Chapter 14

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Sophies pov.

Seven months later.

My bump is now really big,I am due in just over a month. I had decided not to find out the gender until I have the baby,I have the main things like a cot,a pram and car seat. I also have some unisex baby grows.

I haven't talked to the boys since the incident but Ive got to admit I'm actually very happy,I obviously miss them like crazy but I like living on my own and I've got hazel if I start feeling lonely. I now,we'll not at the moment as I'm on maternity leave,work as a self employed  photographer for just about anybody really. Ive done work for lots of different famous people and YouTubers,I've also been keeping upto date with the boys but never once contacted them. They look as happy as ever and I'm glad,I'm very very glad. I have talked to libby however and she's been telling me everything including the fact her and Brook are together.

Brooks pov.

"babbeeeee"I whine.

"what Brook?"she giggles walking in from the kitchen.

"I loveeeeeee youuuuuu"we both laugh.

"I love you too Brook"she comes over and hugs me.

I really miss sophie a lot but Ive realised that she just wants a new life and I respect that,she doesn't want anything to do with any of us now and thats fair enough. I don't know where she is or whether she's got a boyfriend or if she married,she may be pregnant and I have no idea. Libby has promised that shes okay and well though which makes me feel a little better.

Andy hasn't moved on which makes me think he really did love her,the band is going well but I think people have noticed the tension between me and Andy as they've asked but I've denied it all. Even after what he did to my sister,I still care about him and I always will.

Currently,the rest of the boys have gone to the shop so it's just me and libby at the flat.

"boys,band meeting"Blair shouts as he walks into the flat.

"they're not here,they're at the shop"he sighs.

"they better hurry up,it's important"
"oh hey libby"he greets when he notices her.

"hey Blair"she smiles.

*when the boys arrive home*

"right! What's so important that I had to give up my energy drink?"jack shouts walking in.

"you can have as many energy drinks as you like after I tell you this"

"go on then,we're all here"mikey gestures for him to carry on.

"you're touring the Usa!"

"no way!"

"yes way! Two months time you will be in America"

"this is amazing!"

"thank you Blair"we all give him a hug.

After all our excitement has died out we decide to buy a takeaway on a weekday without going to the gym,Blair suggested it as well! This has never happened before in the roadtrip camp. Libby has seemed quite distant from me since we found out about America.

Libbys pov.

So the boys are going to America,there's multiple reasons I never wanted this to happen. Firstly,I'm really going to miss them especially Brook and secondly,that's where sophie is and they don't know that. If they bump into eachother she's going to have to explain everything to them and it's just going to mess up everything. If I tell her though it's going to stress her out and she doesn't need to deal with that at the moment especially as she's pregnant.

"libby,can I talk to you?"Brook whispers in my ear,I just nod and walk with him to the kitchen.

"what's up?"

"nothing"I look at my feet and play with my fingers.

"there is,tell me. Ever since we found out about America you've been off"

"I'm just gonna miss you"

"baby,I'll miss you more and we'll talk as much as we can"he kisses my lips.


"I double double triple promise"That makes me laugh a little,he hugs me tight and kisses my head.

"I love you Brook"

"I love you too"we share a cute moment before that gets interrupted by Rye.

"I need a tea"he charges in not caring.

"whats up mate?"Brook asks.

"mikey getting on my nerves"

"it's alright mate"he pats his back.

"he'll get over it"he whispers to me while we walk back into the boys room.

For the rest of the night we all just chilled out,mikey and Rye made up and had a cuddle. Me and Brooklyn had a cuddle,we messed about and vlogged then the boys spent a lot of time talking to roadies and updating their instagram story. They also did a lot of tweeting and snapchatting. I ended up falling asleep half way through all that.

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