Chapter 6

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Hey Scarlett. I was wondering if you and Liam wanted to come over for dinner night. I told my family about your story and my parents really want to meet the incredible girl from the story. Anyway, let me know – Vi

It's been about a week since I first met Violet and she tries to catch up with me daily. She's already finished highschool and doesn't know what to do with her life now so she basically sits at home being bored. So every day she comes to the diner and we hang out for a bit. I've become really close with her over the past month and can see us being best friends in the future

"hey ma! Liam and I are going over to Violet's house tonight for dinner. Go and see a movie or something" I shouted from the living room from where I was sitting on the floor playing blocks with Liam.

"ok honey" she shouted back. I texted Violet back asking when and she said meet at hers at 5pm with her address. Crap. That gives me about two hours to get ready. From what Violet told me, her family comes from wealth and is all professional and stuff, so that means I've actually gotta look good.

"Ok baby, time to get ready" I picked Liam up and took him upstairs into the bathroom. I ran him a bubble bath and played around with him for a bit, Liam's favourite thing to do in the bath is to make bubble beards.

"Hey now! No splashing Liam" Liam immediately stopped splashing the water around the bath and continued playing with his rubber duck.

Wrapping Liam up in a fluffy towel, I carry him into our bedroom and place him onto the bed with a couple of toys so I can find out an outfit for both of us.

I grabbed Liam a pair of jeans and a plain white shirt, just in case he got cold I got him a red and black checked flannel. I put some jel onto my hands and ran my fingers through his hair.

"Ok baby, go find Nana while I get ready" Liam ran jumped off the bed and ran out of the room

Now to find something for myself to wear...

I don't really have a lot of nice clothes, I left my nice shirt at William's about two months ago and I never got it back. Maybe I should wear a dress... seeing as how I don't have my nice top any more. My dress selection is very limited. I settled for my simple plain black dress with spaghetti straps, it has a love heart neck-line and slightly flows out around the waist. I've had this dress for about three years now because I don't have enough to pay rent and buy new clothes, therefore my dress ends just under my butt.

It's a bit short for my liking but as I said, my choices are very limited. I add a bit of mascara and put some shinny lip gloss on, I chucked my hair up into a high pony which helped pulled the whole look in together.

"Ok ma, Liam and I are going now. I'll see you later tonight. I love you" I picked Liam up and slung my bag full of toys and clothes for Liam over my shoulder. Oh crap. I don't have a car, it's going to take forever for us to get there.

"ok baby, It's going to be a long walk, tell me about your day" so that's how it went. I spent the whole forty-five minute walk listening to Liam babble on about his day. It started to get really cold and silly me forgot to pack myself a jumper but luckily I didn't forget to pack Liam one. I cradled Liam to my chest hoping to get some warmth from him. Luckily I was walking up their drive way already so I wouldn't have to stay out in the cold much longer.

"Knock Knock" Liam shouted just as we arrived at their front door and before I could knock.

"Excuse you mister. That's not what we do. We knock with our hands, not shout it" I told Liam sternly, but couldn't say much else before the front door opened to reveal Violet.

"Scarlett! You came!" She wrapped her arms around Liam and I before pulling back quickly

"My god Scarlett, you're freezing. Come in. Come in" She rushed me inside, Violet is wearing a gorgeous purple dress, which practically matched her name. It was very tight but came down to her knees. She looked stunning.

"So my parents are thrilled that you took me up on my offer for dinner. My brother has some um... work to do with my boyfriend so they'll be arriving a little later but for now come on in" She stepped aside and let me take in the view of her house... but then it hit me. This house looks familiar. Too familiar. This is the house I woke up too, two months ago. William lives here. Violet seemed to notice my posture stiffen

"You ok?" I nodded my head unsure on what to do in this current situation. Maybe he's not here. There's five floor, maybe he won't see me here.

Violet walked into the kitchen and I followed closely behind her. Standing behind the counter top was what looked like Violets parents cooking dinner together. The first thing I noticed about the couple was how drop dead gorgeous they are. They mother had her hair pulled back nice and tightly up ito a bun. She wore a white dressy shirt and black pencil skirt, she matched her husband's attire, him wearing the exact same thing but black slacks.

"Mummy, Daddy, this is Scarlett... the girl I've been telling you about, and this is her adorable little son. Liam" Her parent's heads both turned away from cooking and looked up at both Liam and I.

"My dear you are beautiful" was the first thing that came out of the woman's mouth, I smiled and slightly blushed

"Thank you" I whispered feeling intimidated by the looks of this family.

"I'm sorry, how rude am I. My name is Gwen and this fattie is my husband, Derek" The woman pointed to her husband and laughed and poked her tongue out at him when after she called him a fattie

"Come here you" Derek started to chase Gwen around the kitchen isle, she squeal and continues to run away from her husband. They had a beautiful relationship. I wish I had a relationship like this, my mind began to wonder to William. No. I cannot go there.

"mum" Violet drew out the 'm' sound. Gwen's attention turned towards us as Derek had his arms wrapped tightly around his wife

"I'm sorry honey, I'll stop embarrassing you know" Gwen gave me a wink as Violet groaned and started to softly bang her head against the wall.

"They're funny mummy" The rooms attention was drawn to my son who was placed on my hip, his head resting on my shoulder as he giggled at the couple.

"Aren't you just the cutest. Derek do you remember when the kids were that small. Can I hold him?" She asked with her hands drawn out towards Liam, I smiled and passed Liam over to her embrace.

"Now darling, don't be getting any ideas. We have grandbabies on the way" Derek said as he walked over to his wife and Liam and kissed the top of his head. I turned to violet to see her leaning up against the wall looking at no one in particular.

"So you've told your parents, have you told your boyfriend?" She nodded her head and smiled brightly

"Well that's good"

"alright, dinners ready, lets eat before it gets cold" Gwen handed Liam back over to me and we followed Gwen and Derek as they took us to the grand dinning room. There was a large table situated in the middle of the room. A massive chandelier hanging above the table.

"Woah, this is gorgeous" I said to no one in particular as I took in the design of the room.

"yeah, I guess it is huh" Violet smiled at me as she grabbed a pillow and placed it onto a seat for which I presume was for Liam. I gave her a warm smile and placed Liam onto the chair and pushed him in so he wouldn't fall.

"Everyone dig in, the boys will be joining us a little later" On Derek's command we started to serve dinner, there was steak, sausages, pork, basically any type of meat you can image. I listened to what Liam wanted to eat before cutting up his food into small chunks so he could eat without chocking.

Halfway through out meal the front door slammed shut and two voices were heard walking down the halls.

"We need to set up more partrol, we've been having a few more rouge sightings around the area" The voice's stopped once they reached the dinning hall. Derek cleared his throat and brought the two pair of voices attention towards myself and Liam. I had yet to turn around and look at the two as I was still cutting up Liam's meat... that was until I heard his voice.


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