Chapter 3

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"Mumma. Who that man?" Liam asked as he watched William get into his fancy car and speed off out of the driveway. It broke my heart, to watch him speed off with anger in his eyes but I held in my tears and turned to my son.

"No one baby" I pushed some of Liam's hair behind his ear and started to make our way home. As we were walking Liam told me all about his night and how him and Jenson sang songs and read lots of books, but while he was telling me about his favourite book my mind seemed to wonder.

Why was I so upset about William leaving? It's not like anything would've come from us being together, hell I doubt we would've even gotten together. I need to focus on Liam, he is my main priority in life and I need to focus all my attention on him.

"mumma?" I turned my head to my son who placed his hand onto my cheek. I small tear slipped from my eye as I leaned into his soft small hand. Liam closed his eyes and rested his forehead onto mine

"I wuv you mummy"

"I love you too baby"

When I arrived home, I noticed that mums' car wasn't in the drive way. I guess she's still working. Opening the door, the realisation hits me once again how different William and I are. My house is small and cluttered, his is luxurious and hell, has five floors.

"Down mummy" Listening to Liam I bent down and placed him on the floor, I chucked my bag onto the couch and fell next to it. Bending over I rested my elbows on my knees and rested my face in my hands. I broke. The tears started to fall rapidly, this life isn't fair. Even though I love my baby boy I was still lonely, there's only so much baby talk a person could take.

"Play! Play!" Liam cheered for me to come play.

"Not now Liam" I didn't lift my head from my palms but I knew he was sad, I never denied his request to play

"I'm sorry baby, mummy's busy" Liam started to sniffle and that caused me to lift my head from my palms. His bottom lip started to shake and his eyes started to get blurry.

"Liam. Mummy's sorry" I crawled over to him from the couch but he turned away from me and began to play quietly by himself. I went to go pick him up and apologise but before I could do that there was a knock at the door.

Sighing I get up off the floor and make my way over to the door, meanwhile the knocking never stopped.

"I'm coming" slightly annoyed by the constant knocking, I open the door and stare blankly at the man standing in front of me.

"What do you want?" I crossed my hands and stared at him, he was staring at me with rage in his eyes.

"What do I want?! What do you mean what do I want? I want to know why!" William's voice started to get louder and my hard demine started to soften and very slowly, I started to get scared.

"Why are you yelling?" my voice was a bit shaky meanwhile he was physically shaking.

"You have a kid! Why did you not tell me!"

"I have no need to tell you William. It is none of your concern" I looked around me to see where Liam was but he was nowhere to be seen. I went to go move to see If I could find him but William grabbed a hold of my arm

"What I don't get Scarlett. If how can you be such a... such a.." He looked like he was lost for words

"Do you open your legs up for any man? You are mine Scarlett! Mine!" hurt by his words tears started to fall from my eyes and a tried to escape his hold. I stepped back and he followed me, he shut the door behind him. His eyes now fully black.

"You are my mate! My Luna! And you've gone and had a child with someone else. How could you do this to me? To us?" His face was red, I started to shake and cry as flashbacks from that nights flashed through my head.

"Please. William let me go. Its not what you think" My knees started to shake and I fell to the floor. I looked up at William and saw him look down at me with rage in his eyes. He went to go say something but Liam's his pitched screaming broke his train of thoughts. His eyes snapped up and followed the noise.

Liam was standing in the door way of the lounge room staring at me and William, balling his eyes out. Not even thinking about William I immediately got up and ran to Liam, scooping him up in my arms and cradling him to my chest. Adrenaline filled my body and the mumma bear in me took control and the need to protect my son from this man urged me to stand up for myself.

"Get out" I said it once. I stared him in the eyes as if I was daring him to say something. I continued to bounce a crying Liam in my arms

"I said get out! You have no right to be here! No right to talk to me like that. You have no idea what I've been through. Now get out" I pushed his chest and opened up the door.

"Out!" I screamed for the last time, my voice cracking and tears flooding down my cheeks. He took one last look at me and then his eyes flashed to Liam sobbing into my neck.

His eyes flashed an unknown emotion and he turned swiftly and slammed the door behind him. My legs unable to hold Liam or myself up any more I slid down the back of the door cradling Liam to me and I physically and mentally broke. I cried all night, I cried because of the words William said, I cried for Liam and really... I cried because of that night two years ago. 

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