Chapter 13

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Andys pov.

I broke her,I didn't mean to. I didn't want to hurt her but because I've done it many times before it kinda just...happened. I feel really bad now though.

"who was that?"

"my erm girlfriend"

"I thought you really liked me,I guess I was wrong"she left as well.

I sit on my bed crying,I then hear Brook enter.

"Andy,what's up?"

"nothing,I'm okay"I did not want to tell him,he would actually kill me.

Sophies pov.

"flight 32a"I grab my bags and head onto the plane.

I sit down on my seat,I get my phone out and quickly check it before we get told to turn all our electronics off. All I can think of is if hazel is okay,she has gone through the pets part so she's at the back of the plane. I gave her some food and water plus a couple of her favourite toys so she should be okay. I really miss Andy but I know he doesn't miss me so I'm just going to have to get over him,he cheated on me so that's it now. I've not told any of the boys about moving to America,I told libby that if they ask she can tell them I've moved away but is not to tell them I'm in America. I feel like ever since meeting the boys for the first time I've just ruined their lives,so doing this will put their careers back on track. I'm still going to keep up with their socials so that I know if anything happens. Im really proud of them and I'll always love them.

10 hours later.

I am now officially in America,I have just got off the plane and going to find my bags and dog. I go and find hazel first as she's my main priority,next I find my bags. I know I probably shouldn't be lifting these bags by myself as I'm pregnant but I don't like to ask for help.

"hey,do you want me to carry those for you?"there stands a fairly tall dirty blonde haired male.

"erm sure,thank you"

"I'm Harvey by the way"he tells me picking up my bags.

"I'm sophie"

"nice to meet you"he smiles.

"nice to meet you too"

He carries my bags to my cab for me while I carry hazel.

"thank you Harvey,I hope to see you around"I close the boot and slide into the back of cab.

"you too"He smiles and hands me a piece of paper.

I tell the driver my address and when we arrive I pay him and thank him,he helps me take my bags in for me.

I unlock the door and walk in,it's beautiful. I have the biggest smile on my face. I put hazel down an let her run around,she seems like she loves it as well. I rub my stomach and smile,soon I will have a beautiful child of my own. I really want it to be a girl,mainly because if it's a boy it'll remind me of Andy too much and I don't want that.

Brooklyns pov.

I don't know what's up with Andy but I think it may be to do with sophie because she was meant to get back like an hours ago and she hasnt,she hasn't text to tell us shes staying longer either.

"Andy mate,you can tell us what's up"mikey sits next to him.

"I don't want to"he lays down in his bed.

"fine were going out,do you want to come?"I ask.


"okay"We all leave Andy in bed to sulk.

I'm going to libbys to see if she'll tell me where sophie is. I knock on the door and libby opens it.

"oh...Hey Brook"she knows something.

"hey libby,so are you gonna tell me?"

"tell you what?"she looks at the floor.

"where is she? I know something happened between her and Andy because he's distraught"

"she's moved away"


"she told me not to tell you"


"I'm sorry Brook,I can't"she tries to shut the door.

"please"I lean forward and smash my lips into hers,she kisses back.

"Brook,you kissing me isn't going to make me give in"

"no libby,I really like you"I admit.

"come back in a few weeks and tell me, when I'm sure your not doing it just to get me to tell you where she is"she slams the door.

I feel tears falling down my cheeks,sophies left and it's all andys fault. I get outraged. I run as fast as I can back to the flat.

"Andy!"I shout entering our room.


"you better tell me what you've done because sophies gone and libby won't tell me where she is!"he says nothing.

"Andy,did or did you not cheat on my sister?!"

"I did"he says almost inaudible.

"I knew this was gonna happen! Why?! Why would you do that?!"

"I don't know,I guess it was because I've done it in the past and it I dunno just happened"

"cheating on your girlfriend doesn't just happen Andy!"

"I'm sorry okay,I'm suffering as well! I really did love her!"

"how can you say that after you cheated on her?!"

"because it's true"he starts to cry.

"I had enough Andy! I can't take you anymore!"I go to punch him but I get pulled back.

Rye takes me through to Blairs room to calm down,he talks calmly in my ear. He makes me a tea and let's me cry into his shoulder,I explain everything to him.

"Brook it's okay,please don't use violence to solve anything"

"I never have before,I was just really angry"

"I know"he pulls me into a hug.

I stay in Blairs room away from Andy for the rest of the night.

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