Chapter 13

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Scarlett's POV

"Well isn't she a little cutie" I could hear voices surround me as I slept. I knew for sure that this bed that I was laying in was not mine, mine was never this warm nor this comfy. It was as if I was sleeping on a cloud and I had the suns warmth wrapped around me.

"She is cute isn't she" I felt a warm spark ignite in my face as warm fingers cupped my cheek and pushed away some stray hairs.

"So I've ran her vitals and she is perfectly fine, just a bit tired" The woman's voice sounded comforting and I don't know if it's a thing but it was as if you could hear her wisdom through her voice.

"What do you think caused her to have a panic attack?" Now that I was slowly waking up I was able to make out the voices in the room, I knew for sure that William was in here but I didn't recognise anyone else's.

"I think that whatever you guys were talking about caused her to bring back memories that were so horrific they caused her body to shut down. It must be her bodies coping mechanise" I laughed a little, she was right. This woman must know everything, ever since the incident I would always have panic attacks. It's how my body deals with it and I don't know how to change it. Mum said I should speak to someone about it but I've never been able to afford it.

I slowly started to stir and I could feel everyone in the room start to stir as well.

"William?" I opened my eyes to see a dark room and several figures. The bed sheets were black and shinned, must be good quality. The furniture in the room was also black and had gold handles on them. This must be William's room, god his bed is so comfy

"Hey" I looked to my left and saw William leaning on the bed holding my hand staring into my eyes with concern and worry.

"H-hi" my voice was a bit croaky and my throat felt like the Sahara desert, a woman who looked to be in her mid 30's handed me a cup of water. I took it gratefully and felt immediate relief.

"Where am I" I pushed myself up so that I was sitting up with my back resting against the headboard.

"You're at my house, you had a panic attack and I didn't know what to do and the first thing that came to my head was to bring you back here" he said scratching the back of his head nervously. Why would he take me back to his if I was having a panic attack? Wouldn't you take me to a hospital first? I mean, that it the safest place to be.

"Thank you, I'm so sorry about tonight. I guess that subject is a bit touchy for me. I'm sorry" I apologised and looked down at my hands, I did feel really sorry. William had gone out of his way to make tonight so special and I had to go ruin it. William placed his hands underneath my chin and I immediately felt the warmth of his hands. He pulled my chin up to look into his eyes that held curiosity and sorrow.

"Scarlett, you have nothing to be sorry for. Nothing at all, I'm sorry that I brought it up. If I had known I would not have brought it up-" I interrupted him because I couldn't stand him beating himself up

"How could you have known? I mean..." I think William noticed my demanor change automatically when I started to speak. I hate how that one night has effected me to the extent that I can't even talk about it without having a panic attack. William sat down on the edge of the bed and reached over to grab my hands.

"If you're willing telling me Scar, I'm willing to listen. I know what happened, you've said it briefly and I can understand how traumatic this has been for you so please believe me when I say that you do not have to tell me but I want you to know that I am here and I will listen. No matter what you say, nothing will change how I feel about you. I promise you Scarlett, you don't have to tell me now, hell, you don't have to tell me ever but I want you to know that I am here for you" His eyes held so much truth and love I couldn't help but let a tear slip from my watering eyes. He carefully brought his hand up to my face and gently wiped away my tears.

Was I really ready to tell the first person the whole truth about that night. Of course I told my mother briefly, but I never went into the full details. I just don't know if I can handle it, I guess in a way ignorance is bliss, if I don't have to remember that wretched night it's almost like it never happened but I guess I got a son out of that night so I never will forget.

Was William ready to listen? This isn't really something that you would tell someone when you first meet them on the first date, but the weird thing about this situation is that I fell like I've known him for ages. It's like this connection that I can't explain, I can trust him and he will be there for me but telling him something like this would be the biggest test. Of course I have feelings towards him and I guess in a way it's better to get something like this out of the way so if he does stick around then it's meant to be, but am I really able to handle if he walks away and he can't handle that I've been used by another man. That I have a child with another man. I grab my head and my head starts to swirl, all this is too much.

"Hey" William carefully grabs my hands off my face and holds it in his.

"You don't have to tell me anything" He whispers quietly and places his forehead on mine

"I want to" was all I whispered back. 

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