Chapter 2

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Staring in the mirror I looked over my outfit. My simple, black, torn, only pair of jeans work nicely with my plain grey singlet. I grabbed my black sandals and quickly chucked my hair up into a high pony tail. I didn't have enough money to buy make-up, my mum never even said that I needed makeup and that my skin was flawless but I guess that all changed when I got a scar across my jaw from THAT night. Oh well, there's nothing I can really do about that then put it behind me. It happened and there's nothing I can do but move on from it.

Mum was out for the night so I had to call up a baby sitter for little Liam, So I had packed a bag for him with everything he needed in it before getting ready.

"Hey big boy" I cooed, I bent down and placed my son on my waist. I slung his bag over my other shoulder and locked the house behind me. Tonight was a good night to be walking, the streets were lit up by the shops on the side of the road, while on the other was the quiet, silent, mysterious woods where the gut-wrenching growl came from last night.

Liam placed both his hands on either side of my cheek and started squishing my cheeks together, my face lit up when I heard his amazing giggle. I crossed my eyes over and started making fishy face at him which caused him to laugh even more. He was so cute! I can't even comprehend how cute he was! I continued making silly faces at my son until I arrived at Jenson, Liam's baby sitter.

"There's my handsome little guy!" Jenson said as she opened up the door for us.

"thanks so much for looking after him. Mum's out somewhere and I have to go do something important" I placed Liam's bag down onto the couch and hugged my beautiful boy

"It's all good Scar, I love looking after him. He's soooo cute" she pinched Liam's cheek while speaking. I kissed Liam and placed him down onto the ground. I waved good-bye to Jenson and shut the door behind me and started to walk towards the diner. It wasn't that far from Jenson's place so it only took about five minutes to get there. When I arrived, William was already there, leaning against his car, he was wearing black jeans like mine and a white V-neck shirt that really defined his tanned skin that covered his bulging muscles.

His black hair made me want me to run my hands through it and never stop. His nose twitched and his head snapped up from looking down on his phone. His head shot towards me and he smiled before putting his phone away in his backpoket. I walked up to him and smiled shyly

"hi" I said quietly

"Hi, you look gorgeous, gorgeous" I looked down at my plan, boring, simple outfit. There was nothing gorgeous about this outfit but my mother always told me from a young age that it was rude to not accept a compliment.

"Thank you"

"So um, shall we go?" he asked, I nodded my head and he opened up the door for me. What a gentleman, I guess chivalry isn't dead.

"so um, where are we going?" I had just realised that I am not in a moving vehicle with a stranger doing somewhere unknown to me.

"well um... I was thinking that we could go to mine and have a nice quiet dinner there" he turned down onto a dark road that was in the middle of the woods. I started to freak out. He wanted to go to his... alone together... in the woods. I started having flashbacks of that night... my breathing started to pick up and it suddenly felt as if all the air had been sucked out of the car. I hadn't noticed the car had stopped until William turned to me and took off my seatbelt. I struggled to breathe, tears were falling my face, my hands searched the side door trying to find the handle. It felt like my world was closing in on me. William kept on repeating my name over and over again, he kept moving towards me trying to help me get out of the car.

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