Chaper 14

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Hey guys, so I've done some re-editing and changed this scene so please give it another read. 

*Scarlett's POV*

"You have to promise not to get mad" my voice is already quivering at the thought of speaking about that night. William nods his head and you can see he is anxious

"No I mean it William. This is already hard enough as it is, I need to keep calm for my sake" William promised and I moved to cross my legs so William could sit opposite my on the bed holding my hands

Okay. Here we go.

" I had just hoped out of Leah's car-"


"Come on Scar, you look amazing!" I looked down at my attire, I had simple black skinny jeans on with a white bralette. I never wore anything this exposing but my best friend made Leah made me, she said that I have to look as hot as possible for tonight. Apparently tonight was some sort of big night for her, I have no idea why as it was just a random boys 18th birthday but to her it was so much more. I thought it was weird at first, two 16 year olds being invited to an 18th but apparently there were a lot of females who were 16 going.

"Don't you think I should have a jacket or something?" I wrap my arms around me more as Leah drags me towards the front door where you can hear music booming.

"Babe, you look hot! now lets go have some fun!" She pushed open the door and the first thing I could see was drunk sweaty teenagers grinding on each other. This definitely wasn't my seen, I would rather be curled up at home with a good book. I don't even know how Leah managed to get me out here, I guess it must have been those puppy eyes that she always gives me.

"Hey Leah!" Leah automatically brightened up when she saw a tall hot young man walking our way. He had blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes, now I can see why Leah wanted to come here.

"Hey Xander, Happy birthday" She wrapped her arms around him and the hug lingered for a moment, I turned away to give them their privacy, so I guess this is his party.

"Hey, I'm Xander, nice to meet you" He put his hand out for me to shake and by instinct I did the same thing. The night started to go past fast, Xander had to go and do some shots with his mate so Leah dragged me to the dance floor and we started to dance. Sometime during the dance she went and got me a drink and we continued to dance the night away.

"Hey, I'm not feeling too well. I think I'm just going to head up stairs and lay down for a bit" I really was not feeling to well. Everything was spinning and I couldn't see to see Leah's face clearly, I heard her acknowledge me leaving and I slowly started to find the stairs. My hands were out in front of me trying to find anything to stabilise me. What's happening? I carefully climbed my way up the stairs, grabbing the railing for support. I opened the first door I could see and was grateful that it was empty.

Geez my head is killing me, I lay down on the bed and immediately the bed spins hit. My eyes start to drift shut hoping that I can sleep off whatever is effecting me so bad. I sit up immediately, my eyes wide and my body shaking. I was woken up from loud bangs coming from the door, I can see the door handle shaking and the walls around the door move from the aggressive banging. Every time the person hit the door it was almost like I could see the soundwaves bouncing off the wall. Am I drugged? that would explain a lot, oh god.

I placed my hands over my ears as the banging got louder and louder, shit, this is not a good position. I'm so vulnerable at the moment, I've been drugged and I can be easily be taken advantaged off. I go to stand off the bed but my legs give way underneath me. Shit, I need to find something sharp to protect myself.

The door is barged open and I freak, the first thing I think to do is to crawl underneath the bed and hid from the intruder.

"Come out, come out where ever you are" I can hear the guy walking around the bed, my eyes go in and out of focus trying to follow the man around the bed. I grab my phone from the back of my jeans and try to look at the screen. I can't put together any of the letters, there are colours jumping off the screen and nothing is making sense. I click on the messenger icon, and click the top person on the list. I know it's Leah because she was the last person that I texted, I couldn't see where the letters were so I started to type what I thought was 'help'. As soon as I sent the message a noise erupted from my phone. Shit, my sound was on.

"Well hello sweetheart" I looked around the bed to try and see the person but I couldn't. If I moved too fast my head would spin but if I didn't then I could die.

A hand grabs my ankle and they drag me out from underneath the bed. I'm screaming and dragging my nails against the floor trying to grip anything that would stop me from being dragged by this man, but I was too weak. I couldn't hold anything and it would slip right past my fingers.

The man flipped me onto my back and it was the first time I saw the man, he had blonde hair and very handsome but what threw me off was the piercing red eyes that shown back at me. The man snarled at me and picked me up by my neck and threw me across the room with inhumane power.

I piece of glass is lodged just under my left breast and I can see the blood drenching my shirt. Whimpering I grab a hold of the piece of glass and pull it out and hold it to the man as a weapon.

"Oh sweet heart, that's not going to help you with what I'm about to do"

That night was the worst night of my life. It was the night that I lost everything. I lost myself, I lost my dignity, my trust in humanity, I lost my soul. That man used me and broke me until there was nothing left of me.

Good bye old Scarlett.


End flashback

I lifted my shirt just underneath my left breast and to show William the 7cm scar from that night. I hadn't looked at William yet, I couldn't bring myself to do it. The whole time I was telling the story I was holding my hands and playing with them nervously, every now and then wiping some tears away.

I looked up at William to him trying to control his breath. His nose was flaring and his posture was tense. His hands were clenched and his eyes were black. 

"William?" I placed my hand on his shoulder and his head snapped to mine. When he saw my tear struck face he immediately wrapped his arms around me and held me all night long while I cried myself to sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2019 ⏰

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