Chapter 7

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I went rigid at his voice. William. I swallowed hard and slowly placed my knife and fork down as I stared down at my plate.

"I think it's time for us to leave" I picked Liam up out of his chair and stood up

"Dinner was lovely, thank you so much for the invitation" I turned around but was stopped when I came face to face with William.

"But you only just got here, we haven't even had dessert. Why the rush?" Gwen asked as she stood up from the table watched the scene in front of her.

"I'm sorry. Maybe a rain check?" I asked not bothering to look back but kept eye contact with William as I tried to side step him.

"What are you doing here?" His voice was low and gruff.

"I was invited here" unlike his, mine was weak and soft, and ready to submit.

"Wait.. you- you're" He was unable to speak

"William, how can you be so rude. This is our guest. The girl I told you about, and that gorgeous little baby is her son Liam" William listened to what Violet had to saw and he visually tensed, he slowly took a step back as guilt plastered all over his face.

"wh-" he still couldn't speak.

"you were-we-" and then it happened. Realisation hit him. I'm guessing after I told violet my story she came home and told her family. I wanted to laugh. I wanted to scream in his face and say that he was the biggest dick I've ever known, but unfortunately my son was in my arms.

"Um, I should actually really get going. I have to walk home and I don't want to walk when it's too dark. Thank you so much for your hospitality" Liam gave the table his biggest smile and waved at everyone. I couldn't tell what was happening, everything was just a blur. Everyone had different emotions. Derek's face had anger laced with rage whereas Violet and Gwen was confused yet was also concerned.

"Wait. You walked here?"Violet asked, I nodded

"We will have a driver send you home, you shouldn't be walking at night by yourself with Liam" I was thankful that Gwen had offered to send me home with a driver but sadly I had to refuse

"Oh no, please I don't want to disturb anyone, besides, I like walking at night. There's something calming about walking in the woods at night" before I could leave the room Violet ran out of the room and instantly came back with a thick black coat

"Take this. I don't use it anymore, it will also keep you and the little man there warm" Thanking her I made my way to the front door. Throughout that whole time William had still not moved, still physically shocked.

Stepping out into the dark night the cool breeze instantly hit me, I wrapped the coat around myself and then zipped it up over Liam who sat on my chest with his head in the crook of my neck slowly dozing off.

I've been walking for about five minutes and I've been feeling like I've been being watched. Turning around to see if anything was behind me I screamed in shock from a black figure standing there. I placed my hand over Liam's head as I tried to control my breathing, checking to see if Liam was still sleeping I spoke up.

"What the hell are you doing! Sneaking up on me like that in the middle of the night!" frustrated I turned back around and continued waking.

"Scarlett, wait. I'm sorry for scaring you ok, Scar stop!" I immedeilty stopped and walked up to him frustrated.

"Don't you ever call me that" I pointed my finger into his chest

"You do not have the rights to call me Scar, you don't have the rights to call me anything. I don't even know what you're doing here because I don't want to see you. Now if you excuse me, I'm off to open my legs to any random man that ask" I stormed away from him. He has no right to call me that. Even though it felt so right coming from him now was not the time.

"Scarlett. I'm sorry. I messed up. I'm so fucking sorry. Please, just hear me out" I could hear the guilt in his voice but hearing that wasn't what made me stop walking. Slowly turning around, I looked at him with tears in my eyes

"Why would I give you time to explain when you never did" I said it so softly I doubt he would hear me but somehow he did.

"You shouldn't. but I'm asking you to look past my mistakes and just listen to me. I fucked up. I'm sorry. I let the rage and furry take over me and I was blinded by it all" He was slowly coming walking towards me and I immediately put my hand out in front of me to stop his movements.

"Why do you even care? You don't know me, you don't know what I've been through. Why do you care?" I rubbed his face and let out a groan. The cold air surrounded around us and nipped at my bear legs and Goosebumps travelled around my body.

"I just care, you're right I don't know you but I want to know you. I want to apologise for what I did and for what I said. I like you Scarlett, you may say that we only knew each other for a week but I believe that's all it takes for a spark to ignite. I want to get to know you, I want to get to know you're son. I want to hear you're story from you, not my sister but only when you're ready to tell me. I want to be apart of your life so that I can spend every day apologising to you for everything that I said" throughout his little speech tears had started to streak down my face, and William had slowly made his way towards me and very slowly, he got down on his knees in front of me.

"I like you Scarlett, and I hope that you're forgiving enough to let me get to know you and your beautiful son. I want to spend every day making up for everything that I said to you two months ago. I know that even if I didn't know your situation I shouldn't have said what I said, but you have to believe me, I had no control over it. It was my wo- my inner demon taking control. But you have to believe me, from the bottom of my heart... I want to make it up to you" William looked so sad and guilty from where he knelt on the floor in front of me. What do I do? I mean, his words really hurt me and he should have never said anything like that to me or any girl of that matter.

But there's this thing inside of me that calls for him. Something inside of me wants him to be a part of my life, wants him to be a father figure to Liam but what confuses me the most is where this feeling is coming from.

"Good bye William" my eyes stopped crying and I swallowed hard, I turned around and left William kneeing on the floor with little hope in his eyes. Even If I don't know where this feeling is coming from and even though my body wants him, my mind is telling me to do what's best for me and right now what's best for me is to get Liam home safely and out of the cold. 

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