Chapter 4

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It's been two months since I've last seem William, I haven't seen him around lately and I guess I'm thankful for that. There's something inside of me that wishes misses him but at the same time I hate myself for thinking like that. Those words that he said to me that night never left me, ever night I have nightmares of what he says to me and I wake up in a sweat.

His words really hurt me, but I'm so confused at the same time. Why am I so affected by what he said to me, I barely knew him yet his words had the biggest effect on me. That wasn't the only thing that had me thinking. He called me a Luna, a mate. What the hell is a mate?

"Excuse me mama" broken from my train of thought a lady had called me over to her table

"I'm sorry, hello. What can I get you?" I took her order and made my way back to the cash register. My day passed by slowly, that's normally how my days go now. Slow.

Before I knew it my shift was up and I was so thankful that I was able to go home and play with my gorgeous boy. Leaving the diner I heard a girl crying and the mother side of me came out and I just had to see what was wrong.

Out front of the diner there was a girl in the front of her car alone, quietly walking over I knock on her window and she looks at me startled and quickly wipes away her tears before rolling down the window.

"Um. Hi" I say to her unsure of what to say to her.

"Hi" she mumbles quietly. Both of us really unsure of what to say.

"hey, I'm sorry if I'm intruding or something but I saw you crying and I'm just wondering if you're ok...?" I shift from feet to feet waiting for her to reply. She didn't say anything she just started to cry hard. I looked around to see if anyone was watching and I guess it was the mum in me that opened up her car door and gave her a hug. It was kind of awkward with the fact that she was sitting in the car and I was giving her a side hug but none the less, she wrapped her arms around me and started to cry into my neck.

"Hey, I know you don't know me but do you wanna come inside and just sit and have a chat? I have nowhere to be" I mean, I wasn't lying. I would just have to text Jenson asking her to look after Liam a bit longer but this girl really needs to have a bit of a cry and talk.

She nods her head and pulls her keys from the car and follows me inside. I find a empty table at the back of the diner just in case she needs to cry again and she won't have everyone looking at her.

"I'm Scarlett by the way" I introduced myself as we both sat down in the booth


"Nice to meet you violet, so um. Is everything ok?" I'm so unsure of what to even say, my lack of social skills down hilled once Liam was born. I've never had a friend and barely even get out.

"Look, I don't really know what to say. I don't have any girl friends and I have no one to talk to so I really appreciate you coming up and talking to me, no less a stranger" I nodded my head, listening to what Violet had to say. She was exactly like me.

"I'm pregnant. And before you go and judge me, you don't know my situation, you don't know my home life and I'm sorry if I'm coming across rude but I'm really stressed out right now, I know you don't get what I'm going through but I'm really greatful that you are sitting here listening to me because I've never had someone to talk too. I don't even know what to do, I know my mat- I mean boyfriend will be really happy and excited but I don't know if I can do it. I'm only 18! I don't even know if I can raise a child at this age, I can barely look after myself" violet placed her hands over her face and took deep breaths after her rant. I sat there and stared at her smiling.

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