Chapter 11

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"You're joking right?" I stare into the window in shock, he's joking right?

"Nope, dead serious. We are going to cook our own meals tonight from a private cooking session. I've arranged it so it is just us tonight, we have the whole kitchen to ourselves, besides the chef of course but I already consider myself a professional cook so watch and learn missy"

"Oh you think you're a professional cook? Try cooking for a two year old son you got to make sure the food is yummy enough for his to eat it but at the same time you have to hide all his greens in it so he will eat it" speaking about my son brought an instant smile to my face but as soon as I mentioned him I noticed William's demeanor become sad. I don't know what to do? I know he is upset about my son and but I don't know why? But it makes me sad knowing that he is sad but I'm so confused because I have only just met this man and it makes no sense for me to feel sad because he is.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought him up" I go to walk in through the door but got pulled back by William

"You don't have to apologies, he is your son, he is apart of your life" I nodded and gave him a small smile and walked into the kitchen


"Oh my god, please stop. You are torturing that dough, you're supposed to knead it not bash it" I laugh at William who has some how managed to end up covered in flour and has a dough that does not even look close to being edible.

"It's not my fault the chef came in and told us what to do then left, he's supposed to be here helping me" I laughed because he was right, the guy came in, told us what we had to do and the left us to cook. In my opinion that was a bad decision because after seeing William in the kitchen I know that he needs to have a fire extinguisher close by.

"Scarlett, wait" I look towards William who has put his dough back onto the table

"You have something right, there" He rubs my cheek with his thumb but to my unknown this thumb was covered in flour.

"Hey! That's not fair! I was doing so well not getting flour every where and know you've made me look like a mess" William was laughing too hard at my little outburst, he was bent over clutching his stomach as he was staring at my angry flour face. Well I'll give him something to laugh about.

I grab two hands full of flour from the bag and dump it onto his head while he was bent over laughing. As soon as I did that he stopped laughing and stood straight up. Flour fell from his hair all over his black suit, and from then on I knew that I had made a mistake. His face was dark and angry and to be honest I would be angry too, I just spilt flour all over his expensive suit. What was I thinking!

I cowered my head down, I couldn't stand looking into his face, I stared to back up as tears started to form in my eyes. Why would I do that? I was only trying to have fun. William put his hand out to touch my arm and I screamed in fright and jumped away from him

"Scarlett! Are you OK? What's wrong?" He sounded genuinely concerned and I looked up to face him and noticed that he was no longer angry but concerned and worried.

"I, I'm sorry for putting flour on your suit. I promise to pay for it" I hugged my body and tried to get away from this man.

"Scarlett, don't be sorry, I'm sorry, I was only playing around, I wasn't actually angry. I'm so sorry, I didn't know you would react like this. I promise I won't do it again. Please look at me, I'm not angry at you" He carefully held my face in his hands and moved my head so that I was looking into his eyes. My tears betrayed me as a lone tear fell down my cheek.

William bit his lip and wiped away my tear with his thumb.

"Scarlett, I am so sorry, I did not mean to make you cry. I promise you I am not angry at all, I was just trying to play around and pretend to be funny. I will never ever hurt you, by hurting you I hurt myself. You are me Scarlett and I need you to know that no matter what you ever do to me I will never lay a hand on you" I don't know what it was about his speech but it made me pull myself into his arms.

At first William was shocked by my actions but soon got over it and wrapped his arms around me, tight. He leaned his head into mine and it was the first time I ever felt safe in a mans embrace. I pulled back, feeling too comfortable with this position and wiped away my tears and gave him a smile.

"I'm sorry for overeating, I know you won't hurt me. Let's just continue cooking shall we?" I smiled and started kneading my dough

"We shall"


"They smell so good!" I stare into the picnic basket as I look at the delicious melted cheese covering my pizza. It's been a really long time since I've had pizza, normally I just get food for Liam and I eat whatever he doesn't. It's not a way to live but it's the only way I can live and make sure that my son gets into school.

"Ok, well we should move onto our next destination of the night, it's about a 15 minute drive" I nodded and went to pick up the picnic basket but William had beaten me too it. He held the door open for me as we said our good-byes to the owner of the restraint and we made our way towards William's car. He opened the door to the car for me and allowed me to get in and he shut the door behind me.

"How old are you?" I was curious as to how old he was because he didn't look that old but his eyes looked too old for his glorious body.

"I'm 22, I'm turning 23 this year though" I was stunned. He is so young yet he looks so mature.

"Well you don't look like it if it's any of concern. You've done well to look after your skin, besides the uh" I never noticed them before, the scars. I could see the faint line of a scar going from his ear and disappearing down below the collar of his shirt. 

"The what?" crap, what am I supposed to say? I don't want to point out the fact that I've seen his scars but what am I supposed to say?

"Besides your hands, they look very rough" I didn't sound too convincing, hell, I didn't even buy it. But I wasn't lying. His hands did look very rough, they were also littered with scars themselves.

"I'm in the building industry, my family owns a building company and I'm very hands on with it" That makes sense but his body was so tense when he said it that I couldn't tell if he was lying or not.

"Well we are here" The car pulls up to a stop and William hopes out of the car with the picinic basket and makes his way over towards my car door. He pulls it open and allows me to get out of the car.

As soon as I was out of the car I stopped in my tracks.




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