Chapter 17

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Andys pov.

So today we have a day before we meet the American lads to just chill out,I'm actaully quite excited. Im first up so I decide to go wake Rye and Brook up,I sit brainstorming for ideas but come up with non so I decide to just pour water on them. I mean it's America and it's hot so I'm helping them out.

"ahhhh"Rye screams.

"why?"Brook just looks at me.

"dunno,I was bored"

"well we're up now"

We get mikey and Jack out of bed then we all sit in the livingroom with a tea thinking about what we could do. As this is our first time in America we decided to just go for a walk and see what there is around,Blair decides to stay at the house.

We set off from the house and walk down the street,we walk past a girl on the otherside of the road who looked exactly like sophie. She had a pushchair so I doubt it was her,I thought about telling Brook but I decided not to. We keep walking and end up at a row of shops so we go in them and have a look around,I've got to admit I love American shops. I don't know why but I really do.

"hey boys,how about we go to the beach?"mikey suggests.

"sure"We all agree.

We start walking to the beach and while we are I swear I see sophie again,am I seeing things? Is she really here? I get snapped out of my thoughts when Rye shouts my name.



"what happened to you? You look like you just saw a ghost"

"not a ghost but I saw something"

"what did you see?"Brook asks.


"tell us"

"no!"I don't want to tell them incase it wasn't her.

After that they stop asking and we walk to get ice-cream,the whole way there I can't stop thinking about what I saw. I'm not sure if it was her but it really looked like her.

After ice-cream we walk back out ready to walk to the beach and thats when I knew I was right,it was her.

Sophies pov.

Today I decided to take my week old baby for a walk and maybe the beach, I have a little umbrella that I attach to the pushchair for him. Its actually so cute! As I was walking down the street I could have sworn I saw the boys,it could have been,I hope not and if so I hope we dont bump into each other. I start heading to the beach,I only take a steady walk there. By now Jayden is fast asleep and still looks exactly like Andy,I hate that so much. He is adorable though. As I reach the ice-cream parlour I see the only people I did not want to see,I try to walk away as fast as I could.

"Sophie,wait!"Andy shouts.

"why should I?"I try to cover Jayden as much as I could so that they wouldn't see he looks like Andy.

"please"he sounded genuinely upset.

"your a cheat and I wish I'd just  listened to Brook in the first place!"I scream a tear slipping from my eye.

"waaaaaaaa"Jayden scream.

"shhhh,it's okay"I try and calm him down.

Jayden doesn't stop screaming so I reach into the mini cool box I have and get a bottle,I feed it to him while still trying to get away from the boys. He quiets down and eventually falls asleep again.

"Sophie,please"Brook pleads.

"come on then,let's go back to mine"I give in and gesture for them to follow me.

Cheat//Andy FowlerWhere stories live. Discover now