Chapter 8

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William's POV

I watched her retreating figure as she walked off into the night. She left me, alone kneeing in the dirt opening my soul to her. I mean, I get it. I wouldn't want to take me back either but It was worth a try.

Getting up off the ground I start to make my way home, regretting what has yet to come. When I walked into the dining room and saw that Scarlett was the guest that my sister invited it all hit me at once. Scarlett was the girl that got drugged, Scarlett was the one that got raped and pregnant. She wasn't just a girl that opened her legs up to any man. Remember those words I said to her made me sick to the stomach.

I could I have been so fucking foolish! She is my mate! I've gone and ruined my chances of every being in her life by saying some dumb ass shit to her which I will now forever regret.

Slowly opening the door, I immediately stop as a pan was thrown at my head, luckily due to the whole werewolf ability and being an alpha I was able to duck just in time as the pan went over my head and out the door.

"Are you fucking kidding me William! Your father told me everything. You're in big trouble mister" I already knew I was in trouble from the start, mum never swears and if she does it means she's extremely pissed. My beta and dad already knew that I had found my mate, I told them as soon as I got home after I exploded at Scarlett's house. I came home in a fit of rage and they had to hold me down so I didn't wreck the house and they managed to squeeze the information out of me when I was at my weakest point.

"I can't believe you said that to her! Especially your mate! Did we not teach you anything when you're a boy. You're twenty-fucking-two and yet you don't even know how to speak to a woman right" I hadn't moved from my position at the door way, I had clear view of where my mum stood in the kitchen and thought it was best not to move any closer where I would be in better range of throwing a pan at.

"Have I failed at a mother?" She asked softly and slowly looked down at her hands in defeat. It broke me to see my mother like this, none of this was her fault.

"Mum, none of this is your fault. My wolf took control of me and he snapped. He saw his mate, the person he is destined to be with, have a child. It broke me mum. It wasn't anger that took control of me, it was betrayal" She looked up at me as I was now standing on the other side of the island as her. She had tears falling down her face and it was then as I entered the kitchen that I noticed violent sitting on the kitchen bench crying as well.

"But after tonight, I realised I fucked up. I have ruined my chance with my mate all because I was too stupid to not fucking listen." I didn't realise a tear had slipped until I felt my mums warm hand quickly wipe away a stray tear.

"I went after her mum, I was on my knees for her and I said that I want to be with her every day only to make sure that I make up for the foolish words I said to her and all I got was a... goodbye" my mum brought me around so that she could wrap her arms around me, and for the first time in a while I started to cry. How ironic, the big bad alpha crying, to his mother none the less. Others would say its stupid to cry over a girl but it's not, I'm crying because I may have just lost the best thing in my life. Violet jumped off the counter and made her way towards me, she touched my back and made me look at her. In an instant her hand came up and quickly slapped me across the face.

If it were any other person I would've held them up by the neck until they passed out, but it was my sister... and I deserved it.

"I hate you. I've never had a girl-friend before because every girl that's ever tried to be my friend only did it because they wanted to get close to you. I've gone and made myself a friend who I actually like! Who I think could even be my best friend and once again! You go and ruin it! You need to make things right, I don't care how you do it, I don't care when you do it but you have too. I will not forgive you until you do, because she is my best friend" and with that Violet walked away from me and anger and tears in her eyes.

I've seriously fucked up, I've ruined my chances with my mate but also my sister having her first ever best friend.

"honey, I'm not going to tell you what to do because quite frankly you're old enough to figure it out. That girl I saw tonight is incredible strong, if what you said to her is true then she is even stronger then both you and I think. With everything she's went though and on top of that, been called what you call her yet she still come out top with a smile on her face and happiness in her life. She is a true inspiration and honest to God. A true Luna. Now you need to go and figure out your shit and get this pack a Luna" My mum kissed the top of my head and walked out of the room, saying nothing else.

"I've fucked up"

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