Chapter 1

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Sophies pov.

Today I have absolutely NOTHING to do,all my friends are working and I live on my own. I have a boyfriend but he's also working,he stays over a lot so pretty much lives here but not officially. I then get a text from my brother,Brooklyn.

Brook🙈-Hey little sis!

Me-heyyyyy Brook

Brook🙈-what ya upto?

Me-thinking of something to do,wbu?

Brook🙈-me and the boys are just gonna chill at the flat

Me-at least you have 4 of your best friends to hang out with 😔

Brook🙈-come down to the flat


Brook🙈-come stay at the flat for a few days,get to know the boys

Me-erm,sure. Are the boys ok with it?

Brook🙈-of course

Me-ok then!

Brook🙈-I'll come pick you up from the train station,let me know when you're here

Me-ok,I'll see you in a bit

Brook🙈-byeeeeee Little sis 😘

I get ready then head out to the train station,it's only about an hour and a half to Slough from my home in Essex. On the train I listen to music and ignore the world around me,I even think I fell asleep. Once I arrive at Slough,I text Brook to tell him I've arrived. I wait patiently for him.

"soph!"I hear him shout.

"Brook"I run over and hug him.

"Are you staying for a month?"he laughs looking at my bags.

"I have a lot more stuff than you guys"

"really? That much?"

"yep,you complaining?"I raise my eyebrows.

"no,come on. Ryes in the car"

"ok"he picks up one of my bags and walks towards the car.

When I get in I see a fairly tall guy with brown slightly dyed blonde hair and brown eyes. He turns around and smiles at me,he has a beautiful smile.

"hey,I'm Rye"

"I'm sophie,Brooks sister"

"nice to meet you"he turns around and drives away.

We travel only about ten minutes back to what I'm guessing is their block of flats. Brook and Rye grab my bags and take them upstairs for me,I walk slowly behind them. I don't do well with people,I'm going to be living with these strangers. I mean I know Brook but non of the others,I've never met them,never seen a picture of them and I'm going to live with these people. What if one night them come upto me at night and stab me,what if...I get interrupted from my thoughts when Brook says my name.

" ok?"

"erm yeah,just a bit nervous"

"it'll be okay"he comes over and hugs me.

"thank you Brook"we pull apart and go in.

All the boys are stood in the hallway waiting inpatiently for us.

"hey,I'm sophie. Brooks sister"

"nice to meet you sophie,I'm Andy,this is mikey,this is Jack and as you know Rye"he smiles and winks.

"nice to finally meet you all"I smile.

"well this is the living/bedroom,that's the bathroom,thats the kitchen and thats Blair and gingers room"he gives me a tour then we all pile into the bedroom.

"who's Blair and ginger?"I ask.

"Blair is our manager and ginger is his girlfriend"mikey answers.

"ok"We all sit in an awkward silence for a few moments.

"you can share the sofa bed with me or you can sleep on the floor,your choice"he laughs,evil boy.

"I think I'll share with you"I smile and can feel Andy staring at me.

We decide to head out to Windsor today and get some dinner at nandos,I walk in between Brook and Rye. Okay I've decided that I may have a small crush on Andy...I have a boyfriend though.

When we arrive at nandos we get a table and order our food,Brook insisted he paid for my meal. I sit in between jack and Andy with Brook opposite me. We were all in a conversation about nonsense,nothing exciting. I was in a deep conversation with Brook when I feel a hand on my right thigh,I know it's Andy. I want to move it but at the same time I really don't. He gives it a little squeeze,I get a tad uncomfortable so I take my hand and hold his. I smile and fortunately I think he's the only one that noticed,he showed no emotion just sat there with his hand in mine. When the food got here I removed it,much to my dismay. Andy didn't look like he cared though,I brush it away and enjoy my food and the company.

After food we leave and just walk around the town for a while,the boys grab a few things and see a few fans to who they just explained I was Brooks sister. The whole time I stayed as far away from Andy as I could,if he wants us to be more he can talk to me. I doubt Brook would ever want me to date one of his best friends anyway,he can't tell me who I can and can't date though. I need to call Lee tonight,he will be wondering where I am.

I grab my pajamas and go into the bathroom to get dressed,I then go into the kitchen and call Lee.

"hey Lee"I say energeticly.

"hey babe,where are you?"

"I'm at Brooks flat"

"with that band of his?"


"no reason,just asking"

"I'm gonna be gone a few days so I'll try and talk everynight"

"ok gorgeous"brook then walks in.

"who you talking to?"Brook asks.

"Lee"I turn around and look at him.

"hey mate"Brook shouts into the phone,Brook and Lee actually get on quite well.

"hey Brook"he shouts back.

Brook gets a drink then walks out,I carry on talking to Lee for a little while before hanging up. I walk back into the room to see them all on either their phone or laptop but ryes reading a book,didn't take Rye as the bookworm type. I get into bed next to Brook and go on my phone,I scroll through instagram and twitter before turning it off and trying to sleep. Not long later I fall asleep.

Firrrsstttttt chapteerrrr,hope you enjoyed it. I already have a few ideas for this story.

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