Chapter 11

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Sophies pov.

A few weeks later

Wheres hazel you may be asking,shes fine. She was here through all the drama and was never alone for more than a few hours,I gave her lots of cuddles and once again so did mikey. He's actually obsessed with her.

Me and Andy are better than ever,me and Brook are still as close as ever and I'm still really enjoying being here but today im leaving the boys because me and my friend libby are going out. Remember her,the one who gave me relationship advice well her and her boyfriend broke up so I'm going over to hers. We haven't seen or hung out in so long,she asked me to come over and I couldnt say no.

I'm currently packing my bag waiting for her to pick me up,I'm super excited for this!

"BEEP"I hear coming from outside.

I stood up,kissed Andy goodbye and shouted it at the other boys. I run out and hop into her car,when I'm in my stomach grumbles. I've eaten just as much as I normally would but recently I've been hungry for more and I have no idea why.

"you eaten"she looks at me strangley.


"oh and your still hungry"

"I guess so yeah"

"maybe your pregnant!"she laughs jokingly.

"no,I'm definitely not"I laugh as well.

She starts driving to hers,we're going to have the best time! When we arrive her puppy molly jumps up at me.

"hey molly"I pick up her year old pug.

"she's missed you"me and libby used to hang out all the time.

"I missed her as well"

"I should have brought hazel"


"my puppy"

"wait! You have a puppy?"

"yep"I laugh.

We decide to go pick her up from the flat,we drive all the way back there. I jump out,walk upto to it and knock on the door as they've locked it.

"hey sophie,how come you're back?"mikey greets me.

"I came to steal my dog"I walk in and pick up hazel.

"mikey,can you carry her things please"

"yes madam"he bows picking up all of hazels things and carrying them out to the car.

"thank you mikey"I hug him then he walks back upto the flat.

I show libby hazel and she instantly falls in love with her,hazel settles down in my lap and falls asleep.

*back at libbys house*

Hazel and molly have just met and they seem like best friends already,they are playing with each others toys and play fighting. Which is the cutest thing ever!

I haven't talked to any of the boys the whole time I've been here and honestly it's nice,their so reckless and annoying but I love them. I do really miss Andy though,I miss hugging him,I miss kissing him and I just miss being in his presence.

Jacks pov.

The whole night Andy has been laughing and smiling at his phone,like he does when he's with sophie but sophie said that she wasn't going to text us at all. Unless,that was excluding Andy but when sophie says something like that she means it.


"yeah mate"

"who ya talking to?"

"oh erm just sophie"he smiles again.

He turns over hiding his phone,he's hiding something and I'm going to find out what that is. I'm determined!

This is soooo short but I have a great next chapter! This was just a filler really.

Cheat//Andy FowlerWhere stories live. Discover now