Chapter 7

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Andys pov.

Today I'm taking sophie out on a date,I think I'm going to take her to Windsor and then find somewhere there to eat. Brook is feeling a lot better about the whole situation,he still doesn't like it when we kiss in front of him so we try not to but sometimes I just can't help it.

"babe! You ready yet"I shout over at the bathroom getting impatient.

"yep,bye boys"she walks towards the door holding my hand.

We get in my car and drive away,it takes us about fifteen minutes to get to Windsor. When we arrive I jump out and walk round to her side opening the door for her,I hold my hand out for her. She takes it and giggles,that giggle kills me everytime. I lock up the car then we walk hand in hand around Windsor,we go into a few shops to which I wasn't really very interested in but I stuck it up and walked around with her. I was a good boyfriend and carried her bags for her.

I buy her ice cream so we walk around Windsor eating it and window shopping,I really love her and I'm glad Brook finally let me date her.

"Andy!"she squeals.

"what?"I turn my head to look at her.

"I want a puppy"she walks away from me drawn to the cute little puppies in the shop window.



"do you know how much work it's going to be?"

"yes I know! But I really want one"

"okay then,if you want but are you sure?"

"I'm 110% sure"she walks into the shop.

We look around looking at all the puppies,she doesn't seem to find one she wants but then she does.

"awhhhhhh"she coos picking up a tiny little brown and white pomeranian.

She looks at me with big eyes that are watering,she strokes the dog and kisses it's head. I give in and start stroking it as well,I kiss it's head.

"you can choose the name and its a girl"the pet shop owner told us.

"ok,thank you"

"what should we call it?"sophie asks.

"what ever you want because it's your dog?"

"don't you want to be its dad?"she asks laughing.

"I automatically am because I'm your boyfriend,just saying it's yours"

"what if I didn't want to you to be its dad?"she raises her eyebrows at me.

"then I won't"

"can you?"

"yes gorgeous I can"I laugh an kiss her head.

"not infront of our child"she Shields her eyes.

"just pick a name"

"erm Im not sure,I'll ask the boys for suggestions"

"you really want to do that,I can guarantee they will choose the stupidest names"

"true but I still don't know"

"come on let's go get you this puppy"

I offered to buy her the puppy because I'm an amazing boyfriend and I love her,I did try to persuade her not to but that didn't work. We pay for her then I carry her back to the car,we head home.

On the ride home sophie falls asleep with her new puppy on her lap,who is also sleeping,they look too cute. I'm really warming upto her already,I'm definitely going to get told off for letting her but I couldn't help it.

"babe,babe. Wake up"I shake her gently.

"Are we back at the flat?"

"yep"I get all the bags out the car while sophie carries the puppy in.

I walk in first with sophie slowly behind me as she's still sleepy.

"Brook!"I call walking into our room.

"yes"he takes off his head phones.

"I'm sorry but your sisters just too good at convincing people"I put the bags down laughing at Brooks confused face.

"what do you mean Andy?"as soon as he says that sophie walks in.

"Andy! You let her buy a puppy"

"I'm sorry"I laugh.

"Andy bought it"Sophie adds.

"you bought it for her"


"oh my God Andy!"he laughs this time and goes over to stroke her.

"what's it's name?"Rye asks.

"she doesn't have a name yet"the boys all go back to their bunks,me and sophie take the puppy upto my bunk.

"let's all think of some"

We sit in silence for ages thinking of names for her,non of us thinking about googling it. I get up and go into one of the bags and get out a packet of hazelnuts,I turn around and as soon as I do sophie screams.

"what?"Brook asks looking at her.

"hazel,her name can be hazel!"she kisses hazel on the head.

"first you buy her the puppy then you give her an idea for her name"jack laughs.

"thank you Andy"she gives me a kiss when Ive climbed back upto my bed.

"your welcome..."I kiss back.

"ew get a room!"Rye shouts.

"your brother is sat right over here!"Brook shouts pointing at himself.

"to be honest Brook,I couldn't care less"

"well then"he puts his headphones on and goes back on his laptop.

Everyone puts on headphones and go on either their phone or laptop,me and sophie cuddle. I start to kiss her neck which makes her smirk.

"Andy,no. Not here"she giggles and moves her head so I can't get to her neck.

I kiss her lips passionatly then stroke hazel also kissing her head.

Ok I realised this was a bit boring but I have an idea for the future so I just have no idea about what to write in meantime...

Cheat//Andy FowlerWhere stories live. Discover now