on her side and rubbed her back. I took mum off speaker phone and placed the phone to my ear

"Thanks mum, she's ok I think. She's breathing now and I've placed her on her side." I watched as Scarlett continued to cough and then finally role over onto her back and I watched her chest to see a steady breathing pattern.

"That's good William. I think you should bring her back to the house just so I can do a check up" Mum did suggest a good idea, it is after all better to be safe than sorry.

"OK mum, I'm on my way. I'll be there soon" I hung up on mum and saw that Scarlett was still a little out, she was conscious but just not awake yet.

I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my car. I'll have to mind link my beta later so he can clean up all this mess.

"I guess you'll be meeting my family sooner than expected"

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